Everything posted by 280~Master
Help me get some heat out of my heater!
I have to agree with Jimmy on the leaves stuck in the heater somewhere. When these cars sit near or under a tree the will draw leaves into the heater. When I redid my ac/heater I had so much gunk in the fan, heater core and the fresh air inlet, that I filled a brown paper bag. try this post for some detailed help. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=32630
77 & 78 Intake Manifold Compatibility
I have seen people cut the webbing out when they polish the intake. If you get your hands on a non-EGR intake grab it they are becoming harder to find. I don't know if there is a performance difference with each intake. If there is its not much.
77 & 78 Intake Manifold Compatibility
There are several types of intakes out there. Any EFI intake will fit on your 78and bolt right up. As far as the EGR, there were intakes that were made for different markets. My 76 has a non-egr intake but it is also a non-catalic car. which is stamped on the door plate. In California you would find that the 76 intakes have an egr and a cat required. You will also find intakes with webbing. These were on 79 and up I believe but they will bolt right up also. Then there is the turbo manifolds, which are much like the ZX manifold if not the same. So you have 1. Polished intake Non-EGR 2. EGR Intake not webbed 3. Webbed Intake has EGR 4. Non-EGR intake
FS:1980 Datsun 280zx (S130) 10th ANN. #2750/3000
what sold? This 280zx or rob's car?
400 Days Later from Being Locked Up
Very nice. I love that color. Which orange is that? I want to paint my 280 the original 305 light blue or the 110 red have not made that choice yet? Still working on other items.
Refurbished engines
Try looking at http://www.atkengines.com/ they are the ones that supply MSA with there engines. ENG SIZE.doc
Leaking Brake Line
tape, glue, or other stuff will not stop it from leaking. Like Walter said, make sure you have the correct lines that are for an import (Metric) Make sure the threads are good on both the master cylinder and the proportioning valve and there is not some trash or object in the way keeping the flare from seating correctly. Good luck
valve covers
are you talking about the 2400 valve covers Nissan OHC valve covers or the Turbo valve covers.
1980 ZX 10th Anniversary Edition with 49 miles on eBay - $35,000
I wonder what the inside smelled like? New or musty?
2+2 taillight panel interchangeability?
I think it should. The 2+2 was longer than the 2 seater but I don't think it was wider.
Alternator swap
you can repalce the alt with 74 260Z and up to 84 maxima's. You will have to switch to an internel volt regulator but there is a plug and play adapter for sale to do that. Other than that no other modification is needed. Look around the forum by searching alt upgrade and you will find many posts and ideas. A direct bolt alt from any L6 series engine will bolt right up just mod the wiring like I said before.
What to do...280z
I don't have bumpers on my 280. Those were the first items removed. I did keep them just in case. I know MSA front ends don't have that big bumper on it but as Craig says put some 240 bumpers on it. Right now for my car I have went to Home Depot and bought a metal mesh, the stuff used to hold stuco on the wall, and made a 1 piece grill in the front. Its not the best looking but I am now about 140lbs lighter.
Alternator help
You did not tell us if it was a turbo model or NA model. Thats ok I can help you figure this out. Take a look at the PDF I got for you. Here is the pages you need for the 82 model turbo and NA. Now after reading the latest poll. I will have to charge you a discription fee, a thought fee, and a pdf page fee. In all seriousness, you will have to pay nothing to ebay or paypal for this info but you will have to repay us here with pics and progress you make on the new girlfriend. Pages from Electrical System-2.pdf
I like my pick'n'pull. Best $30 I've ever spent.
I think there is a way to use that type of dizzy. I have heard about it somewhere but don't know where to find out.
Brembo Aluminum Drums are NLA
Looks like the rear disk conversion might not be so bad after all.
Moose in backdrop
If the moth balls don't work, try hanging a print out of this on your trees. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showfull.php?photo=13184 I am sure they will run for the hills then.
How do I get this off...
Like dave said make sure you have the bolts from under the carbs. You are going to have to break the seal from the intake to the head gasket. I use a rubber mallet for this. Tap it a few time and then try and wiggle it out of there. Also make sure all the hoses are disconnected. If all else fails take a ride in the thing/car.
Z cave is done....
I like the cave great job. I would have to move that thing/car on the right and replace it with the silver one on the far right . I am envy.
Ricks Birthday Prose-too big for the shout box!
Happy birthday Rick!!! Bill did you get your dad a present this year?
Has anyone used or recommend Alumiseal?
Jon is right if you continue to drive it you will burn up the rings and cause serious damage to the engine. You may want to find a doner engine from another car. To me pulling and replacing an engine is alot easier than trying to replace all that gasket stuff with the engine in the car. just my 2 cents
Has anyone used or recommend Alumiseal?
This does indicate water in your oil. Bad Head gasket, cracked head, bad block who knows but you are getting water in your oil. This is not good for your car at all. Water in you oil will lead to engine failure for sure. Do some searching in your area for a place to repair this ASAP or you will be out of an engine.
New clock Mod.
Jackpot is that what the pot stands for 420
What Kind of Car Shows do you really enjoy?
I like all kinds of shows. I love the old and newer cars. Great place to meet people and see people you know. Most of all I like the G-string Bikini contest those always make me happy
What Constitutes Automotive proof?
This sounds great and interesting. What a Z story this is. I guess you could say the 153's are very rare in there own way, not just by being Scarab cars. It would be interesting to have these 2 cars sitting next to each other in Cleveland for the next big Z meet.
blue smoke how come
beandip this is why everyone said what they did. Stupid Question 1 :tapemouth Stupid Question 2 :sick: Stupid Question 3 :dead: Stupid Question 4 Stupid Question 5 :eek: Stupid Question 6