Everything posted by 240kconvertible
Stash of 240k's
nah he had a few just sitting on the road out the front of his house that were mint and they were taken a few years ago, I haven't spoken to him in ages and I would never tell anyone where they are located that's for sure.
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Hmmmmm might get you to do the final spray job on the vert next year
Stash of 240k's
He's not a member and probably won't be. I'll be amazed if he even restores just one. Some of them have already been stolen which is sad.
V8 Convertible
Pm sent, I'm keen as to hit some buildings
V8 Convertible
Tell me more about these high rises? do you have access to the roof during night times?
Introducing "Ginger" -KHGC11000280
Sweet, it's great to see another V8 powered K in the making and as you've put a Nissan V8 in you won't get a heap of abusive messages there is heaps of space in the engine bay for an 8, I had mine put as far back as possible and the front axle line ends up between the 1st and 2nd pair of pistons. With that being an alloy V8 it will end up with better weight distribution than the original 6, the L24 is a heavy motor. Good work, I'm stoked one of Kent's cars is getting an 8!
V8 Convertible
I love to keep my word but the truth is I'm not going to be able to. The left hand side head has blown a gasket recently, effectively stopping me from driving long distances. It has only done 900klms so far, that has been 900klm of hot laps around my neighborhood tho. I'm not really willing to fix the engine until I save up enough money to buy the engine components, it is very depressing not making it to the nationals but I don't really want to show the car when its running the tired V8 with a 2bbl carby on it even if it does still smoke 2nd all over the street while coughing and spiting. The guards are original GT-R style flares that have been cut along the edge, stretched outwards and then fibreglassed up. I'll order another set soon. The poor vert has sat unloved in the garage most of this year as I have been training really hard to be able to go overseas and base jump in wingsuits www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU3Wgg7fons&feature=g-upl ontop of that I bought a 20ft gaff cutter sailboat to restore which probably hasn't helped the vert funding very much. My plans to finish it now are to import a alloy top end package for the V8 and upgrade to a Supra 6 speed box before the end of the year, then save up and have a roll cage put in, weld the doors up while geting a panel shop spray job, stroke the V8 out to about 400 cubes and have a custom dash and interior put in. Hopefully then I will be content with it for a few years. I'm guessing as I've gotten it this far you guys will be willing to believe me when I tell you all these grand plans I have Also I have found some 240k parts while cleaning up my garage people want I believe. Someone wanted the two coupe door clips, I have a spare set and also someone wanted the fuel filler cap. If you guys still want these parts let me know.
Stash of 240k's
I met a guy who is hording all the C110's, he had 6 x coupes, 2 x 4 doors, 1 x C210 coupe, 1 x Skyline GT-B, 1 x very early model celica coupe, eh wagon. And no he will not sell any of them and there is no way I will be telling you where they are. It's sad to see so many just sitting there but he honestly believes he will restore most of them to pristine condition one day. <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0834.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0834.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0833.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0833.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
V8 Convertible
All these years later you guys finally get some action shots I sadly had to get the rear flares extended for rego and am yet to replace them with original shape ones, I'm not very happy with the rims but they have gotten it rolling and will eventually become burnout rims so that's ok . <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0329.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0329.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0328.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0328.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0326.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0326.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0284.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0284.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0241.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0241.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0143.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0143.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/?action=view¤t=IMAG0141.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu327/240kconvertible/IMAG0141.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Nice work, epic restoration progress!!
Vert is Registered
Enough said!!!
Dead Datto's
I bagz the good set of dog legs. . . sry camo but my vert really needs them for me to be happy with it
Dead Datto's
Can you grab the rear lights too Scott. I'll be skydiving all weekend at Toogoolawah if you want to drop in for a tandem, I'll fly camera for you free of charge
I'm in the wrong line of business
there are a couple of rear lights on the coupes out at the wreckers, might be worth grabbing those.
Dead Datto's
Might not if Scott is going to go out for us want a hand Scott? Can you get me one set of rear doglegs and Camo the other please? Is this the weather strip? I have a set that is rusted but can part with them. I am thinking of welding my doors up and going dukes of hazard style so might have a 2nd set free too. There are some window trims left on them as seen in the vid.
Dead Datto's
The list so far doglegs from both coupes trim where available complete dash if possible throttle cable firewall mount 5 speed pedal box Geez this is going to take me a full day, you guys owe me some more K's on the road for sure
Dead Datto's
I should be going back out in a couple of weeks, I'm cutting off the two doglegs on the one of the coupes for the vert but I will be happy to cut one off the others for you, there were pretty rusted though. Kent , do you still need the rail? I have one for you I also have a pretty good drivers door too
C210 Convertible burnout
No. The point (which you seem unable to understand) is that you can do both and it's still fun. There is no reason why a car with great handling and traction cannot smoke the tyres once in a while. What I see no point in is why you keep asking the same question and making people keep explaining it to you time and time again! It's like your on a mission to get us to agree with you which isn't going to happen as we are obviously a lot more opened minded about cars than you are. The big assumption that you have made is that the car was just built as a tyre shredder, there are plenty of cars out there that have been built for handling, traction and braking that will still do time on the burnout pad or smoke them to to use up a little bit of rubber before the tyres are replaced. End of Story!!
C210 Convertible burnout
Some people like it all:classic: I have spent a lot of money getting my convertible to handle and stop better with thousands of $'s spent on engineering multi link irs, rack & pinion steering and GT-R brakes but I will also be smoking my tryes all the time, hence the line locker. I have also spent thousands racing cars at the Nurburgring, Spa and Silverstone but would still get a thrill smoking tyres in a back alley somewhere. I like rotary's and V8's, I like turbo 4's, I like European, Jap and American cars. I think people who only like Ford or GM/Holden or track racing vs drag racing vs drifting are totally missing out on lots of other fun. I ask you all would you only like one nationality of woman or would you like them all?
C210 Convertible burnout
http://www.couriermail.com.au/motorsport-day-of-thunder-dawns/story-fna7dq6e-1111113279099 Sadly nothing has happened. Willowbank isn't too far from us thou. Unkle, I'm seriously dying to hear your opinion of the last posted video and also you didn't seem to get my point about being mature, but that's ok
C210 Convertible burnout
Geez you two knobs need to get out more and smell some rubber, seriously what's the point in making a negative comment about someone doing something they like and not harming anyone? 1. He's over 25 2. A lot of people pay to go to these shows and look at people doing these sorts of things 3. See above point Please address your own level of maturity and stop being trolls 4. WTF is wrong with line lockers? I quite like them to be honest and have one installed on my vert. 5. He is a daddy who buys his own tyres!! ....... Wanker In Australia a lot of us like burnouts although we like to do them while the car is moving not just sitting in one spot like in the US, if we are caught smoking the tyres on the road our cars can be confiscated and then crushed, hence why we have burnout comps and shows. I'd love to hear what you think about this video though
C210 Convertible burnout
It's a L24 turbo, the guy is in Adelaide.
C210 Convertible burnout
this is a guy from Facebook I talk with, it was a nice effort I thought and yes I am jealous it wasn't me on the pad My vert is on FB if you want to friend it, search on Datsun Skyline I'm sure you'll recognise it.
WTB throttle linkage and bracket
I think there was one of those at the wreckers I went too, I won't be going back for a while so if no one else can help you I will pick it up when I'm there. Wouldn't it be easier just to make a custom one?
Looking for C110 guards and boonet
Buy the fibreglass from otomoto, the guards on restored.jp are 71,000 yen - $930AUD as of right now and bonnet 35,000 - $468 As I've said before i would be happy with restored fg just not the carbon.