Just an update.
I got a new air regulator on my intake tonight and this solved my problem with the idle situation.
78 280zcar yours could be out. I would wiggle the air regulator a bit right where the conection is and if its loose the replace it. Mine was real bad I could totally pull it out of its housing. I was getting the wrong reading.
Good luck,
I myself have the same problem right now with my 280. I am first thinking it might be the thermo switch in the thermostat housing. have wires that are prety bad and need replaced. Let us know if you get what is causing that. John
Just wanted to say hello to everyone out there. I am a previous Z owner, this will make like number 12 or something. I got spoiled by my first Z (77 280 Orange) and have never been able to match her. I now have a 76 280 (With original window sticker and Guarantee & Service Booklet) that is very clean (Low Rust) and original except the engine. Its been a few years since I owned a Z and it feels darn good to have one again. Hope to learn some more about them and will try and help where ever possible. John Costal Z Club 76 280z HLS30-298085 Cost New $6754.00 w/ Dealer installed AC $6952.50
I would like to know if any one has polished there intake manifold? Would there be an increase oh power if I had the inside of the manifold polished as well as the out side? Just wanting to get some info about the subject..
A friend of mine had this problem with his Z. Sound funny but his did the same ran for a while and then would just die for no reason known to man kind. He had his fuel presure regulator replaced and the problem was gone like a fart in the wind. Good luck with it..
Sometimes the valves can get fall from proper adjustment. You may want to check them just in case. You my have a nice gurgle but a loud pop is not what you want. I would start with the valves. Just did mine tonight. How fun it was:)