Everything posted by 240znz
Great deal on 240 & early 260Z Tokico illuminas with springs Brand new! (Ebay)
Gav, did you get a reply at last?
Hot weather causes poor engine performance?
I haven't experienced it first hand but do a search using "vapour lock" and you'll find heaps on the subject. Trace the fuel line from the fuel pump to the carbs then back and you'll see that it passes around the rocker cover. Fuel can vapourise in the lines therfore stopping the carbs from functioning (carbs like liquid fuel not as a gas). Fixes are various but maybe start by insulating the fuel rail. There are negatives to that though, such as once heat is in there it is harder to get out? So do a search in the forums and you'll get to read all about it. Lots of opinions on why and how to rectify. Good luck.
Hot weather causes poor engine performance?
Have you looked into the possibility that you have vapour lock?
How Fast Is Fast To You?
Yep, it was incredibly loud at that speed in the 348 with the targa off. I also wondered why they bothered to fit a CD in the thing, no chance of hearing it even at very low speed. Anyway, I would like to meet anyone who would be sick of listen to a 3.4litre dry sumped V8 screaming upwards of 8500rpm. It didn't push me back the seat like I was expecting, what did amaze me was the little time it took to get to 100mph. The rev counter didn't seem to slow down in any gear, it just moved up at a constant rate, no evil power surges just nice and wholesome. But when we got back from our 1/2 hour blast the thing sure did make some noise when it was cooling down. Aluminium tinks and donks alot more than I thought it would. But we really shouldn't have been moving at that speed on a A road. Even on a UK motorway, 145mph would be scary. On an A road it was a little terrifying, but it did feel as though it was on rails. But I didn't like to dwell on the thought of what would happen if the thing lost traction.....Ferrari's don't like hitting things. I don't speed anymore, the fines are too big and your outlook DOES change once you have kids somewhat. So, do it on the track is good advise well worth listening to.
Members close to the throne (the British one...not "the john" or "the dunny"), would be raising wooden crosses at you for even remotely thinking they pronouce Z as Zee. There are some very humourous threads about the so called "bastardisation" of the "Queens English". The Brits have resisted two world wars, the Euro, monetary union with the EU and there would be civil war if they started to change the "Queens English". There was an uproar when they changed from pounds and ounces to kg's only 4 years ago. New Zealand as a former dominion, along with other countries such as Australia, have very successfully "adapted" the Queens English into something a little less rigid. But we obviously didn't seem to give a toss about changing the pronouciation of the last letter of the alphabet. How our septic tank "zee" pronounciators got to "Zee" is anyones guess, maybe a mix of your change in culture over the years...does anyone actually know why it is and also why you seem to drop all the u's out of your words and rearrange r's and e's ie meter and metre? Maybe another fact finding mission for a thread? Here in New Zealand we converted to the "French" metric scheme a long time ago. But it is still possible to frequent "the boozer" and ask for "a twelve" of your chosen brew or use a "seven" to pour jug (1 litre) of beer into. These are still in ounces, so 12oz or 7, but you just have to say 12 or 7. We too like the Aussie's have 750ml bottles of beer but they are now less popular with the 333ml "stubby" becoming the default. Anyway, I'm with Alphadog, BMW Zee 3? Just doesn't do it for me either!
One for the purists!
Is that your new colour scheme Gav? I really like the roo poo catcher as well.
Yep, I knew them as 24ounce's as well. 24oz. I tried to get that as a rego plate but it was one too many digits....Got 71 240Z instead. Funny that you didn't notice my signature...a little light heartedness guys.
How Fast Is Fast To You?
Holy crap....189mph in a Z06...what is a Z06? I've been 145mph in a Ferrari 348TS with the targa's off and over 500mph in a aeroplane. How fast have you been in a zed?
240Z with 502 big block
We also need to be a little more lighter in our replies to everyone, not just to "purists" or "new people" or " been around for a bit but still not too sure" or "I like the look of those, can I make a comment without getting my head bitten off". I have been flamed before on here (lucky if you haven't) by a member and it really was about nothing. I got my gander up about an issue that I really couldn't care less about. What got me was that it wasn't anything to do with zeds. But yes as most of us are persons of the so to speak "free world" you can do as you want...say what you like yes. You have posted a great thread in the correct section and still get pissed on. What has this place come to. I have great respect for those members who have in depth knowledge of these cars, but it is a shame when they have to fire shots. Does it serve any real purpose....yes it does. It just says to new members that maybe they can't be bothered contributing to a open, free and generally informative forum. What a sad place this will be if that happens. But what is more concerning is that the people who type these flames I think really don't mean half of what they say. Some are just plain angry for some reason or an other or so it sometimes seems sometimes. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here, just what I feel that I have to say. Yes you have the right to not contribute, many have done just that. Yes you have the right to flame me with all you got. I will listen to you. I have lots of time to. So, I'd love a blast in that beast down the 1/4 mile. Do you think they'll bring it over to ruapuna drag strip in New Zealand sometime soon :laugh: Thanks for posting it and thanks for keeping this site for whom it is intended, zed lovers from every niche there is. Lets all try to make this place a better site than others. It just starts with us...no one else. Happy happy joy joy!
240z vs 280z
Maybe I should have used "a little slower" rather than a "slug". Top end speed maybe the same but the acceleration is down when compared to the series 1. I think from memory that the series 1 held the fastest 0-60 time until the 280ZXT came out. So the early zeds do get there just a little faster mainly due to weight reduction. The series 1 weighs 2200lbs. But in terms of engine drivability, the EFI of the 280z is a winner. Just think, no more horrid cold starts in winter. Just turn the key and varoom. Remember that carbs are tuned to the atmospheric conditions at the time of tuning. EFI will automatically adjust itself via the O2 sensor and ECU for density of air...perfect! Just shop around for the best one you can get.
240Z with 502 big block
240z vs 280z
The 280 is a slug compared to the 240z. Series 1 240's were the lightest but rust the most and crumple the best when smashed. 280z is a heap heavier and emissions choke the engine. 240z will gun down a 280z and handle better. As for which is the best one. Well, try doing a search here. Both have merits. But the early 240z's are becoming hard to find and therefore maybe more expensive to purchase. You need to decide what you want to do with your car, do you want an all out grunt machine or a sweet original zed? If grunt is what you want then maybe a 280z body with a turbo'd L28 or RB26 conversion or V8 conversion is for you (280 as more metal in chassis when compared to 240z). Maybe get a 260z, some people consider them to be the rarest as they we only in production for a very short time. It's up to you, but you are on the right track in asking these questions. Try using the search function and you will be hit will a load of info. Sift through the dribble and you will find what you're after, be prepared to sift quite a bit though, there is heaps in there. Visit as many websites that you can handle to get "the big picture" on these sweet cars. The bug is very catching....you have been warned. As always, the above is just my opinion and if I am wrong in any of what I have written or affended anyone then please correct me nicely and help this guy out with his quest. Cheers and love to all.
Gunmetal or silver Rewinds on a yellow car?
I'd have to say don't go gunmetal. But I have seen a photoshopped image that Gav240Z has done that makes Watanbe's look wicked with just a slight hint of gun metal. Have a look in his gallery, I think they are in there. See if you like them that colour. I'm all for a slight difference in colour to make them look half track & half road. But it is your wallet!
Whats your cars theme??
No theme for me, just a bare metal up "life saving" resto for it. However, there are a heap of after market goodies to place here and there to enable a better feel to the car, all of which will be invisible to the non-Zed addict. No wicked mags or super scoops/whale tails here. It will look standard apart from the rear tail which I will remove and the new front airdam. Everything else external will be as made. So after I have emptied my wallet, if I win the lottery I will start on the L28 build up...a very big maybe. The CFO is fierce!
Can you ID these rims?
Not too sure what weight you should expect when comparing Mag with Ali. But at a guess maybe 30-40%, only a guess. Real Mags = $$$$ Most wheels have identifiers on the inside of the rim. So really you need to wait to pull them off to be 100% right. There could also be a series of numbered rings that denote the production date. All that could help you out. But from what DatsunZGuy posted, you might be onto it already. Try to find an email address of someone on that site and fire away.
Home Powder Coating Kits
Might also be cheaper and a hell of a lot less hassle to take what you need to the powder coaters. Chances are they'll do a better job than you can with your "home kit". Hell, if you are doing a heap of zeds then maybe it would be worth the capital expenditure on building/buying an oven, the kits etc, but surely not for a one off resto project!
Can you ID these rims?
Whip one off and look closely for any distinct markings. There should be something there that was placed at the time it was poured. Also a good time to weigh them to confirm if they really are magnesium. Nice if they were!
Engine Stand Plans anyone?
Cheers Fred, That looks just what I'm after and I like the idea it mounting on the side. Cheers
That is some good spray painter you found there and also tribute to a good body guy to get it so damn straight. 10 + 10
Engine Stand Plans anyone?
Sweet, cheers Mike, I'll have a gander. Yep, I'm in New Zealand so the freight would be frightening. OK, so how much does a L24 engine with head weigh?
Engine Stand Plans anyone?
I need to build a engine stand for my L24. Has anyone got a set of plans of what I need to weld up? Cheers
Right Click gone?
Just ask nicely in a PM to the member whose gallery you found it in. He or she might email it to you. Most people don't mind. Just some, but that's OK too.
Changing original paint color - Bad idea?
Heh guys, I am in the process of stripping my car back to bare metal and starting again with a different colour. Yes the process is expensive but what you have after it is all done is a fab car that YOU KNOW HAS BEEN THROUGH THE WRINGER in terms of doing it right. As for the colour, here in New Zealand every new vehicle has its colour recorded on the national register held by the government department. Right or wrong, anyone can simply write down the rego number (license plate #), pop down to the post office, cough up some ID and $3.50 and you'll get a history of the car, including VIN, colour, current owner and his or her address. So when you come to purchase a car, you can check that it is "what the seller says it is" over the phone by asking them to confirm the VIN and colour back to you. Good eh! My 240 has been recorded as having the colour red. It is not red but a weird shade of burgandy of some sorts. I have not been able to find any Datsun reference to it (the paint code sticker on the rad has been painted over when the rad was re-cored). In pulling this car to bits it is obvious that it has never been re-sprayed. So I'm guessing that the bloke who did the original paper work was either lazy, colour blind or was hung over. The colour isn't bad but I believe that red is the fastest colour. So I'll be going for Holden HSV red which for all you NZ and AU guys that is the evil red that all the clubsports are painted in these days...yum yum yum. So if you do it right, pick a nice colour that isn't too out there, take plenty of pictures to prove that the car was taken back to bare metal and also show all the repairs on photos, then I feel that you'll be in good shape to recoup some of the massive dollars that you would have spent getting there in the first place.
Changing original paint color - Bad idea?
I depends on the buyer. But I would expect the re-sprayed one to be a little less but not hugely. In some cases you can increase the value. I'm not too sure how many people are fond of the shite brown colour. If you were to paint it an different Datsun colour that was available in the zed period then you could enhance your chances. I for one couldn't care less. I'm not a purist, so the colour isn't an issue. What I am more concerned about is the reason why is was painted a different colour and also what is it possibly hiding.
fiberglass alternative?
Yes, fibreglass is weight saving if you make it thin enough. But with thin comes flexing and with flexing comes ugly lines and horrible paint job. Just buy the fenders from Tabco (if they do them) or your local Nissan dealer if you can. As for a change in handling, I doubt you would see much if any difference. As above, if you go for fibreglass, chances are that it will be just as heavy if not heavier than steel. The best thing you can do to help your handling is to install a spoiler up front to keep the nose down at speed. For better handling look at shocks, springs, sway bar upgrade and bushes. Then rubber upgrade and never forget about the brake upgrade to. Stick to steel. They made them that way for a reason. However, if you really want light them go Carbon Fibre