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  1. Cool! Hope they cost less than mine. Speakin of money, I gotta get that money order out to you after work
  2. Zs-ondabrain did you ever find air horns? I tried jam they didn't have any left. I gave up & bought them from pegasus racing. Kinda expensive but I was fed up. I did find some pipercross anodised aluminum 1s for a lil cheaper than what I bought but they're for 45s
  3. Did you ever find that receipt? $70 is cheaper than I ever found & I need some too.
  4. Thanks. I kno of some volkswagon spot. I'll check it out. Maybe some hardware stores too
  5. Of course I have. All I've been able to find is complete rebuild kits
  6. Any1 kno where I can get a gasket only set for weber dcoe carbs? I got a banjo that's leaking
  7. Ok so I got a spectre regulator & gauge on now & the car runs fine with no excess fuel spillin out. My new issue is this. When I have the regulator set at 4psi, the gauge reads about 2psi or less. When I have it set at 5.5psi, it reads about 3psi. Don't kno how accurate it is but the car seems to like it there. I'll just leave it until I get a decent regulator & gauge. Found Jeg's own gauge for $18 but what about a regulator? I want 1 with a return but, any recomendations?
  8. With any carbs (maybe not with a returnless system) I'd think you'd want the flow rate as high as possible while keeping the pressure right. Although don't hold me to that
  9. Any recomendations on a regulator? I have 1 that looks like the same as in the VB catalogue layin around. Maybe a spectre brand 1?
  10. ok I got a fuel pressure gauge on. it's this lil spectre pos & while i never thought it was precise, it always seemed about where I thought it would be on my spitfire. anyway if it IS, that pump is puttin out about 8psi when its supposed to be about 4. defective pump?
  11. You don't think that would be exciting? Jk Ur probably right. I'm gonna pull the gauge & regulator off my spitfire & see. There are other people runnin this pump but I don't kno about the other mods
  12. Top end was reffering to when used with webers. Check the link I posted
  13. No it's the 1 top end performance say "DOES NOT and SHOULD NOT" need a regulator. http://www.racetep.com/webfuelspark.html That's the reason I bought it
  14. I have a 73 w/ L28 & tripple webers & have always had a lil problem with the fuel supply being unstable. The pump just went out, so I replaced it with a carter 4070. Come to find out the pump that was on there (I thought it was original) is a mitsubishi pump. Did mistubishi even have a performance carb'd car in the us? Anyway I put the carter on yesterday & the car had more power & didn't bog or stumble at all. This morning on the way to work it kept flooding to the point it would stall. I have a switch for the pump & had to turn the pump off for a min as soon as it started to bog (all the way to work). I'm sure it needs to be tuned now but, the second it stalls, fuel pours out through the air filter. Mainly from the 3rd carb. I've been meaning to change the banjo on that carb to make the system back to having a return line. Any help?

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