This coincidentally was a recent hot topic over at the prodcar forum: Apparently blowers of any kind typically don't work as both side windows of course need to be open and the moisture won't be removed from the interior, makes sense. A lot of guys are recommending dawn dish soap, simply wiped on and allowed to dry - but not specific on the concentration. One veteran mentioned diesel fuel in dire situations (when it's actually raining and too late). You'd think living up here I'd have more sage wisdom, but surprisingly I've only had one "wet" session and that was right after a heavy rainfall but not during. Suffice it to say no fogging issues for me. I installed pro-tint tear-offs on my polycarbonate windshield and was happy with them, VERY scratch resistant. I see they do sell an anti-fog laminate as well, curious how well they'd work. The problem installing them in my mind is my windshield is flat stock bent to fit, and I see no way installing it in the car. In other words applying it flat and THEN bending it when installing may be a problem. BTW, the lexan was a PITA to install, with almost no weight savings when done as the SCCA calls for 9mm (1/4") material and support bars. I did have defroster lines on my glass windshield, they worked great for clearing up the morning fog after sitting out all night, I have to wonder if they'd work on lexan too as they were the JC Whitney foil type.