Everything posted by =Enigma=
Are these Panasports?
They look like clones to me. Note that the spokes are much larger and are impacted by the mounting holes. You don't see that on any of the Panasports.
1st time poster with a questions
Perhaps I'm a bit naive but I took this post as a legitimate attempt to gauge interest in clean rust free cars from the west coast from someone in the business of identifying a market niche and filling a need. Perhaps I'm not as jaded as the rest of you when it come to site spammers. Not to pick on you Zak, but when I read your post I immediately sensed hostility and sarcasm on your part. Not malicious but certainly not innocent either. Hopefully this will not drive this guy away thinking we are all a bunch of assholes like you find in so many of the other enthusiast sites out there. If in fact he is legeit and can help one or more of you find some decent cars at a fair market price, that would be a real shame. I can also attest that there are quite a few clean, rust free or fairly rust free Zs here in Cali selling at reasonable prices. Hundred, I'm not so sure about that but like Moonpu pointed out, he said he "could find" not "did find" or "have on hand". Perhaps if you see a post that you think is spam, the best thing to do is ignore it and let the more emotional posters ferret it out. Oh wait! That's what's going on isn't it. ROFL
Nice! - New Custom Rear Transverse Link
Anyone seen these yet? Man if I could only justify spending the $$$$$ for a set of those.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160024756601
eBay filter
Back in the day when I did web site promotion, one of the things I did was building targeted keyword pages to feed the search engine spiders. I always included versions of commonly misspelled words and typos to garner more hits and higher search returns. Worked like charm.
Reproduction JDM headlight covers with trim
Wow that really sucks Will. I wonder if the bastards ever had any intention of making the molds or if they were just scamming you and others the whole time. What a shame. Get that dusty pile of parts put together and rolling down the highway. I look forward to seeing it completed. I think we can all wait on the reproductions, and thanks for the making the effort to offer these parts to the community. Cheers!
Rear speaker boxes
I have a circular perforated area above the towers as well. I assumed that they were for the vents. As for speakers, the PO cut holes in the doors as well as the rear side panels and put in some ultra cheapo(even for the 70-80's) speakers.
Anybody up for a new Z shirt? PART TWO!
Forgive Tomohawk, he isn't the sharpest tack in the drawer. Just kidding Tomohawk I agree with Jer-Bear, the text is is un-needed, although 240Z might be a nice addition.
280ZX distributor mount needed!
I didn't find any suitable mounts on my trip to the JY. Sorry man.
ZX Dizzy Connections
I had a problem starting mine as well. It turned out that I had the C(coil) wire on the wrong side of the coil. Glad I didn't fry anything in the process.
Picked up the Z today
Those wheels are damn sharp lookin'. Great choice of music too. You can't go wrong with the Zepplin. Good luck with your project. I'm sure it will bring you years of enjoyment. Much better than your typical ricer with lots more character.
Reproduction JDM headlight covers with trim
Well it's been a one and half years since the last post. What ever happened here Will. Did you finaly give decide this was too difficult or costly or do I still have a chance at a set of these?
Does my 1973 have an electric fuel pump?
Some do and some don't. In most cases, I think they were added later as one part of a possible 3 part fix for vapor lock issues the 73 cars experienced as a result of the change to the so called "emission" carbs commonly referred to as flat tops. Mine has one and it is mounted on the left side just in front of the fuel tank.
My name is Brian and I am a Zzzholic
That's right. That is where I saw it. There was a thread on here somewhere that wes linked to the the auction and quite a bit of discussion on it. Perhaps you saw it? I still can't find it.
My name is Brian and I am a Zzzholic
Hey I recognize that car. Someone posted pictures of that a while back on here. Perhaps the guy you bought it from. Is that pic taken in his drive or yours? His I think. Anyway, congrats on your new obcession. You are in good company..
what would you like to see in a new S30 bodykit?
Hey nice sketches. I wish I could draw but it has never been my thing. I liked LaBelle the best as it still has the "classic" Z look, although I like the one with box flares as well. I have loved that look since I first saw a Ford Capri done up with box flares roughly 25yrs ago.
Rear end gear ratio, and differential identification
Actually I believe the 79s still had R180s except for the 2+2. In 1980 they all went to R200s. Telling an R200 from an R180 is the easy part. They simply look different from the outside. The R180 has a rectangular shape and rear cover, then the R200 is more round and as such has a cover that appears more rounded than the R180. As Lance said baove, assuming that the cars are all stock and the diff and tranny have not been previously swapped for something else, checking the color of the speedo gears would certainly be quicker that dropping the diff and cracking the cover. If a swap of either the diff or tranny was done at some point in the past, you have no way of knowing for sure without either cracking the diff cover open, or doing the spin/count method which can sometimes be difficult in a junkyard due to brakes freezing up. Here's how the latter works according to Ross Corrigan , IZCC #255: This will work with only one wheel off the ground. http://zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/WhatRearEndRatio.htm If both wheels are off the ground use this method: Jack up the rear end of the car supporting it on jack stands and make sure that the tranny is in neutral. Next, wrap a cable tie around the driveshaft and cut the excess to a reasonable length to act as a pointer. You could also just use chalk but I don't keep chalk around the house so....... Point the pointer or mark straight up or straight down at either the 12:00 or 6:00 o'clock position. Place a mark on a tire at either the 12:00 or 6:00 o'clock position. Now, turn the wheel exactly 1 revolution and count how many times the driveshaft turns noting the position of the cable tie pointer. If the cable tie made 3 revolutions and is at roughly the 3 o'clock position the ratio is 3.364 as in: 3 revs and ~3 o'clock - 3.364 3 revs and ~6 o'clock = 3.545 3 rev and ~9 o'clock = 3.70 3 revs and ~11 o'clock = 3.90 4 revs and ~1 o'clock = 4.11 It's not 100% accurate but it should get you close if done carefully. . . .
Important Grounding Points
Just go to your local auto parts store and buy it by the foot in the length you want. As stated, extremely high strand wire like you mentioned is definietly overkill for this purpose. If you're really committed to this, go through all the existing connection and clean them up first. You may not need to do anything more than that. If after that you still feel the need, go on eBay and buy one of those snakeoil grounding kits and help support a ricer.
Picked up the Z today
Hey congrats on your new money pit...ummm I mean toy...errr..car. Get that shifter or whatever it is that's broken and drive that beast! Just don't abuse her or she'll sting you back where it hurts.
Previous-Owner Dumbassery...
Yeah, it's the dumb, thick, aluminim plate under the fuel filler neck. I'll get to it one day. I'm just afraid of what I might find under there. I can only think of one good reason for it to be there....rust....but there is no evidence of that there or anywhere else one the car. And I'm always wearing flip-flops and shorts cause the weather is so mild here. In fact I only own a few pants and more than a dozen shorts. Don't hate the player......
A cool idea....
ROFL ROFL Now there's a productive ideer!
Previous-Owner Dumbassery...
Does this qualify as PO dumbassery? Not sure why it's there yet...... . .
Smart car
The Smart cars were the most prevelant cars on my recent trip to Rome. They were everywhere and there were at least 4 different models that I saw.
Using flange bolts with lockwashers
Interesting reading. Based on that I think I'll just stick with the flanged bolts w/o washers where possible and deal with any paint damage as I go along.
lookin for Enkei 92
Man those gold centers would sure look nice my with my brown metalic paint.
280ZX distributor mount needed!
I'll be going to the local JY this weekend to look for a 280Z moustache bar and grab a 3:90 diff. There was a couple 280ZX's there last weekend. I grabbed the whole engine and tranny from a 10/80 280ZX 2+2 but I need the dizzy and mount on that one. I think one of the others had the mount on it but no dizzy. PM me on Friday evening if you are still looking an I will check to see if it's still there.