Alternator upgrade question
Hey guys John thanks for the reply your probably right. I'm going to return the the alternator and a friend recommended an alternator shop that could upgrade the amps on the one I have. Would this be a better way to go? Any comments would be appreciated.
Alternator upgrade question
Hey guys I'm looking to upgrade my 240Z 40 amp alternator to the 60 amp from the 280ZX I picked up 1983 280zx non turbo aftermarket alt.from the local auto parts store. but the alternator wouldn't fit the mounting bracket. Is there a certain year alternator that would fit? Do I need to modify the mounting bracket? Any help would be grateful. Thanks.
Straw poll: 240Z to ZX alternator adapter
Hey Arnie I'm defenatly intrested. Please keep me posted. Thanks Marcio
1" sway bar ?
Hey guys Thanks for all the great information I have always been a fan of the 240z but new to the mechanics of it. I decided to go with the 1" bar but only after looking into some reinforcement plates and preferably adapters for the bar bushings as Jon and several others recommended. Thanks again. Marcio
1" sway bar ?
Hey guys I have a 1" front sway bar I was thinking of installing but after a better look at the job I noticed that i would have to drill holes in my frame rails to accommodate the larger bushing clamps. Would this be a worthwhile upgrade?
competition hood interest?
Hey Mike Cool hood vent,I have an extra hood I could mount it on. I'm in. Thanks
72 240z Dash?
Hey guys I have a 72 dash good conditon no cracks and with all gauges. would anyone know the value?
Ex manifold bolts?
Hey whats up guys Wanted to know where to find exhaust manifold bolts I found a set on eBay but the seller wasn't to reputable I would like to pick up a complete set I would really appreciate it If anyone could help out. thanks
Freeze plug ?
Thanks guys I picked up some Form-A-gasket #1 & #2 Thanks again.
Freeze plug ?
Hey guys I'm slowly moving along with my project I would like to know if there is a preferred sealant for the gaskets and threaded parts and is it necessary to use a sealant on freeze plugs? The guy at auto supply recommended - BLACK SILICONE adhesive sealant by Permatex for everything. Any other recommendations would be appreciated. THANKS.
engine color
Hey guys thanks for the great info I just ordered the Nissan blue engine paint from Les at classicdatsun.com I also have new brass freeze plugs and associate gaskets and filters on the way. I'm really looking forward to this project but I'm still undecided on what to do with the valve cover. Thanks Marcio
engine color
Hey guys I'm in the process of refreshing an early L24 motor. I want to know if there was a paticular color that was used on the block. The motor is currently covered in gold paint.I began stripping the gold paint off the block and wanted to know how to remove the paint from the valve cover without damaging it. If anyone could recomend some quality fuel,radiator/heater hoses. Thanks
Spark plug info needed
What would be the best spark plugs and wires to use on a 240 L26 engine?
L 24 engine
Guys give me some time, I will post some pics I raised these questions, because the block is equipt with an E31 head
L 24 engine
I recently picked up a 72 240 With an L 24 4 speed. # L24 010038 The block has what seems to be a factory mounted oil cooler. Was this an option that year? Is this common with L 24 engines? Any info would be appreciated.