Everything posted by slaptimmay
i need fusible links
ive been to pepboys and either it was another dumbass auto tech who really shouldnt be working there or they really didnt have them. ive also gone to a nissan dealer cause my brother in law works there and they told me they couldnt get them anymore. im guna try that website and see how it goes. if anyone else knows anything all help is appreciated, thanks guys.
i need fusible links
ok i started workin on my z a few months ago. got fired ran out of money and its sat in the back yard since. the main reason i even stoped driving it cause it was acting funny electrical wise and i am about 99 percent sure ive narrowed it down to replacing the fusible links. and thats what i need help finding. if anyone knows where to get fusible links to a 1979 280zx that would be great. or if you have some you just wana give me that would be nice too haha. thanks. - tim
1979 280z fusible links
you said they had all that plus power steering. my 280zx doesnt have power steering. also we took out the ac. the frame was replaced with a homemade tube chasis my friends dad made at work.
1979 280z fusible links
i dont prefer either. i dont know what a z in these years run like compaired to the zx. if i did i may like z's more. i still love z's. i got to drive a 350z and i creamed my pants. but in those years the zx is all i know so its wut i love. now if any of you would want to let me drive your z then maybe ill be a z lover. i dont think i would get rid of my baby tho. i got plans for it and i dont plan on getting rid of it till they are done.
1979 280z fusible links
yea i know what ya mean. whats wrong with the ZX tho. its still sexy. and runs greeaat except for the problem i got goin on right now. what makes the z so much better. ??
1979 280z fusible links
watch out RC they'll bite your nuts off if you dont say it right. other than that they are good, very helpful people.
1979 280z fusible links
yea i see what ya mean. im the same way when people say the name of my 4 wheeler wrong.
1979 280z fusible links
X its a z to me. i like saying z more than zx
1979 280z fusible links
ok when i save up to get a new alternator ill test it out n see what happens. i still want to replace the links though because the one wasnt looking too good. it was all green inside and stuff. if anyone has a set of front fenders and they wana sell them cheap that would be good. feel free to post anymore info you know or find out. thanks - tim
1979 280z fusible links
im having troubles keeping charge to my 280. i had the battery and alternator checked. the starter also. whats happening is i have to jump the car. once its started and im just sitting there idleing its fine, but once i drive for a while my battery starts to die as if the alternator isnt helping it. i checked one of the fusible links and it was dry rotted so im guessing the others are too and they all need to be replaced. would that make sence for whats going on? if im right... where can i get the links. or is there a amp fuse i can use and just get rid of the wires? my e-mail is tim_7_2000@yahoo.com any and all info is helpful! thanks