Everything posted by grantman240z
I lost to a Honda CRX...or did I?
its called an avatar and its somewhere in your USER CP
1970 240z, it it worth it?
my concern would be damage to the frame from the "minor" damage....in any case you should have a mechanic/body shop take a look at it before you buy it. But it sounds pretty good otherwise
New Z
cruise control on a Z??? wth
I lost to a Honda CRX...or did I?
qualifications for a rice "rocket": 1) 4 cylinders 2) Crappy exhaust with a tip 10x larger than the pipe 3) Asian driver (mostly) 4) excessive body kits 5) "chrome" hubcaps 6) fake boost gauge 7) massive rear wing 8) NO BRAINS
trying to find some general info on the L6 engines for a swap
yeah...what he said
hey all im finally back on the forums but i need a question answered
yes that is very true ZmeFly...gas mileage would sucks, its just that i dont like turbos for some reason or another. I just like a NA engine that can kill most things, especially gas (no, i dont like that). A turbo though is a very easy and efficient way to get power, and with 4500 you can do a VERY nice job of it (intercooler, boost control, etc...). The question is do you want a new engine or a used one? You can find used engines all over the place but new ones are a little harder to find.
Handy Dandy Dennis (AKA Rough Idle) Cheat Sheet
my contact lenses have now sucked all the moisture of of my eye and dried up....help! Great info you got there...mind printin it for me?
hey all im finally back on the forums but i need a question answered
whew...with 4800 you can do a pretty nice job i think. Swapping out an L28T is no problem from what i heard....you can buy one new or used. Another option besides the turbo is to make modifications to the original engine...tripple webbers, performance exhaust, E31 head, electronic ignition, L28 valves, performance cam, 3.90 diff...theres quite alot you can do with the original engine and still have one hell of a beast!
Looking for a 240z
well then go check it out if the guy will let you...better off being safe
Where is Rear drum-to-disc conversion?
Looking for a 240z
try looking around http://www.collectorcartraderonline.com ...thats where i found mine
Looking for a 240z
to my knowledge downdraft webbers were not a dealer option...i doubt a dealer would start messing with the mechanical aspect of a new car. Looks pretty good but the guy probably wants at least $6000 for it. id look somewhere else besides ebay only because of the risk involved in purchasing something before you ever take a good look at it. Also, if it was stored in Colorado for years it is highly likely that it developed rust and was just bondoed. It very hard to buy a car without seeing it first and the guy doesnt seem to know much about the Z, but i may be wrong.
What L series is this?
ive heard of boring a L24 out to 2.8L and putting a E31 head on...that gives you good displacement and very good compression....10.1 is really pushing standard pump gasoline's limit
What L series is this?
over-boring the engine is a pretty simple task done at an automotive machine shop. All they do is mill off the desired amount off the cylinders, then all you need is bigger pistons i believe
CR questions...
the simplest way would be the flat-top pistons, why dont you want to do those?
What L series is this?
if you want even more compression put an E31 head on it. Personally...i would feel more comfortable overboring the engine before i start throwing in a whole bunch of different parts, just my opinion...
240z cartoon
Gameshark already has made a device that allows the transfer of game saves from you memory card to the PC or vice-versa. They even post complete game saves with all secrets unlocked, etc...i dont think it would be too difficult for car models to be downloaded to the memory card and then used in the game...like you said maybe in the near future. Check out that device here...http://gear.gameshark.com/objects/373521.html
240z cartoon
ITS TRUE...it is going to be a ps2 game in the near future. The game was demoed at the Tokyo Game Show earlier this year. You can read all about here....http://ps2.ign.com/articles/137/137404p1.html
240z cartoon
im all over that if its a ps2 game! unfortunately GT3 only had a 300zx (blah). My idea was that for the next GT you should be able to download car models onto your memory card and they would be a usable car in the game, including the classic Zs. Not a bad idea but i doubt they would do it
All hail 2MANYZ's on his 800th post!
yeah thats an insane amount of posts for only 6 months....way to go 2manyZs
240z cartoon
pretty sweet looking z for a cartoon
Will a stock 240 get rubber in second?
yeah if you can shift you can get her to "chirp"
My Pride and Joy Wriiten Off
yeah i had collison comp and i got a load of money for my car. Its not even very expensive for me being 16.
My Pride and Joy Wriiten Off
i know exactly what your feeling...i rolled my Z a few months back and it was tragic. Did the insurance company give you any money for it? Hope everything is well
Can a car get off on the wrong foot?
sounds like you lost some spark in the cylinders. Check your plugs for fouling. Might be a head gasket too, just do some more mechanical inspection before you take it into a shop.