71 turn switch in a 73 wil it fit? help plaese!!!!!
Yeah it is def broke. Its the white plastic piece that is hooked to the rod that is broke. I have tried to repair it with glue but it didnt work.I think my baby girl pulled down on it too far when she wasplaying in there. Lesson Learned. Never let your Kidstrash you r car. thanks for the help. I will prolly buy it and try it.
71 turn switch in a 73 wil it fit? help plaese!!!!!
yeah thats 100$ dif in 70-71 and 72-73
71 turn switch in a 73 wil it fit? help plaese!!!!!
My turn signal switch broke in my 73 240. I am looking at a 71 switch on ebay does any body know if it will fit? Ihere are a few pics.I need help cuase the law man has pulled me over and he gave me a warning to get it fixed. I dont wont to pay any more tickets. Can i wire it up to fit? help me please.
This seller needs anger management!
WOW! I think he is secretly in love with Z stuff and his ebay sale is just a cover up. Kinda like a gay guy being married years before he comes out about it. This guy sounds like he just wants to come out too. LMAO.
rear panel project ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Here are a few more pics of my progress. The first two are before, and the next two are after a little elbow grease, and beating and pulling ect.... It still needs a lot of work but I think I have a good start. Any suggestions are welcome. And what about the lead that molded the seem above the small window. does that need to go back with lead for added strength, or can I fiberglass the hell out of it? I hope I got these pics right.
This is weird
Are they stock SUs? vapor lock?
rear panel project ahhhhhhhhhhh!
dang i accidently put my goat on there. sorry. his name is LITTLE BALL.
rear panel project ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Well i got a few pics. I am debating wether to fix the old one or buy a new one. I dont think it is too far from repair but a new(good used) one would be much more practical)and more money).i can do some body work but money is tight and everything like that so i think will attempt to beat and bog the old one. here are a few pics of my progress. i hope you enjoy. its not as hard as it looks but dirty as HELL.
Some downtime on 6/7
thanks MIKE this site is killer. And it has helped med ten ways to sunday. It does seem a little quicker to load.
v8 conversion help pleasee
hey i have a book on it. if you are refering to the 2 aluminum or steel, 0.5" thick, then they are supossed to go between the front crossmember and the car body(frame rails). they lower the front crossmember (engine) 0.5" it allows for the engine to be in the setback position. hope that helps
280 running rough
Hey, this prolly wont help but, My 73 240 was acting the same way yours is and i thought it was fuel too rich/too lean, but it turned out to be my pionts in the dist. they were burnt out bad. so i changed the pionts and it ran better but there wasnt something right because it would bog down and smoked when i hammered on it. finnaly, i fixed the prob by adjusting the timing back on the dist. it was set way to fast. hope it helps
brick wall meets 240z:I need help
I will start keeping my eye open for a decent shell, but it is truly a job to find a car with minimal rust. catch 22. but you are both right. thanks for the help yall. i do have my eye on one but like i say the undercarriage is rusted worse than mine. thanks again. OUT
brick wall meets 240z:I need help
here are a few pics of the rear roll pan and spare tire area. i hope this helps with advice and such. i only wish i knew more. all the help i have got so far has been better than great. thanks.
brick wall meets 240z:I need help
hey i will put some new pics on in a few. Yes the gas tank is pushed in and the metal around the spare tire is pushed in a little. This is because before i bought the car someone rear ended the car and tried to cover it up with sheet metal. If you look in the picture where the rear roll pan is There is alot of damge. I believe that the previous owner got rear eneded and didn't bother to tell me, now i have to deal with his problem and mine. So the right side is down a bit and that is why i think i need to start with a fresh panel. What about the metal around my spare tire? I will go take some pic to help explain what i am talking about. Thanks a mill
Four doors aren't cool.
four doors are good if you have as many kids as i do.