Everything posted by 280~Master
Door Lock problems...or are these normal?
Just like Arne said you have two problems. Question Is your Ing key the same as your door or do you have seperate 2 keys? There should be 2 keys. I would start looking for new locks for your car, unless you have tha ability to work on those locks then keep them and fix them. Start with replacing the locks and when you are in the drivers door replace the broken parts you find. You probly have a broken door lock. See item 3 in pic.
Upgrading my Z to a 91TT
Stephen, Well I have owned plenty of S30 models but never owned anything beyond that. I have always been partial to the S30 body style. It just has that great European look to it. Now on the other hand I have always dreamed of a 300XZTT in my drive way just waiting for me to drive it. The bad thing is I always wanted the peral white 300 and this one is red. I am a Z car fan and love all body styles of the Z car. Hell I'm a Nissan fan I own 3 of them now and have bought and sold 5 or 6 in the last couple of years. We will see what happens tonight after I drive it and the wife/boss drives it. Say what you want but yes she is the boss in the long run.
Upgrading my Z to a 91TT
Well I have had the Z for about 8 months now. I enjoy here every single day I drive her. Betty is her name and she has been good to me. She loves it when I rub on her and talk dirty shop talk to her. I love to brag about the upgrades she has and how great the shape of her body is. Keep in mind this is an east coast car and only has surface rust. She has lived in GA all her life and has been sheltered for most of it. Her first was a college professor in 1976, the second was his son, third was going to put a V8 in her but never got around to it (thank goodness). She stayed in the shop then. The forth picked her up in a house deal with the third and his wife said no more cars.:mad: Then I got Betty and the rest is history. WoW how do I tell my wife I have been lusting for another? (the car that is) Now I have the chance to get a real nice red 1991 300ZXTT for a real good price, problem is I would have to sell my 280 in trade for the 300. I am going to look at the car today and drive it around and see how I like it. Now for those who may have one or have one or those that just wish for one do you thing its worth it. To sell my 280 and purchace a nice 300ZXTT
car spitting and sputtering
Try this here, this should help you out a bit. http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/efisystem/280zfuelinjectionbook.pdf john
hey every one i have a problem !!!!!!
Can I have the extra set of SU's that you have.
What is the name of this song??
You have to let us know the time frame it was released that way we can narrow the search. I have heard something like that before from Led Zeppelin. I wonder how the beat and rythm goes on it. Could you do a recording of you singing the song Just kiding Have you been hearing it on the radio or is it stuk in your head from someone singing it or did you hear it in an adult movie right at the end? :tapemouth
Reproduction window sticker
I do not know I will help you with the copy paste thing Will has said. I still have my original sticker from my 76 280.
- Side of custom rad mount
- Side of custom rad mount
- Custom Radiator mount
- Custom Radiator mount
- Bottom view of rad mount
- Bottom view of rad mount
- Top view of rad mount #2
- Top view of rad mount #2
- Front view of rad mount
- Front view of rad mount
- Top view of rad mount
- Top view of rad mount
- Bottom view of Rad mount
- Bottom view of Rad mount
Where do you spend most of the time you spend here!
I spend most of the time on the front page looking at the posts (Hoping for the Boobs Thread). I do look for how to or instructions for the current job or the upcoming job.
New water pump bolts
I plan on using plenty of anti-seize. I will give them a call on the bolts. I guess if all else fails I will head over to nissan. Thanks Ed
New water pump bolts
I am about to replace my water pump due to a JTR radiator change and while I'm all apart and drained I figured just replace the water pump at the same time. ( I hope for no broken bolts :dead: ) Where can I get some new bolts for this project? I know nissan will have them but I want something stainless. Could I just stop by the local Home Depot and pick up some there or should I order some. If so where should I order these from? Thanks
how to kill the ghost of bad luck?:(
BuDavid, http://www.jagsthatrun.com/ You might want to buy the complete kit unlesss you have a real good junk yard to get the extra parts and radiator mounts. If you want you can also go to Black Dragon and order a stock style radiator. About the name of your car, if its your car then give it a sex change if you want. It does not require an operation witch should save some money. I was always told car car should have a girls name. Due to the fact that your car is your companion.