Everything posted by 280~Master
What is This?
That is a part that needs to be keeped n restored. Its a hard to find part.
FI SU backt to the future
Are you running megasquirt?
What colour to paint Calipers
I like the siver look.
pinout diagram for engine harness?
May be this is what you are looking for. Pages from 88-93.pdf
Tranns type question.
Try this out Bill. http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22132&highlight=shifter+bushing I was doing the same thing a while ago. Don't use the door bushing kit from other sites, it does not work for very long. When you replace the bushings in use a little lithium grease all over the area to keep friction down when shifing. I would think brass would be the way to go.
How much do you know about Datsun coming to America and the story of the 240Z
I think its good to have the Datsum Heritage Museum getting off the ground. At least its not the Japanese Auto Heritage Museum. Then we would have all that super fast Honda Civic and Toyota history sitting next to the history Z's 510's Roadster's
When did the fairladyZ get power windows
When did the power windows hit the US models? was it in the S130?
How much do you know about Datsun coming to America and the story of the 240Z
Well I will try and BS my way around the line in the Z. I would guess that it is Ƶ is also used by engineers as a variant of Z in hand-written equations, so as not to confuse the symbol with the numeral 2.
Cars and Coffee
Carl, That sounds like a great place to be on a Saturday Morning. If I was able to make an event like that I would love it. Will, Who did you have in mind?
How many Sailors out there?
I was in the US Navy from 1991 to 1993. Served on the USS Kansas City AOR-3. Did a couple of west packs and played in the persian gulf. Sometimes I wish I was back on a ship in the middle of the ocean away from all the B.S.
Injector advice
Looks pretty nice. Looks like he does this himself or sends them off. Never seen this guy before but never really looked. I know I switched my connectors to the BMW/chevy type quick release. I have had much better results after replacing the connectors. If you get these let us know if they are what he says they are. I would be interested in some blue injectors for my EFI upgrades.
Mounting a Radiator Shroud
Johnny I got ya on the fitting issues. Parts should come fitted and ready for installment.
I have electrical or fuel problems please help
Try this http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/efisystem/280zfuelinjectionbook.pdf
Mounting a Radiator Shroud
From my radiator adventures life becomes alot easier if the hood is removed and the fan is unbolted from the clutch with a 10MM open end wrench. Now days you maybe able to one of those socket type wrenches for faster loosening. Once the hood and fan is off everything will slide in and out with the greatest of eaze. Thats just my 2 cents. I do like the shroud from MSA but I now have the JTR radiator convertion and I can not say enough about how great it is.
Engine/EFI harness from 77 to 76
You want to use a 75 to 76. The 77 can work but it would not bee easy. Most connectors are the same just small parts of the EFI are a little different.
Making my own EFI intake system
Dam it Derek. Now I am going to have to redo the whole thought process of my EFI system. That looks very interesting. Now where to I insert the shot NOS?
1975 gas tank for 280z????
77, 78 should be the same tank. If you have the old one just POR the darn thing. That liner is well worth the 60 bucks and a weekends work.
What is the best part of taking your Z out for a spin?
I would have to say the best part of my Z is-its in the 90's, I'm almost done with the AC restore, I have a 2" pipe that runs all the way back with no muffler a full tank of gas and a chevy next to me reving the engine like he's gonna win. So I hit the gas to about 3500 RPM's pop the clutch and start shifting gears like a hell dog. Listening to the tires spin the engine reving and away we go.
Alternator Upgrade
240ZMan do you have any info on that upgrade? I know about doing that upgrade, was even going to do that upgrade. I just don't want to change things like ALT pully and make a new braket ect. I want a good bolt on swap.
Alternator Upgrade
I see where you guys are coming from on the AMP's. I am running an electric fan that draws a bit of amps plus a stereo and I am headed for more power using options. Windows, Wiper pgrade things like yours dave. I do see the voltage gauge when using lights blinker ect. pluse like to much is being drawn. May just be an old regulator. But I also have some idea about things and would love to read that book Will.
Alternator Upgrade
I just bought an alternator for the 75 280Z. I got the Alt for a 82ZXT internally regulated of course 60AMP. I am not in need of it yet but have noticed a flux in voltage when driving so I am preping for when it does go out. My question for this thread is. 1. Is there a way to ugrade the insides of the Alternator to get a max output of voltage. I do have an Alt shop close by but he's not the best guy to talk with. I also don't want to spend the 100 or so for the other guys super AMP alternator.
Z Car Hell Uncovered
Maybe Razor blades Carl. Heck the only true good use for Japanese steel from the 70's is to make rust piles.
Considering Aluminum radiator
Valley, I have the radiator HLS30.com was talking about above. I also installed a 2 speed electric fan from a ford. I have an escort fan shroud and a auto switch to turn the fan on. I live in Southern GA. it hits the 100's and is humid as he!!. I can not get the temp guage to go past the middle unless i turn off then fan. Best cooling I have ever used on a Z and it was more cost effective with radiator supports ect. HLS30.COM priced safely above what it cost me to do the convertion. Hopefully will have a full write up in a week or 2.
She's got to go
I was happy when I got her and still happy to have her, sad to see her go but if I can't get my reserve price then she will sit in the garage.
She's got to go
Thanks Arne, I hope to get some extra money to put into my 76.