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Everything posted by 240znz

  1. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The engine has been rebuilt. This done some 4 years ago when the head was changed. Since then the car has only ticked over 120miles and that explains why the enigine paint is still gleaming. This does make me a little taken a back. Why would you go to all the trouble of rebuilding a engine, change the head and then only drive it for 120 miles...some more stories to had here I suspect. Good news is that I checked out the car at the post office. Crazy law in this country lets you find out the current resistered owners name, address, the vehicles VIN, when the resistration expires and how many owners its had...all that for 90pence/$US1.00/$AUS1.80....magic. The document states that the VIN is indeed HS30-00352. Apart from the obvious rust trouble spots...what other things should a really look into?
  2. 240znz replied to tibZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Saying that tripple cards are unreliable is not really true. You may have some setting up to do but once setup right they will provide you with some extra flow as long as you have done some addition mods. If you are buying a car that is local to you then your problems should be small if any. If it is a car from a different sea level then you will need to paly around with jetting and aircorrection/emulsion tubes. The best for thing in that case is to seek help from someone who knows how to tune tripples. The best way to do this is on a dyno. However, tripples only really come into thier own if other mods have been done, IMHO. Shoving 40mm throats on will give you more flow but without a cam and headers, you might just want to stick to the excellent original SU's. Many a Zed has gone very quick by use of the SU, so don't be too hastie to change. There are sopme excellent pages on getting the most out of Zed without going to tripples. Keep surfing and check them out. The Datsun Garage is a good place to start. GHood luck.
  3. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Yes Ben, I agree with you that it LOOKS like it has very little rust, but I haven't seen this car in the flesh....so it will be interesting to see what it looks like underneath and the rails.
  4. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Thanks for the encouraging news guys. Yes the engine has afresh coat of paint. I'll ask him about that tomorrow. The vendor has indicated that the rust spot on the drivers side sill could be quite big. How strutural is that part of the unibody? There is also some rust directly behind the drivers door but in front of the rear wheel arch. From memory I have seen some posts on replacing this part but I remember that a patch had to made from scratch...any ideas? When the head was removed (due to water leak), the head was replaced with a E88 of a 260. Maybe the rocker cover was also used...might be in luck to get the original cover. He replaced it with a mild cam grind, so it should be a little shifter. This does make me a little dubious as it could have been screwed. Dash has two cracks in it. Console has been recovered some time ago. Carpet is shot. So all in all, it sounds like a fair example of a early Zed....... The fever...oh the fever....it's about to be abated.
  5. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    other side of engine bay
  6. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
  7. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well here are some pics of the mnoey pit. Not too sure if the early models had the plastic overriders on the bumpers (if that is what they are called). Also it has a 5 speed badge on the rear. Not too sure if it has a 4 or not. Looks like the E31 is also included (has a water leak)...not too sure what is wrong with that. It has a E88 on it now. Take a look at the rocker cover. I think it should be "Datsun" and not "Nissan-OHC"...any ideas. Anyway....booking a flight tomorrow for Carlos county....yikes. There is a little rust that I can see on the drivers side sill. Hopefully a easy repair. Your thoughts? James
  8. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Not too sure which head has been put on but I'm not really concerned as I'm not going to go the full hog as to regard to restoring it. If I get it I'll use it for a 2nd car and slowly build up a L28 with some handling and stopping upgrades on the way. That will just start the money pit filling up I'm sure but that is not the reason I'm buying one, just need one really, and while the wife is on holiday in the UK I'd better get it eh. Anyone got any good excuses???? But thanks for info.
  9. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    thanks guys for the quick replies. turns out that it was imported from Australia in 74 into NZ. unfortunately the E31 head has been replaced as it cracked (or something), but the rest sounds like original...... I'll keep you posted.
  10. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Alan....I tried sending you a PM but you mail box is full...tried a email but you haven't taken up that option....hence this post. Anyone else has some ideas then please feel free to add your thoughts. Looking at buying a 69 240Z. Yes it has the hatch grills and the 240Z on the B pillar...might be onto a early one here....RUST RUST RUST. Onl;y problem is that I am a little confused about the model no's supplied by the vendor. The model is HS00352. I thought that it should be HS30-0352. Not too sure where to look next. Can you help. I need to know pretty quick as I need to book a flight to view this car and I need to be quick. Cheers,
  11. 240znz replied to GTZZZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I have to agree with you beandip. The front is a pig. I must say that the side and rear veiws are now yummy in my book as time has gone on. There is a 350z in bronze at the local Nissan showroom here in Christchurch, New Zealand...only problem is that there is a Ducati 748 in the window across the street. This makes it very hard for me to go and view either as I would be run-over trying to decide which to visit first.....some people have it good down here. So...if only they'd sort of the front? Any aftermarket front ends yet???
  12. 240znz replied to santamaus's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Forgot to add... What state is the water pump in? What state is the rad in? You can easily change the rad to a 3 or four unit for extra cooling. Are you running coolant (anti-freeze) in your water. Make sure you do because it contains anti-corrosive agents that reduce aluminium corrosion in your head and water pump. It doesn't matter if you live in a "non freezing" area as anti-freeze also cools. Have fun lookin...
  13. 240znz replied to santamaus's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Has the cowling been removed? Have you considered moving to an electric fan. The mechanical fan sucks horsepower from the engine to operate, and the electric will come on at the preset temp. Food for thought......
  14. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    All, The vendor was to send pic's via email last week and the model number so I could post it here. Called him yesterday and it is sold. So thankyou for your help guys, but this time the car was not meant to be. It was probably a 280ZX anyway as you described above. Cheers for your help and let me know if any 240's in good nic come up in NZ. James.
  15. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Cheers Alan, It was advertised as a FairladyZ. The engine is an original L28 with FI. He has another car with there which is has a L20 FI in Auto. What I'm thinking of doing is the take as much off the L20 engine as I need for parts. Of course that will need to know if the FI gear fitted to the L20 is the same as the L28. I guess the injectors will be different and the AFM might be also......I need some help in finding this out...anyone else know where a good place to start is???? I haven't the VIN yet but I'll ask the chap today and let you know. Thanks for your help. James
  16. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Lookin at buying a 78 280Z. I'm not hofay with the 280's and my MSA manual is somewhere in the garage...different story there. It is a fuel injected, 5speed, R200, 14" and a set of 15"s, electric mirrors. How rare are these? How many of the 280 panels fit onto a 240? Is the wheel base longer? Is the FI a better option that to run carbs? What is the availability of FI components? If you change the cam to a stage 1, will a injector upgrade be necessary? The car also comes with a L20 engine and as many bits as I need from the old car. What heads were on the L20's historically. Sorry for all the questions but the car is in the North Island which is some 600 miles away and a 3 hour ferry journey....I'd rather find some info out before going to view it. Cheers guys and Gals.
  17. 240znz replied to 2ManyZs's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    I quite like the look of the Vinyl top. But it must be PITA when it comes to keeping it clean. We have some birds here that drop what seems to be 500 pounders so you'd have to keep the cleaners handy. Saying that, if it is in a garage most of the time then it should be in good nick. But moisture will get in if it is not well maintained. I still dream of my 1st Zed...one day, one day. Ho hum.
  18. They wouldn't last very long down here either. What not insert a few potato's up there to shut it up....hmmm that might not go down too well either. Just weld a plate over the whole thing. We have boy racers here who put little reed inserts in mufflers. They sound revolting. Nothing like the real sound of the enigine shining through is there. Just my 2 cents...
  19. A fully restored 240 here in NZ will set you back about 10K+ Yours being a rare model, for here (as far as I know) will put that price up in my book. Remember that it only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. Your resto guy might end up shovelling more that 10K to get it back to mint.....good luck. Another Z car owner in based in Auckland is Ivan. He will read this post more than likely and he might like to answer as to how much is it worth. Cheers all and Merry Xmas.
  20. Keith....I've ran out of those pills that keep the fever at bay. We are now settled and I'm on the hunt. PC I'm using is crap so I can't use "Chat" yet...new PC for Xmas please Santa. Ivan....I'll look at almost anything at this stage, you have to admit , I missed out on a honey there but it would have heaps to get it back to what I want. Heh...like anyone, I would pay fair market value for the right Zed. What range are we looking at. I saw a 240 in the TandE that was listed for 3K, not too sure if it was a runner though. Alan... as usual you have come up with the goods. Yes it sounds like it would have been a rare car to bring back to life...albeit a lot of work. I would hate to think what it would cost to replace those frame rails. Thanks guys......I'll keep a lookin:disappoin
  21. Driving along taking my son to Kindergarten I turned into a quiet street and caught a glimpse of a 240 roof line over a small fence. You know how sometimes you look around when your driving and something catches your eye...this is one of those times. This happened a week ago and I and after a 240 now I'm back in NZ and I went back for a real look today. Someone was at home so I walk in and chat to him. It is a 1977 240 body with a L20 injected motor with AC and 5 speed. Alan....do you know if this was a factory setup in 77 of is this a back yard beast? FairladyZ badges on rear and side of front guards ONLY. In red with iron cross wheels. It is in very bad rust mode with chassis rails just there and door skins are badly gone as is the front guards. But no rust on the firewall or under the battery....wow. Interior was..er..well...hmmm...in need of some serious help. Turns out he sold it 3 days ago to a restoration company with first refusal to buy it back once completed. The price....sitting down...you'll need to. 150 US dollars...yes you read it right....150 greenbacks. Weep...sob...crawl back to my car in tears.
  22. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    I guess you all are asleep......any ideas ?????
  23. 240znz posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Gidday all, Noticed a Zed in town yesterday with a G nose and I'm wondering what it could have been. It had Fairlady Z on the side front guard. It didn't have the two front guard mirror though Any ideas?
  24. Where abouts are you...US..UK????
  25. 240znz replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Why would you want to? If the answer is because you can.... then great...go empty your wallet. Triple side drafts are a proven mod and most likely a cheaper option. The standard SU will flow pretty well with different jets even with a standard L28. But if you have a wild L28 then get the bored by Rebello. Not sure how much they charge but might be worth a email query to them though. Stick with the obvious. Just my 2cents......:classic:

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