What's wrong with US Senate?
Kinda tough to be "of the people, by the people, and for the people" when you live in a gated community insulated from contact with "them", and think more of what being President will mean to your income and lifestyle than what it will mean to someone living at or below the median income. The Presidential pay can be argued as good or bad, but when you add in the retirement, and all of the perks that the People of the United States provide after holding the job of President, and the book deals, speaking engagements, and other income afforded because of being a past president, there is not a leg to stand on. It is much akin to becoming a District Attorney with the goal of a better resume for private practice. If one of the requirements for our politicians was actually having charactor and being held accountable for deceiving the American people, perhaps we could get a President to be proud of and not be forced into accepting the ultimate embarrassment caused by the lesser of two or more evils. Serious and sustained accountability in our political system would keep those who hold the understanding of "is" as a defense for illegal activity out of the running, and if extended to special interest groups, the system would come around and streamline.
Interesting 240Z Listing on Ebay
Don't forget the: "Documentation Fee: There will be a $195.00 fee added to each car sold in the United States. This includes title transfer, inventory tax, holding costs, vehicle preparation, storage and overnight documentation delivery." My bids on cars being sold by dealerships will now come with a $300 "putting up with the dealerships crap" fee. This fee also includes the perusal costs, computer equipment procurement, computer equipment storage, travel, bid prepatation, consideration costs, bid delivery, and charges to promote the health and welfare of my family. It is a well done ad, and a nice car, but come on guys, everyone knows that that this is some add in profit to pad the deal. It does not cost $3 in payroll, and supplies to print and fill out a bill of sale/sign over a title to a used car and exchange it for money! Will
Injectors wont open
Goo in the fuel line-gas thickens, turns to varnish and things stick! Check your oil! if you have been trying to start the car with this condition, you probably have gas in the oil meaning your valve train may also be at risk-another member here, had a similar problen with a roadster-the varnish from old gas made his oil sticky, and the little caps at the top of of the valves in his U20 (all L series engines are also set up that way) started jumping out-wasn't but a minute before a piston caught a valve and required the head to come off and spend a week in the spa(machine shop)while waiting for parts. Here is a quick and simple test Use 2 AA batteries in series to get three volts and apply it across the terminals of each injector-if it fires then goo or the injector are probably not the issue, if it doesn't, you could have goo or a bad injector! 3v will fire and not hurt the injector.
block cracked?
If you are in coastal Ga, I don't believe it has been cold enough for long enough this winter to have that issue.
Need Original Factory Left Front Fender
Most of the better known retailers give a discount for verifiable membership in any of the larger Z clubs-including this one! I would get to know the parts and sales managers at your local dealer. Sometimes the dealership might give a discount to someone with a newly restored Z to have it parked out front to help draw in customers. You won't know until you ask... I am not active in the Georgia Z Club because it really does not cover the state of Georgia, but it does cover Atlanta and the Metro area very well. I am not convinced a 10hr drive round trip would be worth a 2-3 hour meeting at the Hooters on Jimmy Carter... Not that is isn't a great club with some seriously into it members, just that is may have members state wide, but it doesn't address those members with local events and discounts...
As the Old Saying Goes-If it Sells Too Quick
As long as it wasn't another scam. Low seller history, long term, but low involvement seller-no current feedback, and a detailed ad for a car with a low buy it now and a $500 deposit-I couldn't find enough on the seller that could be confirmed to hit the "BIN" button-I hope nobody gets bit...
Happy BD Beandip!
Happy birthday to you You participate in this zoo, You have restored like a maniac and you have posted like one too! I hope you get a beautiful cool day, a flawless drive in the Z, and something special you weren't expecting! Happy Birthday! Will
Z Parts for Christmas
I was given New Seat upholstery from NOW on Ebay! and a $50 gift card from Bass Pro-but they don't sell Z parts...yet!
ebay car: rust assessment needed
That vioded and glassed framerail didn't happen in the last eight months-there is a bunch of the story missing...in addition to a bunch of metal. He is keeping the wheels-I think the current biid is too high with the failing prior bodywork, and the hints of the problems that are showing...
First Z
Gary, I wasn't aiming at you! I was trying to reinforce what you said-from a newbie! I would like to welcome Spike in his thread, and remind everyone else to do the same on this thread and move anything else to another thread. I agree with you Gary!!!!
I had to go off site for the infran view(not found on our server), but here are the pictures. The one with the sticker on the front, and black on the back is the one from showcars...
Too Large-I will edit and post momentarily. Swine Microsoft Pictureit 2.0! I will have to do something else-the archives said there was a program on the clubs server-I will try to get it-sorry for the delay.
The one from showcarparts came in a box with packing-no hardware, but the mounting locations are molded in-though not drilled, the picture is below, the one with the sticker and black on the back is the showcar parts one-it is also noticeable heavier than the BRE, but not by a bunch. The picture didn't take, I'll try again below(in another post).
First Z
Don't Hijack the thread! This one is to welcome Spike to our midst!
it is a copy, I have one of the originals, and one bought from Showcar parts-it is a good quality piece, and only slightly different from the original-I will see about putting them together in the same place, and posting a picture(neither is mounted-though the BRE has been)
Evil Twin
Last visited