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Everything posted by 240znz

  1. 240znz replied to go z racer, go's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I did one worse with my Mini Copper once. I had just rebuilt the engine and got it running sweet. Drove it to work and parked it downhill. Tried to start it and just a wrah..wrah.wrah sound and the starter motor couldn't turn it anymore...scratch head...kick foot...scratch head. Pulled a spark plug and hit the starter solenoid...fuel shot out of the cylinder...did the same for the remaining 3 plugs. Turned out that the fuel gravity from the tank was enough to open the Weber needle valve and slowly but surely my new engine filled with fuel...yep sump and all...all those new oil seals...and remember that the gearbox sits directly underneath the crank so every bearing was now lubed with petrol. Sold that car 3 weeks later, lucky to someone who wanted a parts car...trashed. Never buy a Mini. They are bricks
  2. 240znz replied to erikgiles's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I had a Japanese imported 1200 coupe with those hideous front mirrors:sick: First thin gI did was remove them.. Yes...most Japanese cars have these types of mirrors if made there...as all the Japo imports into NZ have them. Don't do it...that paint is too good to mess up.
  3. 240znz replied to MDyer's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Also look at the seats out of a Mazda MX5. I think that they are called Miata's or something in the US.
  4. Look at what $4500 gets you. Nice http://www.geocities.com/stonehac/
  5. How much are they??? Pity they have to live under the car..they look too pretty to get covered in road gunck.
  6. 240znz replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    How very true. I once gave my Dad a book titled "A man needs a shed". It was full of guys who had somewhere to store...er...um....junk, crap, old files, nuts and bolts, engines, tractor parts etc. Some guys had farm barns stacked to the brim with absolute junk...but you know what...sacrifice the "shed" and that's it....divorce. My wife won't come near my garage...but here in "blighty" the garages are small so you can't swing a cat...so only big enough for a town car and BBQ...tiny. A man needs a shed.
  7. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in RACING
    Well..I'm planning on having the thing balanced anyway as I want to build a real solid base so if I want to mod the top end at a later date...I know that I don't have to mess with the short block at all.
  8. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in RACING
    A harmonic dampener does as it's called to your crank shaft. The stock Z just had a plan ol' bottom pully with slots for fan belt and other belts like A/C if fitted. Think about the initial shock that gets transmitted down the conrod to the crank the instant the burn takes place...this sends harmonics through your crank. Harmonics are in every crank but they do cause premature wear to bearings. The wear is not measurable but if you are spending thousands on a hot race engine, it would make sense to add a balancer of some description. For a DD...probably not required. Imagine hitting a steel rod with a hammer...it vibrates all over the shop. Now hit it again with your hand on one end and the vibration is dampened...get it. Most common balancers are rubber type (I think) but the really trick ones use a silicon goo type stuff....I'm just curious...it's probably only necessary if you're racing. I'm no authority on this. Does anyone know if one was made for the L6?
  9. 240znz posted a post in a topic in RACING
    Does anyone make a Fluid Harmonic Crank Damper for the L6? Anybody know????
  10. 240znz replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    What some people wil pay for...gezzzzzz...I wonder if it sold???
  11. Over bore means taking your block to the machine shop and they will take money off you for enlarging the cylinder bores by a fraction. The result also means that you will need to buy matching pistons and a ring set to fit the new diameter. Have you looked at doing the obvious??? Get a L28 block, fit a E88 head, mild cam, 6-2-1 or 6-1 header, 2 1/2" exhaust, EI, bigger jets for those great SU's and a ZX 5 speed box This is a very popular mod that many have tried and tested. Check out http://geocities.com/zgarage2001/engine.html In reply to one of your first questions. A FJ20 engine was a demon 4 cylinder 2000 16v engine that was in the early Skylines. They made two variations... a NA version and a EFI Turbo version....a very strong engine that can be easily modded up to give impressive HP. But if you are thinking of this type of engine...then you may be better off going for a RB donk. All in all...get a Z...drive it loads so you can get used to it and then as time goes by start to collect the bits you want...once you have it all then start your build. That is my intention. A good place to start would be to overhaul the brakes, then suspension. More HP will not help your Z cane other cars around corners nor will it help you stop...build a good foundation first. Just my 2p worth:rolleyes:
  12. Gezzz...I guess that command doesn't work outside the chatroom......still too fast for ya though...
  13. Well me has the fever in his fingers...can't-a-stop-a-tappin-dem-digits. Nice one 2ManyZ's....remember............ :kill:
  14. 240znz replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yep...all that my lady trips over are Z books that have grown in size under the bed...she hates it...what's she going to be like once I get one...gezzzzz I'll keep you posted
  15. 240znz replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Funny that...my wife's draws sound just the same...but I know for sure that she doesn' t go diving in there to "decode" the pair of pantyhose she wants...she just trots off down the shop and buys more pairs...where's them once and files them in "the draw"...the same goes for shoes...evening dresses (yes those really expensive ones that your wallet felt) and money. However, they expect us to live my the law when it comes to our space....gezzz...yes lads...we all stand united...we love mess and we know where everything is...or use to until it was moved by someone....(however we can sometimes be quick to blame the kids...dog....alien...Volvo driver...cause we didn't move it). My wife has a thing about carpet...she wanted new carpet in our lounge when we moved in...it had to be dark blue to "match" the sofa's we have....well guess what...that dark blue carpet shows up every single little piece of crap that falls on it and guess who always drops stuff.....me...the kids...aliens and Volvo drivers.......somehow my shoes haven't figured out how to walk from under the coffee table back upstairs to the wardrobe....somehow I get reminded about that....hmmmmm. Men are from Venus, women are from Volvo...true enough.
  16. 240znz replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    My God...how fast can a thread get out of hand. As prevoius replies has detailed, this Z is not by any means original....those mirrors...not period. It just goes to show that we all have different opinions about what we like in Z's. Some people (like me) just want a affordable sweet looking car that has grunt and some like a car that is "so called" restored and will look great even in "Chunder Yellow". Gezzzz.....good luck to those with more money than sence.....buy one and profit....I do hope this seller votes on the poll "Did you profit in selling your Z"....it would be interesting to see how much it really profited.
  17. 240znz replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Looks like a bad attempt at one of these.....probably has one of those in car V12 engine stereos to make sound like a REAL supercar.....gezzzzzz
  18. 240znz replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That seems just a tad expensive....is there someone who will pay that for a Zed?
  19. 240znz replied to aussie240's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I think that they are what we (UK/NZ/OZ) call as standard. The rear cluster has a amber turn lens where most of our US cousies have red lens on their Zed's. I might be wrong...just my 2 pennies worth.
  20. I have read somewhere that Nissan made a 3.9 in a R180...so no need to put in the R200 unit. Some members say that you only need a R200 if you are pushing serious ponies out...a L28 with mild cam will not be enough to trouble the R180....I'll be hoping I don't need to do the mod as well as NZ is the same as AUS, where very few 280's we shipped....and I don't fancy importing parts if I can help it. Just what I read.....any corrections welcome.
  21. 240znz replied to WishN4DaZ's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I'm not a dream killer but.........it would be a very good idea to spend some time on those old brakes before you start messen with the engine.....STOP THAT ZED.
  22. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Cheers HS30-H My order of preference. 1. Brakes 2. Bushes 3. Suspension 4. Motor 5. Gearbox 6. Diff 7. Bodywork 8. Swear I'll never do it again. I will not have much choice in selecting the colour I want as there aren't too many Z's in NZ that come up for sale. So I'm going to have to paint it the colour I prefer. It's going to cost me a arm and a leg, so it will be that last thing I do...that way I can enjoy my ride for a bit. I have no intention on restoring it to concourse nor do I want to turn it into a hippy coloured bird pulling shag bus. Just a nice DD/Weekend car with a bit of poke when I need it. I like my cars like that. I'll get a Volvo...nah:sleep:
  23. 240znz replied to 240znz's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Thanks all, Some people out there already think we are in starightjackets for even wanting to drive a early 70's car...but look what they are missing out on...my brother in law is one but he drives a volvo...I need not say anymore (all you sensitive Volvo drivers are excused...this is not an evil attach on your safe cars..they just look boring) I'll have a good think about changing the colour of the trim but there are a ton of other things to do first...like getting one would be a good start. Anodising looks the best way to go.....but I thought you could only anodise aluminium. So you are saying that the side window trims are ali? I thought is was steel....I also thought you can't chrome ali? Help:confused:
  24. 240znz replied to ZmeFly's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Arhar...you mean shocks...not struts....arghhhh...that registers in my tiny brain. Merci:sleep:
  25. 240znz replied to ZmeFly's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    This is one of those "should have know that" questions. Zmefly...why did you need to replace those struts. I keep hearing of this being done but I can't figure out why you'd want to do so. Is it becuase the struts are rusted out? A strut is just a metal tube with a spring hanger...why but new ones? Sorry if this sounds dumb.... gezzzz:rolleyes:

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