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Everything posted by mperdue

  1. I knew the pansies would start pouring in the post reports!!!
  2. mperdue commented on hls30.com's comment on a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  3. Fun stuff huh? We have to do PRAs and FMECA (or "motherFMECAs" as my boss likes to call them) all the time. I can see how it would be extremely important for nuclear reactors etc but for us it's just a BS exercise that gets in the way of doing real work . Anyway sounds like your current jobs are much more exciting! Michael
  4. mperdue commented on PeterW64's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  5. mperdue commented on Robin's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  6. Rocket scientist here - EE for an ionospheric studies group at UT Dallas. So obviously some things take more than a rocket scientist to understand as I'm very far from having it all figured out myself.
  7. mperdue replied to sblake01's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I agree those wheels look perfect on your 810. I don't think they'd fit anywhere else really though. See the '79 line-up below. It's got your 810 coupe on it (apparently the only model year it was available according to your production dates) and it looks like it shows those rims in the pic. This is my on my desktop now as it's got my 210 HB on it also. Cool ride stephen!
  8. mperdue commented on sblake01's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. mperdue commented on sblake01's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  10. Hi Chris - No I just saw it and it ends soon so I didn't email the seller. Also I generally don't like to bug sellers unless I really plan to bid (which I don't in this case). Maybe someone else here knows what it is. Michael
  11. Anyone know what this manual is for or who made it? Doesn't look factory to me, and it also looks like it's a hardcover. Ebay auction link
  12. mperdue commented on Ed's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  13. mperdue replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Just installed that. Pretty cool and it is much easier than opening it in a program. Best part is you resize many images at once. Thanks Mike Dubya.
  14. mperdue replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Try MS Paint. It does a fairly good job of keeping the picture clean (ie not pixelated all to hell). Just go to the Image menu, then select Stretch/Skew and put in the percents you want. Simple and free with XP. Now the older versions of MSP didn't do very good reductions but the more recent versions do. Not sure about max size - it could be a file size restriction or a picture dimension restriction. Not sure which. If it's a file size sometimes opening it in a program in MS Paint and re-saving it or saving as a new name will reduce the size. Some JPG programs are less efficient in their compression than others. Michael
  15. rusty, note that the car in the ad is a 1Liter engine (A10) and not the A14 described in some of these replies. But you could probably drop an A14 or A15 in with no problems.
  16. mperdue replied to Zrush's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Oh MY GOD this is completely off topic for this site I can't belive I'm reading this here!!!!!!! Take you're whiney bull sh()T somewhere else IT DOESN"T BELONG ON A Z CAR SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!That's IT I"M LEAVING THIS SITE I HATE ALL OF YOU !!! MIKE PLEASE CLOSE THIS THERAD THIS IS REDICULOUS TO HAVE TO READ THIS CRAP WHEN I"M HNERE ONLY TO READ Z CAR STUFF THIS IS INSANITY! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! / j/k hope everyone's ok in FL
  17. Thanks Chris, that makes sense to me. I thought it had something to do with shifting gears. Michael
  18. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what exactly is clutch slipping and how do you know it's slipping? I guess I don't understand how the whole clutch assembly works enough to understand the explanations I read on the internet after searching Google. Thanks, Michael
  19. mperdue replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
  20. mperdue commented on hls30.com's comment on a gallery image in Garage Pictures
  21. put it back together carefully and sell it. i bet you lost half of the pins/rivets but who knows maybe you can find enough of them. jeezus christ I can't believe you pulled it all out
  22. Halz, didn't you see the pics? Probably has a near perfect interior - butterscotch by the way. If only I had a budget for my Z right now I'd do my best to buy it from ls1 before he hacks it to pieces (the interior that is).
  23. mperdue posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I just purchased my own domain which I will use to host my datsun project webpages (my '72 240Z, '79 210 and my paintcode project). I'm also interested in hosting a few other members' projects if anyone is interested. There will be no ads or pop-ups or any of that crap because the site will be hosted by a friend of mine, but if the bandwidth gets too high there will be a monthly fee incurred, probably in the range of 10$ per month or so (not each, but for the entire site). If anyone is interested in setting up a project on this site let me know. I may even cover the monthly charge myself - which may be something on the order of treating my friend to lunch once a month . I would prefer to host projects that are updated frequently like mine (ok though I'm not making any progress right now - shut up). ALso I would prefer no high bandwidth junk like music or large off-topic files, but there is plenty of space for all thepictures you can take. So if you're interested drop me a PM or email, or reply here. By the way, when the DNS is set up it'll be at www.datsunprojects.org. MIchael
  24. mperdue replied to Zrush's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    after you open the door and lock it from the inside, try lifting the handle as you shut the door and release it after the door is shut. it should remain locked. at least it does on other old cars i've seen such as my '79 210. i'm not sure what it's supposed to do though but i don't think that's uncommon.

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