Everything posted by 240kconvertible
Body Parts, Japanese Shop
I got a quote from restored for the carbon fibre front guards and it wasn't pretty, it went something like this Hello Andrew, We are the Australian agents for Restored. We can supply the full carbon front guards for $1735 including GST plus $400 freight. There is another version with a carbon top layer and fibreglass underneath which is $1500 for the pair. Please contact us if you would like to order. Ben Ellis OTOMOTO Pty Ltd 45 Mary Pde Rydalmere NSW 2116 Ph. (02) 9898 1655 Fx. (02) 9898 1254 www.otomoto.com.au We need to all get together and get some frp guards and bonnets made up, I know we've spoken about it before but we need action:eek: and cash too I suppose, does anyone know what it would cost to get moulds made up?
aarrgghhh more rust :(
Clear Por?? I had no idea it existed I thought that it just asorbs moisture from the air while drying and hardened, theres a lot I obviously don'y know about the stuff though. it might just be that some spots haven't been marine cleaned properly if you didn't scrub it on/off, it's that or you got a dud batch of por. I sprayed on the marine clean/metal ready with a degreaser gun and then scrubed off with water using a rag or one of those washing up pads with the rough green side attached to the sponge, only problem areas I've noticed so far are where it's too thick, dribbled, built up and looked like an aero bar but hard and black. I'd spray it in colour as it will be easier for the panelshop to spot the ripples and hi low spots while it has a shine. They will just use your solid colour top coat as a guide coat as they sand it all back. Buy the mig, it's another tool in the garage and you do have another K to finish once your finished your GTR replica. The welding side of the job is quite fun compared to the long hours on the sanding "torture" board you'll go through.
aarrgghhh more rust :(
You have to use a big pressure pot sand blaster kit to have any real affect. You can see the one I used in the back of this photo. I found with por you really have to scrub the matel ready off with a rag until the panel is free from it all then let it dry in the sun, it kinda goes a little rusty (yellowish) after this and the por sticks really well. Where the por drips down and builds up I had to scrape off as it hadn't worked/stuck properly. My whole car has been done in por and if I could turn back time I would have only done the underneath and in the cabin where it was sandblasted. The por requires no marine clean or metal ready if sandblasted. My panels were dipped so they didn't need the metal ready either. The bits I used metal ready on are the bits I've had problems with. As it states in the instructions por sticks best to rusty surfaces, not clean panels it seems. 15k is the going rate for rust fixing perfectly straight paintjobs these days. If it's just a paint job no rust work it shouls be about 5-7k. Do it yourself Kent you'll save about 8k I reckon.....this saving does not include all the hours labour you'll have to put in. If you've got a mate to help it will make a big difference in the time it takes. I had 2 months off inbetween jobs to get mine to the stage it is at now and it still needs a proper top coat. On some of my panels where the paint has chipped the por underneath has stayed put so it must have some good uses. Watch out sanding por as if it goes in your lungs it doesn't come out, you can die if spraying it without a mask. P.s I'm not voting for Por for president anymore, pm me your phone number if you want to have a more in depth chat about your options. Cheers Andrew
Big job ahead
Pm me your email address kpgcracer and I'll email you the photos, if you don't want to do that there are quite a few photos of my mods on this site, I can't be bothered finding them as I've posted so many in so many different threads.
Big job ahead
If you want to do the rb30 conversion you should whack a r31 crossmember steering setup in, the rb 30 would sit right in then and you can upgrade to s14 lower control arms and suspension/brakes. I've had this done to mine by SWR and they should be able to give you a price as they've done it before now. When you take into account the steering and brake upgrade that will give you the initial extra cost over say just engine mounts starts to make sense. If you can do the work yourself I can supply you with shots of how mines been done. The photos look like it's pretty straight. It's cool that there's another K in the build
Big job ahead
Who cares about the swearing kpgc110racer, Alfa was just doing his job. Post some pics of your coupe so we can all have a look and get this thread back on track.
Hydrogen fuel Means Trash your Z!
check this link out, we can make petrol from coal. Our cars will be running for ages to come. There's shitloads of coal in the world left to play with. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg13217913.000-science-ultrasound-catalyst-could-help-turn-coal-intopetrol-.html One more invention the Germans gave us during the war. It's the price of petrol I'm worried about, not it ever drying up at the station.
Goodwood Festival of Speed 2008 Press Day
That Merc truck is really weird. . . i like it, not as much as the 6.3lt though. Alan, you need a RS6 avant to tow your car around. Then you could drive as quick to the race track as you could around it Talking of tow vehicles I spotted this C110 being towed in Brisbane, also a shot of mine on its way to get it's exhaust fitted
datsun 240K carpet kit
Don't buy the ones from Queensland Quality moulded carpets, they advertise in street machine as doing the 1973 skyline coupe or sedan, when the kit I bought arrived it didn't fit the front section of my car at all. After speaking to the guy he admitted to me that they just sent me a 200b coupe kit not a 240k kit. The rear section was almost exactly right but I had to take the front section in to get fixed, there was too much excess on the transmission tunnel so I had to get it cut down the middle to take the excess removed. It looks alright now but I had my girlfriend help me put it in (very bad idea) and now one side in the front is further back than the other. Don't get a girl to help you put it in is what I'm trying to say I suppose.
Tasmanian 240K
Heh heh everyones projects are coming along slowly, especially if your name is Kent
Goodwood Festival of Speed 2008 Press Day
Mustang 4wd??? how much are they worth now I wonder... Does the 390 denote hp or engine size or something else entirely
C110 makes camera shake
This is a really nice vid of some sweet Datsuns/Nissans, right near the end the only C110 to drive by revs his quite high and makes the camera man shake. Probably straight through exhaust as they look like they're about to hit a track.
Goodwood Festival of Speed 2008 Press Day
You are correct, it was the ferguson formula (ferguson being the tractor company). This would make the Jensen the worlds first 4wd sports car not the audi quattro, although the Audi was affordable whereas the Jensen Ferguson formula wasn't. From what I've been told the Jensen is faster than the Quattro as well. Does anyone else know of any other obscure 4wd sports cars that were before the Jensen?
Steering rack upgrades?
Kent, I thought that your car already had rack & pinion? does it have steering box type power steering in it at the moment?
Goodwood Festival of Speed 2008 Press Day
440k I bet you couldn't look at an old Aston Martin DB6 and not get excited, or the Jensen with the 6.3lt V8 which correct me if I'm wrong was 4wd also. I like anything that looks good and goes fast, from rotarys to V8's even the citroen DS special does it for me. cars from Korea are my most disliked though. You should post more Alan, you know more than most about the old skylines and everyone jumps in on your threads. I'm glad to hear your keeping it original, the KPGC10 has nothing to prove to anyone, it's done it all before.
Steering rack upgrades?
Art, I think we all deserve some photos of your little tarmac toy!
My rear disc conversion
Don't we all need to finish our projects, 2012 guys lets all try and make it there.
Big job ahead
I didn't realise that Camo, is it just considered a vert now? P.s sorry for the thread hijack kpgc110racer
240k vert update photos
Wow finally someone who actually knows/believes me about the weight of the mopar V8 vs the datto L24, I'm chasing as many alloy parts as possible, it will only be the block that is cast iron when i'm finished. I personally think the weight is far better positioned now than when original. Exhaust has been fitted this week, I'll post a video on youtube shortly so you all can hear a V8 C110, no brakes connected so no burnout videos just yet. You'll be glad to know I don't have one of those gay chrome mufflers fitted, just real pipe from engine to bumper bar
Hello... and a few questions!
Good call on the BMW stuff aarc, a Skyline with a M3 engine would be sweet
Goodwood Festival of Speed 2008 Press Day
You don't need a fleet of Porsche's these days, one new GTR will do the job of all of them :cheeky: Alan, how does your GTR brake when your driving it hard? I couldn't really see the booster in the pictures of the engine, but it looks like the really small one mine had that was shockingly bad for pulling up.
registering a car with missing plates
A mechanic I knew had a valiant pacer that was missing it's compliance plate but was traced back through the numbers on the body, he ended up getting a new plate and id number from the police. The car wasn't worth what a pacer is usually worth due to lack of original tag. He went to jail for trying to steal an atm so I can't get in contact with him for more info. It was a stuff around as I remember but got sorted in the end. It seems odd that the number came from the cops but thats how I remember it, could be wrong though.
Big job ahead
Before I went to comment on your post describing my car as a monstrosity I actually took the time to check the online dictionary to see it's definition, it stated this, 1. the state or character of being monstrous. 2. a monster or something monstrous. In reading that I really couldn't argue with you as it was fairly accurate My girlfriend calls it the Frankencoupe. Just need to save up more $$ to keep paying the cheques my mouth is cashing
My rear disc conversion
Just checked your site out, Turbo upgrade! wicked :love: You've done really well Noodle, I'm impressed
Instrument Panel Modification
I didn't get any baffels put in it, I seem to remember that it had baffels in it when I peered inside. I must have the same 3kb brain as you. Have you tested your fuel sender yet? I couldn't find any relative info on the sender unit that would tell me what to get, guess I'll actually have to read the workshop manual. I still haven't picked up my tank from the welders yet so can't check the baffels. will do shortly.