Everything posted by mperdue
Basil and OMT
For both animal and machine! I hope he doens't have the same trouble I had with the cat in my garage (litter box etc...)
Back from the paint shop
how bout a pic of the underside? i'd like to see how you handle the undercoat/orange transition. Looks beautiful!
My workshop
rust pics i edited
- Sex or Z?
Driving Music...
no running car yet so heres my garage music. what can I say? I'm a ween freak! abou 75% of the time anyway - the ton of bootlegs and b-sides/out-takes discs I have keep me going. if you haven't heard them see my main homepage for an mp3 download of the week (now playing Sweet Texas Fire). if not that, I'm listening to Moistboyz(!!!), Morphine, anything by Les Claypool, anything by Richie Hawtin, the classic rock station or National Public Radio.
Albino Squirrel
How many Z forums do you participate in?
Zhome.com - check sometimes for a tid-bit of info I can't find here. It doesn't look like it's really updated anymore as far as I can tell. Zcar.com - If I'm looking for parts or need to sell (give away) something - not too often really. Zdriver.com - I used to look at their galleries sometimes and tech pages but now that you have to register and LOG IN to search or view galleries, I'd rather just live without it. ZX's aren't really my thing anyway. Hybridz - I predict that I'll be seeing more of this site in my future -probably once I get to putting my car back together. ClassicZcars.com (or 240z.org as my bookmarks show) - The best of the best! I probably stop by here 20 times a day (most when I'm supposed to be working). Considering how slow my project is coming along, I'l probably be doing this for years to come! Thanks for making this such a great site guys! Michael
One of our own in bad accident
Best of luck man. Here's another Texas Z fan pulling for you. Keep us informed as best you can. Michael
Wheel Stud Removal?
Hahahah after looking at mine last night I realized that was a dumb question!!! NOt the first and surely won't be the last! Oh duh now I see your point - wheels falling off...... Sorry 72, I have mine too far disassembled to answer your question. Michael
Z Graveyard 8
Thank you President Clinton
That was Ford. Chevy Chase did a great FOrd on SNL...
Thank you President Clinton
I KNEW this thread would have to get around to boobs sooner or later!!!
Is that the stock lime yellow color? It looks more green in the pics - but then again, I've only seen faded ones... Looks good. Did you just finish the restoration or has it been that way for awhile?
Getting itchy feet!
350z seats
i sat in one at the Nissan dealership - very very comfortable... I wonder if they'd fit in a 240Z? I tried to look underneath to see how they mount but couldn't see much.
OLD Project 260Z (SOLD) - Front
- ack!
Rust question
It's hard to tell without digging a little deeper but the floorpans could possibly be saved. The ones that I would consider definate goners are the Flinstones floorboards. You've still got a lot to work with. If there's anything left after scraping the putty and sandblasting you may be able to seal it up nicely with POR-15 and POR power mesh. Then again, POR products aren't cheap so maybe new metal would be the way to go - then again again, I'd POR-15 new floors too! GOod luck! Michael
O.K. Who got caught??????????
Hahhaa... Well I'm particularly gullible I think - just go look at my webpage and see the POS I bought for WAY too much money last year! Oh and by the way, this story continued to snowball throughout the day yesterday. The guys who sent me the email also sent it to my boss (who's 65 and almost had a heart attack). They stopped him before he could respond - but he still ended up forwarding it to several of our top level "buddies" in the project who he thought would get a kick out of the joke. Unfortunately he also forwarded his response to Jane too. He didn't explain how the joke came about so to the other guys who got the message it looked like she had actually sent the original email . She ended up calling the department head here and chewed his arse out about our guys spreading around false statements about her etc.. I think it's still going on over there in the dept head's office. I think the real killer with this joke was that the Subject of the email was something like "ATTN NWM Catastrophic Failure". Anyone who got that had at least a little heart flutter at first sight. When I emailed Jane back the second time explaining the joke she said - "thanks, I just peeled myself off the ceiling." Hahahha. Michael PS I changed the name to protect my arse...
Fairlady Roadster sighting in WA. OZ.
I'm already considering a roadster as my next project (years down the road). My wife want an old VW Bug but I think I'll be able to talk her into another Datsun instead.... Michael
Why Toyota Four Runner Brakes?
Here's a good one from the Z Club of Texas Link Michael
anyone know any good datsun salvege yard in tx.
Thanks for the tip SCCA - I'd heard there was one around but hadn't found it yet. Oh and I love the avatar!!! Michael
help ID car
Yup I think that's it! I'd never seen one before. I just did a quick search for pics - that's a funky looking car. Weird headlights...
help ID car
The other day at the grocery store I saw a car that looked a LOT like a 240Z. I was driving by and didn't find any clear emblems but on the back it had O P E and then another letter missing at the end. The shape was very similar to an early Z (I don't remember the headlights) but the back instead of being curved out it was kind flattened or curved in, and maybe a different color. ANy ideas?