Everything posted by Virto
76 280Z steering wheel recovering
MSA has a wide variety of wheels to choose from, you might want to look at the catalog and see how big the diameter is. Personally, I could use a smaller wheel, being tall AND fat.
e46 BMW Xenon projector HID headlights
Oh wow. That looks awesome. Nice work.
Introduce yourself to the class?
Hey, I'll jump in too. My name's Kelly, 25, due to be married here this year (oh god, what I could do with THAT money). I'm an engineer for SBC (Now AT&T). My baby is a 78 280Z in poor condition. I can't afford to fix her up (anytime soon) but at least I give her the respect she deserves and a nice garage to sleep in.
Is it just me or did you think the Steelers were handed the superbowl.
The Stones show was pretty poor, and there were a number of bad calls against the Seahawks. I think the 'hawks had a good chance, but the calls against them were pretty significant. In the end, I think the Steelers just wanted it more. You could see it in the play style. Still, this is probably the most exciting SuperBowl I've seen in the last 5 years. I really don't care for the Pats, and whenever they've gone, the game has been one-sided and boring. At least here there were times I could get excited about a play. Oh well, such is the life of a Bears fan. At least I can say "There's always next year."
Correct tyre type for a 280Z
Depends how much you drive, in what conditions, and your driving style...not to mention the performance of the car. Lots of econoboxes these days have a habit of being just as fast or faster than an S30. You'd be fine with any decent quality summer tire if you keep it out of the snow and ice. If you might encounter these, look into a good all-season. Touring tires fall into the all-season category. If your car has a habit of spinning the tires, (or you like to burn the hell out of your clutch) get some nice sticky summer tires. They're good for dry or rain, but snow will render them useless. I have a set of decent all seasons. That's probably the best idea, and give you a wide selection of brands and prices. Just steer away from the el cheapos that you can get for like 20 bucks.
Where do these relay covers go?
They look like fuseable link covers. They'd be near the battery..at least on my 280. I think only the 280 requires 2 covers.
O.K. it's off topic but, ......
Probably just a rush to post something. Most people seem to lurk around here until they have something they need to ask, and then they fly thru the registration to post as quickly as possible. At least, that's MY theory.
chuck norris died of heart failure on sunday, RIP
Not particularly funny. Sorry, morbid, disrespectful humor isn't my thing.
Grant Mahogany Steering Wheel
Ooooo...yhea. I've been eyeing that wheel. Now I'm eyeing it even more. Nice buy.
Ebay Car-What year is it really?
Love the huge dent on the passenger fender. I like how his photos specifically avoid showing it head on....he doesn't even mention it. It looks pretty ramshackle...I'd be worried about that one getting down the road. You think he'd at least put all the parts on straight before trying to sell.
240Z in movies
"While you washin', watch 'im; Gonna make it to a Benz outta that Datsun" Although neither the song or video refer to WHAT Datsun, it's nice to turn on the radio and hear someone say it.
$150 for a 79ZX engine. Is it worth it?
The motor is not supposed to put out the same amount of horsepower as the L28s in the 280Z, but I can't really determine why. More emmissions controls are likely to blame, but I thought they dyno'ed the engines without the equipment, and without any parasitic equipment like compressors. For 150 bucks, hey why not. It's got all of its parts, so it's not like you'll have to put out much extra expense. You could always make a really neat coffee table out of it by stripping it down to the block and mounting some plexiglass using the bolt holes.
My 71' 240z project ... =)
Once again, completely AWESOME. Wish I could have a front frame job like that. Put your welders in a box and ship them to me. I'll pay them in beer!
fairladyZ badges
There's lots of places to pick up original metal badges, we're discussing the possibility of lower cost plastic replicas. Plastic holds up just as well, and anything's cheaper than 65 bucks each. Cool site though, hadn't seen that one before.
fairladyZ badges
They look GREAT cutter. Any chance your buddy is willing to produce some for sale? I'm sure some people would be willing to bite on that, including me in the near future. The paint job is awesome. Big thumbs up.
Plastic vs. Metal Reservoir Tank ?
In general, a metal tank would probably last longer than a plastic one, but after 30 years, both would be prone to potential failure. Check out the link I left you in your thread about removing the evap tank. That might be the best way to go.
General wisdom regarding keeping or eliminating Reservoir / Evap. Tank
Check this thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19034&highlight=removing+evap Good chance it'll answer a lot of questions you might have, as well as provide good detail on the process involved.
Early / Late style fuel filler questions
Even MSA only lists the 70-74 part, meaning that by "late Z" Wick probably was referring to the 280, although it would have been just as easy to say that. I was under the impression that they were interchangeable thru all the model years, although that might not be the case. Anyone confirm? If they are interchangeable, I see nothing wrong with using the plastic filler tube. It may be prone to cracking, but I'm willing to bet that Wick meant that it's prone to cracking after 15 or 20 years, like all plastic. Exposure to radical temp differences would speed the process. I'll check a few other places and see if I can find a different part, I'll post when I'm done. EDIT: Well, Baddog doesn't have any right now, and Zeddfindings lists only the 70-74. Zparts has plastic tubes for all models. They look VERY different so I guess they aren't interchangeable. Learn something new everyday with these cars. Personally, I'd take a new plastic tube over an old metal one, and certainly over a leaky OEM one.
1977 280z Zzap
Ahh yes, confusing my special editions again. :paranoid:
1977 280z Zzap
It was a pretty limited number, with the yellow paint and louvers and the 5-speed. I can't find a production number on Google at the moment, but I'm sure someone has a better idea. As for value, well, it's higher than a typical 280Z, depending on condition, but like all S30s, isn't exactly a big ticket item. I wouldn't expect more than 10k if it's in really great shape and you have all the paperwork. These special editions were pretty rare, but the S30 certainly wasn't, and as such, the overall value of the entire line of cars, edition aside, is pretty low. Of course, who can put a cash value on how a car makes you feel?
Daves Possible Parking light FIX
Sounds cool to me.
lookin at a Z
Check out Hybridz.org if you're interested in motor swaps... Although I have to tell you, a good running L-series engine is a whole lot of fun, and sounds great. There's a reason Nissan used them for so long. Being an Illinois car, like mine, I'm sure that there's some rust hiding somewhere...under some undercoating or paint. Snapping a few pictures of the underside of the car would be nice...posting them here would get you some serious opinions. I certainly looks nice...my 280Z was yellow in a different life. POs...never can make up thier minds...factory blue to yellow to gray. Oh well, at least it's mine. Major problem areas are the battery tray, frame rails, spare tire house and floor pan. My PO replaced the floor pan already, and did a backyard band-aid fix of the frame rails...it's not pretty and it's not going to last forever, but at least it's drivable. One other consideration. Illinois does still require cars built after something like 1946 to be tested for emissions. It's just an idle test (no dyno) but you need to be able to keep the car is good running order to prevent a failure. These cars are awesome, but they aren't cheap. Still, I wish mine looked that good...but I didn't pay anything like 8k for it. If I were you I'd really get some undercarriage shots of the car and put them up here, and everyone will love to help you decide. EDIT: As for the trouble starting, the car might just need to have the carbs tuned. If you do decide to pick up the car, people here can offer some help, depending on what carbs are hiding under those air cleaners.
Lionel Ritchie's First Car
As compared to me, I suppose. No offense intended.
Lionel Ritchie's First Car
He was born June 20th, 1949. So yhea, he's pretty old, but he said that the very first car he ever bought was that 280Z. Doesn't mean he couldn't have had a hand-me-down or anything before that.