I like the way you think,try this one.I have a 75 260z fuel inj but am not getting power to the fuel pump,I have spark but no power to pump.Also you mentioned that the Dist sends a signal from the neg side,what wire do you have coming out of the neg of the Dist. a photo will help.Thank if you can help!
need help!260z
I have a 75' 260z,and the fuel pump will not power on,I have put direct power to the pump and it works,what can be the problem.Why aren't I getting power to the pump(all the fuses are good)is there something I am missing?Please help!
Dead fuel pump
I have a 75' 260z,and the fuel pump will not power on,I have put direct power to the pump and it works,what can be the problem.Why aren't I getting power to the pump(all the fuses are good)is there something I am missing?Please help!
260z fuel inj fuel ?
I manage to figure at my last issue and now I am getting spark to the coil,car still wont start ,I don't seem to get power to the fuel pump(tested it with a test lamp)I jump the fuel pump and it started for a bit.What and where do I start in tracing the wire's from the fuel pump?Check all the fuses(good),check the ig relay work's,what is left?
no start
Come on all you experts can help me out,I think I step into the wrong forum.One for all and all for one!!!!
Aging Man with an Aging Car -- I need help
I would also check the muffler,when the car is an older with the stock muffler they sometimes rust from the inside out.I had a car the started just fine but when I drove awhile it would die then it would be hard to start.I change the filter,fuel pump and still the same.I would hear some hissing noise once in a while.Finally took the muffler of and that was the problem,it was plugged!Good Luck.
no start
I have read about this switch from what I understand it only permits the start to engage if it is working.My car turns over but no spark!
1979 280z fusible links
Try ebay type Datsun 280z and your on your way!
no start
I have no points it is eletronic!
no start
How do I do that exactly?
no start
Like I stated before I get no spark from the coil.The car was running awhile back but it has been sitting for about a year!I have cleaned and check all the conection to the starter,fuse box and have looked into the distributor and all looks well.I am most interested in knowning how to check power to the coil and the pick-up with a 12v light tester.Also could the relay hvae gone bad,when the key is turned I can hear a click.
no start
Well I say '74 only because if I look up part at most on line Auto part store,the 260z only comes up as that year'74.It is and early '75.
no start
I have a 1974 260z fuel inj. automatic that I am just not getting to fire at the Dist. I get just no spark,can someone please advise.I would like to know what to check?thanks