Flow control valve
Thanks. I suspected as much. Especially for a car that gets driven a half dozen times a year. My question was fairly dumb to start with and as usual with a dumb question it comes to you as soon as you ask for advise.
Sailor Bob started following Transmission mount bolts , Flow control valve and [2020] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Flow control valve
Dumb question. 🙂
[2020] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Looking for some hose to bleed the clutch slave. Found this in a moldy old box in the back of the shed. Pure gold
[2020] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
I thought about that, but the sensor was so easy to remove. One quick haul on a vise grip, unplug and hand loosen. Next time it goes on a ramp ill get the filler plug out and put it back in hand tight.
[2020] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
I should have been posting on this thread for a month. Been something each day. today i finally got a load of mt 90 into the tranny the hard way. Through the reverse sensor opening. installed a new clutch slave and had a go at removing the front bumper (not as simple as one might think) rad tomorrow.
Transmission mount bolts
No joy. Filled it through the reverse sensor
- Transmission mount bolts
Transmission mount bolts
All back where its supposed to be. Fluids next, Rad goes in tomorrow. Not sure why i didnt check the tranny filler plug befor installing. Its solid. Pretty frustrating.. any advise ?
Transmission mount bolts
You nailed it. Thank you very much. And looking at this fiche diagram stirred my memory. I have this on disc somewhere. Either way, i appreciate your effort, i ever get back to chilliwack ill look you up and supply libations
Transmission mount bolts
I should have been more specific. I have a 73 built in july 72 it has a cross member with a bushing on each side. The bolts pass through the bushings. They appear to be around 3.5 inches long.
Transmission mount bolts
Hi guys and gals Got my engine and tranny in but lost the mount bolts. Can anyone describe them in a manner that is can describe to a person in a fastener shop ? Thx SB
Clutch fork throw
Slave has a little compression in the fork reciever
Clutch fork throw
New 36 and a fraction old 49
Clutch fork throw
Simplest solution. Cleaned up the old pressure plate, took out the new pressure plate assembly, reinstalled the old one. Perfect... if im not too hungover tomorrow i may install the engine/tranny.
Clutch fork throw
Thanks. Im thinking type b4. I have to take it apart again to measure. Might be the weekend befor i get back to it. i actually have a complete five speed from a zx in my shed. Im thinking there may be a fork/to bearing in it. Havent been in it in months so the snow is blocking the door... canada