Everything posted by DeesZ
battery Overcharge
I highly recommend the alternator conversion. You will not be sorry, and if you are worried about originality, it's easily reversible when you want to use the old stuff for a show or something. Step one: Have a check done on the charging system to determine the origin of the problem in your system. If it's either the alt or the reg, consider the upgrade. Dave's stuff is top shelf and quite reasonably priced. Happy customer here, several times over.
Battery cold cranking amp rating
Very good point that I should have mentioned up front. That was a measurable factor in my decision. Thanks for adding that, zbane!
Battery cold cranking amp rating
I went up one side and down the other on the quest for a battery about two years ago.... considered all options mentioned thus far (which are accurate as far as I know), but when all was said and done, after I weighed in the "cost" factor, I went with the MAXX at WalMart. They are maintenance free. Size: 24N (they will most likely have one on the shelf.... check the configuration of your existing posts to assure that this will be correct for your current set-up, etc.) CCAs are listed as 700 @ 0*F & 875 @ 32*F. Also, if you haven't done it yet, consider new battery cables - NAPA can set you up with a good set for about $20.00, and what a difference that made for me... it chased out a lot of electrical gremlins that I had been trying to eliminate for several years. Just my opinion FWIW..... worked well for me. (While replacing the battery I noticed that the old one was a MAXX as well & it had been in there for about 8 or so years...)
I'm Bringing Back Tha Twin Stacks ^_^ !
I'll put my wallet back....
71 0n ebay
Maybe it would be worth your while to start a new thread with a plea for assistance.... With a title of "Need Help in Napa CA" you may root out some members who are not following this thread/topic.... just a thought to consider. (Of course, reference this thread for background.) Good luck, and keep us updated.
I'm Bringing Back Tha Twin Stacks ^_^ !
I'm with ya, bigoak.... Big difference although..... ShamWow comes in at the end and doubles the offer of deliverables if you act immediately..... (no malice intended, wing... actually I'm considering reaching for my wallet, but just can't quite do it.... I'm close, but just need that nudge to 'act now'.)
71 0n ebay
I'm thinking along the same lines as bigoak and Tarmac..... Try to get someone to do a hands-on inspection for you. IMO there are too many flags on that listing to get any sort of a comfort level. This could be a gem, but without doubt it remains a pig in a poke until it is seen and evaluated by someone who knows something and is willing to share the information. The description is simply a cut & paste history lesson, and the specifics that are given don't say much / pictures of very important areas are missing / the seller has zero history / transportation will not be cheap / ..... as it is it's a cr*p shoot. On the plus side, maybe this is a real novice owner & seller with a desirable product.... The key word is "maybe". When gambling, the odds always favor the house. Increase your odds of winning with more information.
State of my Engine Bay.
That's simply outstanding, Julio!
240z Valve Cover
They pop up from time to time. I got one off ebay several years ago new in the box. Nissan seems to have some in the system somewhere: 13264-P0100 Cover,valve List $239.93 Net $182.83 athttp://www.nissanparts.cc/cart/?pn=13264-p0100 Or, PM me.
WTB: 240z Valve Cover
A member here has a nice one for sale. I was going to pick it up, but something else got in the way... Price was right, too. http://www.classiczcars.com/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3472&cat=4
Cooling Fan Original Color
On my monitor it looks like it's media blasted bare metal..... at least that's how I saw it.
Are these rims datsun rims, they are cool
There is a selection of wheels available at this site including descriptions, etc. It is at least informative.http://www.zparts.com/ads/wheels/wheels_fs.html Back in the day, when I sold aftermarket, the hot wheels at my store were AR Libre and Western Cyclone. I wish I could find some Libre wheels today (I've got about 5 or 6 Cyclones sitting around that I'll probably polish and put on the '72. For the shimmy, take Arne's advice. You could try rotating the wheels in an "X" pattern to see if it changes the shimmy/vibration.... that may help track down the origin of the problem.
Cooling Fan Original Color
Nice job, Johnny'O. That black beauty makes short work of the old paint, doesn't it?
Splash Pan Fitment
Here are pictures of the front/back (top/bottom) of an "early" splash pan. I think they may be able to help you see the differences and determine which you have and which you need.
Hey guys
Welcome aboard! You are almost guaranteed to enjoy your Z-car..... This is a great place to be for tips and advice. You'll likely find most things addressed in the archives as bigoak mentioned, but you'll also find a wealth of knowledge here on the boards.... Put up some more pictures... we all like pictures here... also there are some interesting cars in the background in the picture you did post...
Engine Progress pics
Nice job! Looks very nice. What did you do to the aluminum, media blast? Any after coat?
Z Available in Germany
Loose (very) translation: Hello. Excuse please, I speak German. Unfortunately due to circumstances I must sell my Datsun 240Z. There are yet a great many spare parts existing. Pictures enclosed/attached - Information Tel 02941/21252 Fixed price 2000• Greetings/thanks, Udo Fritsche, White thorn avenue 1 59557 Lippstadt (Germany)
Uneven Rear Hatch on '71
I had this problem some time ago.... It ended up that there was a small dent in the strut tube which prevented the piston from fully seating... might be worth looking to see if the travel of the rod is full range... FWIW
I see there is a forum for the 370Z now.
Some people like frogs, Tomo.... (I have one out back that keeps trying to drink my beer... another story alltogether...) Further, legend holds that if a beautiful maiden kisses one, it will turn into a handsome 240Z....
Seat color
Hi, flyboy2.... From what I have seen and read, the seats would have matched the other vinyl parts of the interior. (But in my opinion I would not find the black seats objectionable... the black carpets seem to 'tie' things together.) There was a thread about red interiors here not too long ago. I think you can find it here: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29757&highlight=show+red+interior Show us some pictures. Perhaps someone can tell us something about the origin of the seats that are in there now...
New member
Welcome aboard!! Great to have you.... And how GREAT to get your old one back! I wish that I could have found my first one, but the trail had long vanished when I began looking again. I'm confident that you will enjoy your time here. The forum members are quite well versed and willing to assist.... and the archives are simply full of useful information 24/7 with a click of the 'search' button.
A confession from a non-mechanic.....
Thanks for the update! Don't worry about being 'green'. Fact is that we all were at one time! You will ripen nicely with experience. The great thing here is that the forum members are always willing to help, and there isn't much finger wagging.
valve adjustment
If I recall correctly, the interval on my '71 & '72 called for adjustment of clearance every 6,000 miles. (I do it every spring just to keep in touch with the girl.) (edit) Ooops... Mike B beat me to it...
Another cam cover joins the group
I've refurbished a Turbo cam cover to go on the wall.... Some cleaning, sanding, painting, and a coat of clear coat.... it's ready to go.
Another cam cover joins the group
I've refurbished a Turbo cam cover to go on the wall.... I guess now I'll be looking for one of the big block letter NISSAN covers....