Everything posted by 280~Master
The Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance
Will, That is one I would drop down a pile of money. if I had it.
brush gaurd help
If it were me I would take the bumper off and bolt on a brush guard from a police car or even on from a ford ranger. Then go and get some paint from Wally world and paint the hell out of it. Make sure you get the special cold weather paint cause its fix-in to get real cold there in minnesota. You might want to look into a winch for the brush guard just in case you have to pull a big'n up a hill or something.
The Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance
That car was so long I had to take angled pictures to get it all. When I took straight on pics I had to splice them together. I will see about place a couple on my site for everyone to see in high res.
!!All Gas is not equal!!
So I went out and bought a used inferno red 07 PT cruiser the other day. Pics coming soon. Got a really great deal on it from a friend. I do love it. trying to save gas from the bigger SUV we had. Anyway the 07 Cruiser has a gas scanner in it. Tells me how many miles are left in the tank and average MPG. The dealer gave us a gas ticket for a BP station up the road. Filled up and ended getting 18 to 20 mpg from 87 octain gas. We needed more gas the other day and went to the wal-mart and placed 40.00 dollars in it. Now my scanner is saying we are getting 12 to 15 mpg. I know I can't judge the mpg's off of just one fill up but have any of you ever noticed a difference in your mpg's from gas station to gas station?
The Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance
I went digging for you on this car. Found the info plate and another picture of it. I prefered to look at the RR Phantom. To me this was a very beautiful car and the pictures do not show the beauty of it. The detail in this car was the best I have ever seen in a car. I did not take as many pictures as Will did but he was without wife and kids. My side kicks like to run a little late to events. :mad:
Sakura rims F/S...got $4k lying around?
4k I laugh. I got a set of those in the attic, still looking for someone to refresh them up. didn't pay 4k for them got them from a pick and pull yard with tires for 35 a piece.
Por 15 gas tank sealer
I first used a coating the local radiator guys sugested and had problems with that other stuff RED-KOTE http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19514 I then found a different tank and used POR-15 to fix the tank. I had some pin holes and plenty of rust but it did the job. Its been almost 2 years and no problems with it at all. Just chose to do it on a hot sunny day and follow the directions word for word and you should have no problems. If you have a radiator shop close by have it hot tanked first to help out.
A/C Evaporator Core
I may end up getting a new one. After 30 years they are bound to have week spots.
A/C Evaporator Core
So I had the AC going for a while and now have a leak in the Evaporator core. Just wondering if anyone had this problem and did they try to fix theres? If so, what did you do? and how did you do it? Welding, JB Weld, Iron on patches, Needle and thread ECT. I know MSA has them for 179, the other parts stores want in the 290 dollar range for a new one. Any ideas or advice would be great.
The future Z cave
Looks great and wish I had room for one of those. So you built this by yourself?
Lets see your shifter knob
These look interesting. A little high on there prices but still cool. http://www.rocky-road.com/rocknob.html
The Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance
Count me in on this one again Will. I will be there to see this great show again. Here is a reminder of the great fun we had.
heard a rumor today...can anybody confirm it??
I head a rumor like that years ago. Dont know if its true, I doubt it is. Good luck on the car.
They are going to tow my Z!! Part 2
al itzah2luv, As Will says find out the rules of your HOA and surrounding area. Stay with-in those rules and if you are still getting grief then use the law to help you instead of them. Will, If I didn't know better, I would think that you have had problems with the little old lady across the street. RFOL
I need some direction on my problem.
Like Sblake says check Temp and thermo. Sounds to be running rich, maybe a bad AFM. Mine spits a black mess like this from time to time. I have been told it is running rich, I like it rich can spit flames when I get on it.
HP gaining techniques?
You need to keep the water pump and invest in an electric fan. Without a fan clutch you will feal the HP gain in the seat. Not much but enough to enjoy. 5 to 10 HP at the most.
Half Exhuast
My ideal exhaust would be 6-1 header or an early series 1 exhaust manifold with 2 1/2 pipe on a turbo muffler. I would place an automatic cut-out just behind or equal with the tranny for those times I need the extra HP and sound. As of right now I have a stock exhaust manifold with 1 1/2 pipe and no muffler. Its loud at idle and crazy loud when getting on it. My 76 is labeled a non-catalytic car.
Finding an old Friend - - or it's a small world..
Carl, What a great story and find, a nice 240Z going back to the original owner. Kind of like a Disney story where everyone lives happly ever after. Galaxybj - AKA (Bill Jones), Glad your car is coming home to see you. Hope she brings you back to those glory years and not disco RFOL. Good luck on fixing her back up. John
Cleaning/Shining Engine Components?
I use Simple Green and Mothers polish. 1 Thing to keep in mind about Simple Green is, it is very corrosive if left on a surface. It must be rinsed completely or it can cause rusting.
pinout diagram for engine harness?
77 Fsm
Relay Bracket and relays
It does look familiar but I don't have the Auto tranny so it would have to be the Water temp relay # 4. I am going to look at the wires get the colors and try and see if its on the wiring diagram in the FSM.
Relay Bracket and relays
On the passenger side of my 76 is the relay Bracket. It has the fuzable links on the out side, The voltage regulator in the back, The AC relay on the back side, and one other relay that sits on the front side of the bracket. I have looked in the FSM but can't find out what it is for. Does anyone have an idea what this relay is??
how to pull engine...?
I would just shake it loose and shake it good. If you want to use a rubber mallet then go ahead. I have really never had to pry one apart.
how to pull engine...?
Did you remove the shield on the bottom,between the engine and tranny. Did you undo the engine mounts? make sure all hoses are pulled (Heater Hose)
Reproduction parts
I would like to see some things made out of better materials. There is alot more info about materials now then there was in the 70's. Then a again a great big old 3 " HEMP exhaust cold make everything seem just peachy.