Everything posted by DeesZ
Splash Pan
I agree, TomoHawk. I had begun the process of having some made of metal by a friend who had access to some very modern technology where they could somehow make a 3-D image and reproduce it in sheet metal rather quickly. He lost his job (probably bootlegging too many spare parts for his project car), and I lost access to the technology. Does anyone know what it would take to fabricate one of these out of metal? Cost estimates? Also, I have a place nearby that specializes in plastic molding.... what substance / material would be best for this project if I get in to request a quote?
Engine after rebuild
1972 240Z Splash Pan / Lower Engine Splash Board
Front & back after being refurbished black. Interior is high gloss, and the exterior is semi-gloss (a bit on the 'low' gloss side). I found the lower gloss on the outside much more to my taste than the very reflective high gloss. This one was a lucky find at a pick & pull yard in 2007.... not a common find here in PA, and I'm thrilled to have found it- now, to get it on the car....
1972 240Z Splash Pan / Lower Engine Splash Board
Front & back after being refurbished black. Interior is high gloss, and the exterior is semi-gloss (a bit on the 'low' gloss side). I found the lower gloss on the outside much more to my taste than the very reflective high gloss. This one was a lucky find at a pick & pull yard in 2007.... not a common find here in PA, and I'm thrilled to have found it- now, to get it on the car....
Splash Pan
I did mine gloss black on both sides as well. I changed the exterior to a semi-gloss to tone it down, as the gloss was just too shiny for me and it magnified every imperfection 10X. I'll see if I can rustle up a picture and put one or two in my gallery for you to view.
Removing the Valve cover for Polishing
Here are a few shots of a valve cover semi-polished, done to a medium/soft shine. Took it down to 1000 grit, then several passes with Mothers aluminum polish by hand. I did not want extreme shine, rather a nice bright soft lustre, therefore I stopped at 1000. Taking another pass or two up to 1500 will provide a more brilliant reflection as I hope you can contrast when other pictures are provided. Please see my picture gallery for a lot more examples of the type of refurbishing that can be done to these cam covers. (http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=9676) Time consuming, yes, but I really enjoy doing them. I've also been experimenting with media blasting with IMHO very attractive results. I am considering doing this part-time as a service (more so the media blasting as pictured in the gallery).
Splash Pan
I have seen some older pictures that indicate a silverish finish on the splash pans, so I think you are on the right track. For my taste black is the choice. I painted mine semi-gloss black and I'm pleased with the results - I just like black underneath, and it's real easy to 'freshen up' if need be down the road. (Originality is not a major concern for me, but I am not doing strange aftermarket things to it either.) I waited for a good while before I got a splash pan because I thought the prices several years ago were extremely high (now they are twice what they were back then). Actually, I pretty much gave up getting one due to the prices, then I got very lucky one day and found one in a pick & pull yard, along with a 2400 cam cover, a really nice E88 head, and several other choice parts that were all on a '73 of all things! I basically spent a day stripping the car of anything I could use that wasn't damaged.... It was "dollar day" at the yard - $20.00 to get in, and all parts (yes all) were $1.00. I got out after a long day with a very full load of stuff. I looked for the part number for the bolts for you, but my parts manual doesn't seem to show it. They were nothing exotic. That ebay seller that we all admire so much for his shipping charges has a set on ebay now (no, I am not recommending that you buy from him. His price is quite high as well IMHO, anyway).
Refurbished Cam Cover
Gauging interest in engine bolts
Since I have time on my hands lately I might even challenge him directly and underprice everything he sells just for fun. Not only would I commend them, I would likely buy things from them. If you have some time to devote to this it shouldn't be that hard to do.
What are these Rims?
I stand corrected.... I believe "Cyclone" is correct versus the "Turbine" which we often call them.
Proper dash care??
To my knowledge, there are no products out there that will 'rejuvinate' the old vinyl. A UV protectant will likely be a good option in addition to keeping it covered as does zhead240. I just carry a thick long terrycloth towel to drape over the dash if I park it in the sun.
Refurbished Cam Cover
Refurbished Cam Cover
This piece was pretty ratty and ugly prior to the media blaster clean up and refurbishing. As long as there are no cracks, chips, really deep gouges, or damage to the lettering, I can make any cam cover look like this or better. I'll likely put it on the car one day.
Refurbished Cam Cover
I cleaned up this cam cover and did a bit of other refurbishing and experimentation with my bead blaster. The only 'polished' surface is the lettering.
Refurbished Cam Cover
The 'ghost' Z was etched with a media that would slightly contrast the metal with that of the surrounding finish.
Refurbished Cam Cover
The 'ghost' Z was etched with a media that would slightly contrast the metal with that of the surrounding finish.
- Refurbished Cam Cover
Refurbished Cam Cover
Refurbished Cam Cover - Media blasted, accent painted, raised letters polished, and a final several coats of a good high temp clear coat.
Refurbished Cam Cover
I cleaned up this cam cover and did a bit of other refurbishing and experimentation with my bead blaster. The results are pleasing to my taste.
Car won't start
Yes, the motor should fire up with any proper plug fitted. My post wasn't clear in that my poor results with other than NGK plugs would pop up within maybe 250 ~ 500 miles driven.
What are these Rims?
They appear to be Western brand / Turbine or Turbine 2. I have a set exactly like them waiting to be polished and mounted. (IIRC, I think Gary's are a bit different with the vanes going the whole way 'in' past the lugs.) They are available out there somewhat commonly and reasonably priced if you have some patience.
searching the net for new projects....
I know only a tip for ebay.... Perhaps others can improve on this and add suggestions for other sites. For ebay, with your searches, mark them to be saved as a "favorite" search, and further mark it to send email alerts to you when something is listed that matches your search. Actually it will send you an email with a link to the matching listing and you don't even have to sign on to view them. Hope that eases some of the pain.
Pricey Hubcaps
I dislike the overpricing as well (because it takes all of the fun of pursuit-by-auction out of the sale). But, the bottom line is that the supply and demand market will determine the price. If nobody wants them for that price, no one is obligated to buy them. If someone is looking for a set, there they are. Personally I would wait for another set to come up at (what I consider) a more reasonable price. But, by the same token, the way harder to find Zcar parts have been increasing in price lately, I'm glad that I am not looking for a set. I looked up the auction and recognize the seller; this person IMHO almost always prices far over the limit that I would be willing to pay. Funny thing is, sometimes people buy the stuff. Just not me. The seller has a bunch of sales under his belt and pretty good feedback. So, if you don't want them, pass on them and pick up the next set that becomes available. It's like the guy selling radios on ebay.... they get listed at over $300.00, and every now and again he sells one for that price. I have purchased two of them within the last two years on ebay for $55.00 & $65.00 each, and got one in a car that I bought for $250.00. Be patient waiting for what you want at the price you want to pay. Sometimes you may have to 'adjust' the limit that you will pay, sometimes not. Simply pass up those that are in your opinion overpriced.
Car won't start
Just wondering... what brand & number plugs are you using? In my several L24's the only plugs that worked well were NGK (BP6ES or BPR6ES). Champion, Bosch, etc., would foul relatively quickly for me - that's been my experience anyway, and I'm confident that there are others that will agree.
Hello everyone
Very nice looking car, Mikewags. Welcome aboard! Where are you located? There are likely some 'neighbors' hanging out here.