Everything posted by 240kconvertible
how many left??
Is that a ford GT badge on the rear of the nispares K? Can't say I think much of the paint job. Any more links on the racing C110's? 2nd in class at Bathurst is respectable, was sad to see the rotary's with 4sec quicker qualifying times though.
how many left??
Bathust Race Car??????????? Tell me more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did it win it's catergeory?
usa old school nissan skyline owners
I shouldn't say anything to be honest, I bought my vert in 2000 and have had it on the road for 1 year and have only really started restoring it in the last 2 months. It will be good when yours, mine and Kent's are on the road (+ whoever else I have missed that's modifying theirs)
finally! i have brakes!
I think you'll be quite surprised as to how she'll handle. You've only made improvements and haven't added a lot of extra weight. You'll be fiddling around with the front end until you have the set your happy with I bet. One thing for certain is that your going to have a lot of fun in it. How much power you going for? and is it rack and pinion steering? I've never driven a nice handling one before so I can only imagine what they are really like. Mine never had the suspension replaced from new it went from understeer to oversteer whenever it felt like it. Still I had it in some really silly power slides round corners. I made the mistake of flat shifting to third in the wet one day:stupid: already doing about 60kms, I remember the arse stepping right out in miliseconds and sliding towards 3 different telegraph poles. I will never flat shift gears in the wet anymore (unless in a big open runway). The shock of the arse going right out made me let off too much gas which made the situation worse, it was some crap driving on my part.
usa old school nissan skyline owners
That's so naughty. Don't hide it away for a few more years, do them both up and rotate the days you drive them on. Get a second job if you have to.
finally! i have brakes!
Nice work Kent, very impressive. It's going to be one hell of a weapon when finished. We'll have to meet at the track one day (when both are finished) and have a looooooong race. I'm expecting mine to get registered in early feb.
Attacked by rust
Your totally right there, that's how you set yourself up to spend a lot of money. I should stop whining and accept the R31 for the time being get the C110 on the road and ugrade it later. I'd like to highjack this thread to post a photo of a hottie I picked up last night. I thought she was 28 last night but found out she's 38 today LOL How good is alcohol. I'm 26 by the way. If anyone else picked up on the weekend feel free to post pic's.
how many left??
There are still quite a few driving around in Australia, I bought one for 200 stole the electronic ignition from it and sold it the next day to some Arabs for 450. I have no idea how many were made in the first place though so can't really answer that question. I'm still waiting for the day to come when I see a coupe on the road. Can someone post up the numbers of coupes/sedans that were built? Mine is number KHGC110-002805
Attacked by rust
I have a R31 booster sitting in the garage to be used with the r31 front crossmember, steering etc etc. I'm seriously looking into getting an R33 front end to replace the R31 one though. The reason being that I can't bring myself to put in a steering rack with 5 turns lock to lock, I have a guy willing to sell me the whole R33 setup including brakes and rims just not including the power steering pump for $350. How many turns lock to lock is the R33? The seller couldn't tell me. Is this master cylinder your selling better than standard R33/R31 ones? I'd be interested in any parts anyone has to sell that will make my car handle or stop better. I need a reciept with them though as I'm claiming my C110 build on tax, I get 15k a year car allowance which has to be spent on cars.........damn. I stung the tax office for a 8k return this year, I'm waiting for the Audit now and yes I'm spending every cent of it on the C110.
Attacked by rust
I totally agree Miles, it looks well thrashed. Someone has had a lot of fun in it. I'd drop 25k on a really nice one if I had the spare cash I did like the standard brake booster on it, you'd think they'd upgrade that being a race shop and all. I didn't like my brakes on the K, they would fade and weren't very good at stopping the car at all. That booster is so small I swear it takes power away from the brakes.
Attacked by rust
HA ha it's good to know they're out there somewhere in Australia, I must admit I'm very jealous. What would you sell it for if you actually wanted to sell it? That one in the link for 30k seems to back up what your saying about them being hacked up Miles. Although a hacked up, rusty C10 at the moment would look right at home next to my C110 On another note, the GTS-T R34's are getting quite cheap these days, I'd have to think long and hard about dropping 30k on a C10 instead of one of those beasties. I'm getting a friend to bring down an industrial sandblaster this weekend and I'm hiring out a diesel powered trailer generator to run it, I'm hoping to blast the whole body and spray it in one weekend with the help of two mates. I'll post pic's of how it goes. Also A friend has found A C110 Coupe at a wreckers in Newcastle NSW that has a roll cage fitted to it. I'm trying to get him to go and take photo's of it but no luck so far. I'll keep at him.
Attacked by rust
I've attached a couple more shot of the sill. They were full of rust on the inside but still hadn't shown through. Why can't cars rust from the outside in!! how easy would it be to fix then. As you can see I had to get rid of the whole sill, lucky for me the new steel box section was hardly touched and the rust hadn't gone to far up into the body. There is 2 lunchbox size hollow box sections under the floor near each door with a whole big enough to put your finger in, mine are totally full of rust. It's the last bit of grinding I think I have to do. If anyone can direct me to any hidden spots which rust out on them, I'd really like to hear from you as I want this car to be rust free for the next ten years at least. Cheers Drew
Attacked by rust
You'd have to have the coupe though or it just wouldn't look right next to our C110 coupes. Does anyone know anyone who actually has one in Australia?
Attacked by rust
Rare spares nice I'll call them now, thanks Kent I'm willing to contribute to the cost of that CD if your willing to send me a copy. As everyday passes I become more and more obsessed with classic Skylines. As soon as my convertible is finished I'll have room for another. I'm after a C10 as my next one (hey dream believer) or one of those Prince Skylines that came out here in the 60's.
Attacked by rust
I finally found one of the Kenmeri commercials http://www.6park.com/enter7/messages/21094.html I must say I found it quite amusing and damn isn't that Skyline so goooooooooooooooood looking.
Attacked by rust
Hey who needs a roof anyway There are so many things to do to the car before the roof that I'll just get new zip out windows put into the roof (cost $220 from mate) and keep using the old one to begin with. What would rather see on her, an automatic roof or a supercharger? Anyway it never gets driven with the roof up! it's just not right. Thanks for the tips though, would the Saab roof be able to fold onto the rear parcel shelf? I don't really want to cut anymore of her apart. What I do desperately need is new rubbers for EVERYTHING (except rear windows), window strips, new glass, bottom of windscreen driver side chrome strip - i bent mine:stupid:, original fuel chrome filler cap- mines in the boot, Any help with these would be greatly appreciated. I did a measured up on the engine and to get the front cylinders of the V8 in line with the axel line, a fair chunk of the firewall will dissappear. It's only the heater radiator assembly that will be lost though so no biggie. We all know that for this car to not handle like a pig I need all the weight behind the front wheels. It's booked in for the engineering/panelshop work to be carried out in 6 weeks time. I can't stop thinking about it, I'm like a little kid who's waiting for Santa to come. Drew
Attacked by rust
Photo's as promised. As you can see it's a very simple cheap roof, a far cry from your Saab. At least I can use it for a template to get a nice one made up. The whole thing is just clipped on around the sides, a few screws and clips along the boot line and 2 screws per side of the support beams. The roof when down was either left behind for the day or just thrown into the back seat, if I had friends in the back it could be rolled up and sat on the rear parcel shelf. A powered roof for her is the thing of dreams. I've checked out the Saab ones and can only wish
usa old school nissan skyline owners
Stuck record . It's good that some people still know the truth about the early Skylines. Was he correct about the names? that's why I posted it. To be honest I didn't even know my C110 was a Skyline until 2 years of owning it. In my defense I had it stored for those 2 years and only saw it twice.
good news guys! grills and spoilers
Im interested in the front spoiler and the bobtail, the prices seem very reasonable. you can pretty much lock me in for some at that price. Post some pics so I can make up my mind. Has anyone got any photo's of the standard C110 arches pumped out without flares? I have put in an order for an arch roller which arrives in three weeks and was just going to roll the steel arches. I'm on a quest to have the most modified kgc110 in the world.:stupid:
usa old school nissan skyline owners
I found this club the other night it has some interesting info on the Skyline models. http://www.gtrclub.org/c10.htm
Attacked by rust
Funny you should ask that as I try to advoid shots with the roof up as I have a really $^!# roof. I can't find one photo of the roof up out of about 300 shots I'll make the effort to get one for you though. The roof was made really cheaply and is on the list of things to replace but is about the 3rd last. Give me a couple of days to put it back together and I'll post it on this thread but no one is allowed to tell me how crap it looks.
Attacked by rust
Scissor doors are easier to fit as you don't have to relocate the door locking mechanism but they cost twice as much. I kinda figured it would be a shame not to modify the doors as most other things on the car are or will be changed eventually and it's not really that big an exercise to fit the scissors. I pulled the engine out on the weekend, its up for sale if anyone is interested. I will put it on ebay soonish if no one wants it. Specs are L24 5 speed electronic ignition extractors all other accesories was running webber two barrel car but has twin su manifold as well. Head gasket was replaced 8000kms ago pulled 195kmh but ran out of road had 200 in it, clutch is on the way out but still drives with out slipping. I put up a picture of the speedo while I had both back wheels in the air and floored it, it wound off the clock but I missed the shot. I guess it was doing somewhere near 270km. I couldn't do it again as a retread had started to delaminate. . The other is a centrifugal blower I have sitting around, it will get put on after I stroke the v8 to a 390cu in. I'm hoping someone in Australia starts selling kits to convert you car to run on hydrogen before this happens.
Attacked by rust
Thanks Will, I was pretty happy with both prices as there's 10 places in total to be welded up and as you mentioned, the making up of all the parts. Let's face it if I tried to get the rust done any cheaper it would probably be a shithouse job and rust again in 2 years. I'm undecided about getting Lambo doors or Suicide doors for her at the moment. I'm leaning towards Lambo doors as they look easier to install. What do you all think? P.s it's also having a v8 style strut brace added and steel tubing going from the bottom of the A pillar to mid way up what's left of the B pillar on both sides. That's about it for strengthening. Drew
Attacked by rust
What do you think of the costs I mentioned?
Attacked by rust
I'd like to strengthen the point where the chassis rails meet the firewall inside the engine bay. All the strengthening so far has been from the firewall back (see pics). When all the engineering work has been finished I'll post photos of the diff, etc.