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Everything posted by 240znz

  1. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    My rear hatch deck is rusted to the point of no return. I need a new panel. I am ever hopefull that I will be able to buy on off the shelf somewhere on this planet, but I am equally resolved in knowing that I might be pushing that stuff up hill in asking. Since this is a very common rust point on all early Zed's, is there a source for replacement panels??? Or am I better off getting one made from scratch? Thanks
  2. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Directly behind both seats in my 71 240Z are two brackets. They have a threaded hole in the centre. They are located half way up on the vertical panel before the top lip of the rear deck. What are they for???? Got me stumped! Cheers
  3. 240znz replied to CZCar's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Cameron, They do appear from time to time, but finding one in good nick for low $ will be a challenge. Keep looking on the trade and exchange website. They appear in there on a regular basis. Beware that you will see some ads for a 280Z. Actually these are more likely to be 280ZX's so ask them the year and model number to make sure you don't waste your time Good luck and take your time.....lots of it.
  4. 240znz replied to Rogersz's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    I picked up a 1996 edition of NZ Classic Car yesterday at a classic car show here in Christchurch, NZ. Front cover features a 240Z. 6 page review of a restored 72 240Z. If you want a photocopy, then PM me and I'll send you one. By the way....no 240Z/260z/280z's at all. No Z's at all. Mainly full of US and UK cars. Had a Fiat Dino though....yum yum... Ferrari 2 litre V6...triple IDA's...260BHP...yum yum. Maybe next year there will be a 240Z there...maybe mine. There were 2 1200 coupe's in the car part thought...just got to love the jet-fighter rear quarter air intakes...classic Dastun (Yes I did used to have one a long long time ago, less rust than my 240Z).
  5. Steve, The interior is black. Has 5 speed. Original colour from what I can tell is a metalic burgandy. The rad has been recored and the paint code sticker has long gone. Any ideas as to it's original colour? Wouldn't mind knowing. Cheers
  6. Steve, HS30-00352 L24021447. Year is 71 but it was imported to NZ from Aussie in 74. Cheers
  7. Cheers Steve, Yes...I need to keep it going as it will be our 2nd car and I just love the smile it puts on my face. Went for a blast around the Port Hills here in Christchurch (actually an extinct volcano) with a summit road that runs half way around the top. Just the ticket for a Sunday blast. Lots of tight corners and ups and downs....yum yum. Used to be my favourite motorcycle route when I had my RGV. Anyway...I have given myself 2 years to get it to what I consider good. Here's wishing me luck...I'm goin to need it.
  8. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Managed to break off the metal arm on the door handle that attaches to the door lock rod. Either I need a new handle or maybe someone can let me know if they have made a suitable fix If anyone has a spare handle that they want to part with, let me know:love:
  9. Thanks Steve, Yes the silicon is an off white colour. I guess it must be the original factory applied sealant as you have pointed out. Under the tar covering, the metal is a red oxide colour (I guess this is the factory rust protection). The white sealant is near the front and rear mounts for the seats as well. That makes me feel a little better now as I was beginning to think that the previous owner had made a botch job of a repair there. I know that I have rust in this car but I've stopped poking around with my screw driver as I need to keep it on the road. What I have found I will fix for now then I'll get the screwdriver out again. The lucky thing is that I haven't found any rust in the chassis rails...yet! This car has been left out in the rain for some time and is showing all the signs of it.
  10. 240znz replied to white94cam's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I insured mine under a Classic Car policy here in New Zealand. Full comprehensive with a low excess. Only $113 NZ a year. That's about $70 US. The insurance is void if I do over 5000 km's a year.....not too bad eh? So your options are. 1. Pay the money 2. Sell the car 3. Move to NZ and enjoy a cheap insurance (yes I am over 30, married with 2 kids, morgage and haven't had an accident in 5 years, had a license for 18 years). If you do take up option 3, then let me know so you can pick up some parts for us parts deprived NZers. In tongue and cheek......
  11. Thanks all, It's pouring outside and is forcast to do so for the next 5 days.....and some are having a heatwave!!!!!...geez. So I won't be trying to find the leak until it fines up somewhat. One thing that I do know is that I have a rust hole in the sill that could be letting in water. Maybe it is running in along that seam. I don't have any jute underlay. I have removed all the factory tar paper/sealant stuff. Came off real easy with a large blunt screwdriver and as a result a blister in the middle of my palm. I'm thinking that the surface rust made it easier to remove. There is a large amount of white silicon sealant around the left hand corner where the firewall meets the floor and left hand panel. I'm sure that silicon wasn't around in 1971 and that means that someone might have tried to stop this before me to what success??? My heater doesn't work so I'll pull that apart and at the same time open up the air-vent grill and have a poke around to see what I can see. Odds are that I will find rust.
  12. After washing my Zed, I find that I have a pool of water in the passenger footwell. Tracing it is fast becoming a major PITA. It's not the heater core as I have bypassed that at the block It's not a leak in the winscreen rubber as I have run silicon along it. The only thing I can think of is maybe water is coming in from the airvent grill between the bonnet and windscreen. I've had a look up under the footwell and noticed a right angle rubber hose which could be a drain from the airvent? Is this what it is? No water is coming from that though. Any ideas/thoughts??? Cheers
  13. 240znz replied to mdbrandy's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Same as what I am finding. Tonight I have removed all the tar covering on the passenger floor pan. You want to see the rust there. Also poked around under the passenger wheel arch and found a bubble in the chassis rail. Managed to push a screw driver through that....oh my God. I've found waht looks like to be white silicon sealer under the tar. Didn't know if that was around in 71...probably not....so this means that I might have a botch job on my hands.....yikes. Still...........it is better to have the heart attach now and not after the thing has caused a accident.
  14. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The rust starts on the drivers side threshold (what is it called?). As this car has been left outside, the water has run off the roof down the drivers door hinge area and sat under the threshold aluminium plate. It worked its way along under this and also under the door rubber and rusted out most of the seam. Doesn't look like a major job. I'll cut the metal out and weld in a fix. Other side also has a few spots but nothing right through. Ground out the rust today and applied a rust killer. Tomorrow will see the wire wheel out again to grind away the killer and apply more if I can't see shiny metal. Drivers side dogleg is shot...big rust bubble....yikes.....still smiling though....double yikes. The rear hatch panel is the same paint as the rest of the car. The paint is shot and needs a new spray. The orginal radiator has been replaced so I haven't got the colour indicator. However, the paint is the same everywhere so it must be the original colour. Have found some rust on the passenger floor pan. Not al the way through but there. I washed it and found that water has entered down the back of the firewall (I think). So either a leak in the screen/heater/hole in firewall from vented panel......only a pull apart will sort that. Can't upload pics on my PC yet...damn USB port is a pita. But I can tell that the engine plate and numbers match.
  15. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    After 3 weeks of driving...here is the update. Can't stop driving it...but I can now as I have found where the ugly rust monster has been hiding. So some serious work ahead with the wire wheel and the rust killer. I knew it was there but was a little suprised just how much. Typical places like rear hatch/ sills. The list is huge of things to do but that is what you expect when you but a car that has been unloved for some 10 years. Tried to cut and polish it and the first cutter (Re-po Extra Cut) wouldn't touch it. Ended up with some 1200 wet and dry and gave it a very light sand to cut through the crap. The colour underneath is a metalic burgandy. Nice. Polished the wheels.....came up a million bucks. Have a clunking diff. Not too sure if it is just worn bushes (they look very perished) or the diff itself. That will have to wait as it is well done the list. What I must say it how suprised I am with the performance of the engine. It just keeps pulling. Third gear is a dream with it just not showing any signs of struggle. Fourth is the same but it jumps out of 5th with the gas on. However, if I cruise in 5th it's OK, only if I floor it will it jump out. So all in all, after 3 weeks......the fever is down but the excitment is not. Viva la ZED.
  16. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Any ideas about the sway bars???
  17. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    My 71 240 has front and rear sway bars. Were these standard on the early models. Also, how do you tell the difference between a R180 and a R200 by looking at the rear face plate???? Mine clunks a bit, wonder what is causing that?
  18. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Interior
    Thanks Zedrally...yes I am happy as hell to have it...at last. Not without some work mind you but that was realised once I had had a good look at it, so I kno wwhat I'm in for. As for the hand throttle.....what a classic. Yes we have enough straight roads in New Zealand to use it. I tried using it when I drove it home but it didn't do anything. I'll add it to the list (ever expanding) of things to do/sort/fit/swear at. Cheers.
  19. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Interior
    Say what?????? A hand throttle? What is that for? Are you soposed to adjust it for idle or something??? Still got me stumped?
  20. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Interior
    First post on my Zed. There are two levers that are in the console in my 71 240Z. The left hand one is the choke (has typical butterfly symbol) but the lever on the right has got me stumped. It is a symbol that I can best describe as a butterfly in a venturi with three what looks like squirts of some thing at the bottom of the venturi. My Haynes manual turns up on Friday but its bugging me. Any ideas:cross-eye
  21. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Interior
    First post on my Zed. Attached is a photo of the two levers that are in the console in my 71 240Z. The left hand one is the choke (has typical butterfly symbol) but the lever on the right has got me stumped. It is a symbol that I can best describe as a butterfly in a venturi with three what looks like squirts of some thing at the bottom of the venturi. My Haynes manual turns up on Friday but its bugging me. Cheers.
  22. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    HS30 00352 is MINE. It has some need of repair with regard to rust/heater not working/clunking diff/5 gear popping out when you put on the power/ no dash lights. What a drive home. The torque! Going up a steep hill in 4 and pulled away from 2000rpm like the hill was a pimple. Got to love the engine. L24 with sahved E88 and lumpy cam (not sure what lift of duration is, but all hel;l breaks loose at 4500rpm to 6500. Idle is rough. Seems as though the accelerator is ON/OFF. Thi smight be due to a sticky cable or just the cam. Thanks for all your help and advice. A very happy........
  23. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Thanks guys for the info. Yes I have the digital camera all ready to go. Stay tuned for some pics on..... A) It is a piece of crap due to these rusty pictures. or..... Look at the sweet thang I've got. I hope it's B. Cheers,
  24. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Just had an important thought. Where in the interior is the VIN number stamped? I guess this is the only way on confirm if the body matches the engine bay plate. If off in 12 hours so if please reply as soon as you can. Cheers,
  25. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'm also toying with the idea of driving it back 600miles to home. If I were to do this, I think that a new fuel filter and oil filter would be a wise investment...what else should I think about doing or should I just get it put on a transporter????

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