Everything posted by 280~Master
Changing intake/exhaust gasket on '83 motor
Me and HLS30 did an intake pull in the local pick and pull not to long ago and did it in about an hour. We had the intake off then the turbo then the head. You can do it with the head on if you take your time.
How often for a Valve Job?
I wouldn't think just a couple of years and you need a valve job. Unless you have been putting 60 to 70 thousand miles on it. Your valves should last for quite sometime before they need replacing. This is if you are a nice driver to your car. Racing and long distance on a regular is something else. Your seats should still be good. Did you get a 5 angle or 3 angle when you had them done a couple of years ago and what kind of seats were put in, if any were replaced? You might need to adjust the valves. This is something that should be done every so often. Is there a possability the shop was using the wrong words and ment adjusting instead of job?
Need Help Lining Fuel Tank
Try this one. http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19034
Changing intake/exhaust gasket on '83 motor
The SU manifold and the webbed manifold bolt on pretty much the same way but they are not exactly the same. The fuel injection manfiold does share studs between the intake and exhaust. You have about 4 nuts on the bottom of the webbing that are the hardest to get off. The last 2 nuts from 4 then 5&6 are the hardest to get to. They are 12mm or 14mm I think. Then you have the bolts up top which are pretty easy to get off. Now for the ones under the manifold you will need 1 short extention, 2 long extentions and a swivle for better fitment. If you have large hands you might need a smaller set to help guide the socket onto the nuts. Becareful not to break any for this will make for very long and upsetting day.
What is the most attractive part of your Z
So would this be from a factory AC Syestem or aftermarket?
What would you like to add to your S30?
This poll was not really fair for me. To many things I could add to the S30. So I decided on a nice Bond Girl in her 20's. Not for the Z look but for me ROFL Now if I went with maybe the something better selection it would have to be 25,000 to drop into the Z. 1st a nice 4 to 6 hundred HP VG30DETT and all the powertrain to boot. 2nd a modified suspention 3rd Great body mods like Carbon fiber hood and fenders, carbon fiber front air dam, 240 bumper, side ground effects, BRE spoiler, Fender flares, 17" wheels wrapped in Yoko's, JDMed to the hilt (eyes, Mirrors, ect) shaved handles and side lights, tinted windows. 4th A custom interior with logos just to my tastes. 5th A custom carbon fiber dash to fit my S&W guages (wil look like stock dash) AND 6th the coolest driver in the world ME!!
What is the most attractive part of your Z
I think the engine compartment is the best part on my Z. With all the steel braided lines, custom radiator with electric fan and all the polished parts under the hood.
What is the most attractive part of your Z
Bad post Delete please
Making Mp3 **** for car stereo
Here are some instructions for using Nero to make all sorts of things. http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Tutorials_Audio.html
Making Mp3 **** for car stereo
I never used the playlist option on my MP3 stereo but from what I gather the playlist file or asx, M3U, PLS file has got to be in the directory that the song file is in. As far as names goes. I name the folders what I want and it reads them. Just remember that when you go to burn the cd your cd burning software will put the files or folders in alphabetical order for you.
VIN Decoding
This may not help for the early cars but might give people a good idea on how the VIN # works. Plus a little extra info for no good reason. I was playing with the scanner.
What did Nissan Call this part???
I know this pan also helps keep the water or splash out of the engine bay. I have noticed from the 280's I have owned the ones with out this guard have a problem with water getting into places that it doesn't belong. Like the TPS or beleive it or not the fusable links. Nissan put it there for a reason I am guessing.
Did you know.......................?
I call it a tag to Will. I guess thats a Georgia thing. Did you know that in the US the vented hood started in 1977. Did you know that in 1977 US 280Z's have a early build and late buile dates.
Well to be sarcastic about it you could have the exhaust pipe extended 3 feet past the rear of the car. It may look a little like rice but it might help. To be serious, one thing I did do was redirect the exhaust tip so it pointed towards the drivers side of the car. I still get some fumes but not as bad. Like everyone before me said the best thing to do is replace all the seals and plug the holes.
Woohoo! Fun at P&P
Ya I am refering to the 240Z. The 280zx had the 5 speed with a 3:90 diff stock.
Woohoo! Fun at P&P
Those numbers sound real good. From the top of my head if your in the 190's thats good compression. I would put the engine in you car the way it is. Assuming that the ZX did not have the look of a burning oil exhaust. The 3:90 diff is suposed to be better all around. It sucks that the US and Canada models didn't get the 3:90 5 Speed combination like other countries did.
What did Nissan Call this part???
Thanks Will.
Happy Birthday Mr. K
Yeah thats what I figured but I did not see any threads with a birthday wish in here for him. Hope I did not miss it.
What did Nissan Call this part???
Like BIG Bucks Or like BIG BUCKS 50 60 or like 200?
Happy Birthday Mr. K
So I hear today is the birthday of Mr. Yutaka Katayama AKA Mr. K. Mr K was born on September 15, 1909 (Japan date)
What did Nissan Call this part???
Yes the splash pan. How much is one worth if its cleaned up and painted?
What did Nissan Call this part???
What did Nissan call the removable plate under the front of the car. Would it be a skid plate? I know I have seen the name of it on here but I can't find it.
New speaker wires to rear? ('73)
I have never ran wire back there so I am no help on that part. I can help with the antenna part. Your radio should have a blue wire or maybe blue/white wire. This should connect to the power for the antenna. This way it will raise when the radio is turned on. Just incase you didn't know.
optima battery hold down
Sounds great jeff. The plastic coating sounds good to. When you fine tune this thin you could dump those to me?
optima battery hold down
Jeff, Do you have the dimensions for that bracket?