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Everything posted by Chris280Z

  1. Chris280Z replied to Chris280Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Missed it. Thanks
  2. Chris280Z posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I put this up on E-Bay, I think the pics tell all. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-240z-1969-70-Datsun-240z-400-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2a0ab61a7fQQitemZ180568332927QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks
  3. Chris280Z replied to moonpup's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I've got 3 other Z's, too many datsun's and not enough room for them, got a 67 pickup also. I think my add is a lot more honest than the last one and I'm just trying to get my money back. Make me an offer. Chris
  4. Chris280Z replied to JohnnyP's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Don't worry about it. In NH, they don't check those things and they wouldn't know to look over the brake booster. They will not issue you a title either, you will only have the bill of sale and registration. If you sell it all you have to do is write a bill of sale with the correct vin# above the booster and when they register it, it will be correct (hopefully it's not stolen). Call the DMV in Concord as anonymous, say you are thinking about purchasing this car, give them the vin# in question and have them run it for you.
  5. Chris280Z replied to moonpup's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    She just got dropped off.
  6. Chris280Z replied to moonpup's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Well, it looks like the control arms will be powdercoated for free.
  7. Are you running resistor plugs?
  8. Dan, welcome to the forums. Good to hear you and John hooked up. Sorry I missed you the other day at the shop, I had to pick up a sprint car frame to powdercoat. I am looking forward to checking your stuff out. Chris
  9. Chris280Z replied to S30Driver's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Sounds like a new kit from a new vendor. Sweet, I'll take one. 8) Congrats looks good.!
  10. Just the guy who helped get your car running 8) j/k How's she running? Did you get your wipers and horn figured out? Saw that after I left, the ad was pulled, figured you were gonna keep it. Good luck. Check out www.zccne.org for local events. Chris
  11. Chris280Z replied to moonpup's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Wow, has this thread gone off track. Hope someone from NH grabs it and it doesn't get shipped overseas to people with money. If it stay's in NH, when you redo it, I will blast and powdercoat your control arms satin black for free. 8)
  12. Chris280Z replied to moonpup's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I might check it out, but I don't need 4 z's. It looks like the front and side of the car was repainted red. On the front on shot, the wires are painted in the front, they paint the car first then wire it. If it was hit, when they repaired it they probably did the bumpers black and the respray. I'll see if I can find the car, I'm having relay problems with craigslist. I'm in NH.
  13. That is a thing of beauty.
  14. Chris280Z replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
  15. I just ordered some large floor plugs 3 weeks ago and needed both sides, I won the auction below the buy it now price for 2 , e-mailed him and asked if he had 2 more for the other side and in 10 minutes I had an invoice for 4( at opening bid price) with combined shipping and I knew the shipping charge up front. Why? my floor pans are fine and the plugs dry rotted and I didn't want to weld metal onto them. Came 3 days later USPS. Also this could be his business/job and things aren't cheap these days. And we all know people who would rather pay money for the right bolts then go to the hardware store themselves and match them up. I don't know him personally. My last $.02 on this thread... peace out
  16. Actually, I have had no problem with him and fast shipping. Shipping is a bit but no different than a shipping and handling charge. I drive my e-bay stuff to the post office to mail, but I should charge my time and gas to be honest, but If I did they would all bitch like well, not like YOU 8). I have a commercial business and Fed-ex wants to charge $15 just as a pickup charge (wtf?) and I HAVE to pass that on to the customer. If you want to restore your Z to a $20,000 Z, where else are you going to get some of those parts? My .02$ Your mileage may vary... Chris
  17. I'd e-mail him thru e-bay, he usually resonds asap.
  18. Got them off, they were corroded. Will still have to move the rheostat or trim the cover.
  19. I'm installing the full dash cover from MSA on my 78 280z. Everything lines up perfect but it looks like the knobs for trip reset and interior dimmer need to be removed to get it on right. Is there anyway to get the knobs off without removing the dash? I've removed the small plastic panel under the column that is still on in the pics and can't seem to get my hand near where it has to be.
  20. My 72 is exactly as you describe, eibach and shocks, 15x7 graphite rewinds and 225/50/15 BF Goodies G_force Sport. They look good. The caps for the front will fit if you bang your wheel bearing cap with a hammer til you see the cotter pin from the outside dent, they will then fit. In this photo the front caps aren't on because I didn't bash them in yet. I put the Z logo ones from an 82 on the rear, no way they will fit the front. DON'T get brake fluid on the rims it will F*&k the clear up bad. Good luck.
  21. I had the same problem on my 78. Turned out to be the magnetic pick-up coil in the distributor was gapped too high. Started great, drove great, turned it off had to wait til it cooled then all was good. Then on a 100 degree day in a parking lot, it wouldn't start for 2 hours, called triple A, got a tow, dropped it in the driveway, started right up.! Doh! Use a brass feeler gauge. Can be a pain to get the reluctor wheel lined up with the magnet but a very easy fix/check. Good luck Chris
  22. Just wanted to invite anyone to join our club on a road rally on May 14th through some nice backroads of N.H. . "This is a touring rally through the back roads of central New Hampshire. The route visits a number of New Hampshire's lakes and ponds and will introduce you to some parts of the state that you have probably never visited before. The rally starts at the lake Massabesic Water Supply Picnic Area in Auburn, NH. To reach the start location, take Route 101 to exit 1. Go south on Rte 28 Bypass aka Londonderry Turnpike. The entrance to the picnic area will be on your left just beyond the rotary. The gate opens at 8:00. We will hold a short drivers meeting at 8:30 and be on the road by 9:00. The rally is 153 miles long to Wolfeboro and takes about 5 hours to run straight through (no breaks). We will allow time for a lunch stop in Alton Bay. Bear in mind that this Mothers Day so plan to bring her along. " Check it out at www.zccne.org Thanks Chris
  23. The Z car club of N.E. is holding a fundraiser in N.H. April 22nd(sorry for the short notice) for "Freddie Richard Brooks" a Z-owner who died with no insurance. This event is to raise funds for his family to cover costs and to have your car examined on a lift by a mechanic with a thorough going over by a group of knowledgeable Z enthusiasts. mechanic, electronics guy, metal fab guy, specialists, etc... A good place and time to ask questions and meet others in the New England area. The asking donation is $50 with food and beverage icluded. Best deal around.!!! For more info check out http://www.zccne.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=685 I hope to see others there!!! Enjoy the sring weather!! Chris
  24. Chris280Z posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I have no front drivers side directional and intermittent passenger front directional, the rears work fine hazard and turn. I took apart the hazard switch and cleaned it and all connectors with elec. contact cleaner. My car is a 72 with an 81 turbo motor with 77 electronics & dash. I also have a78z and pulled the flasher and switched them, same result. I cleaned the light switch on the column with cleaner also. When I put the multimeter in the bulb socket when the flasher is on the meter jumps from 0 to 6-8 volts. I think it's getting all but turing off and on quick for the meter. But the bulb doesn't light. Yet the same bulb lights fine when the parking lights are on. All I can think of at this point is a bad ground but why would the parking lights work fine? This is the last hurdle to get the car inspected. Please advise. Thanks Chris
  25. Z Car Club of New England is holding a club dyno day. Location is TBD, check out www.zccne.org to check on location and times. Welcome to all. Chris

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