Everything posted by chiquete
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
thanks for the information, I better buy your product, but in a few months more ... if it is so good for all the others, also it is it for me; thanks dave and yes, is a 73' 240z
Headlight Upgrade Harness's For Sale (again!)
Hi Dave, what can you say about the Black Dragon headligth harness? I thought to buy that one, but with all those commentaries......I do not know:rolleyes:
SU intake...
Which one is the best intake for the 3 bolts S.U. carbs??? i have two set's, a E88, and a N33; is one better than the other??? thanks for your coments....
ford 2bbl carb custom intake...
here are some pics of the carb that was in my car for 5 months, while I learned how to repair the original carburetors, because nobody in my city knew how to repair them...
3:9 or 4:11 ??????
thanks to all of you guys, the table was easy to use and beneficial, thanks again..
3:9 or 4:11 ??????
I have the oportunity to buy a 3:9 from a ZX and the 4:11 from a 200sxt very cheap...but I need to know which is my better option for a daily ride and occasionally hard driven car???? as well as the effects in the car, such as fuel consumption, launching power, top speed and rpm???? it is good idea to add a maxima head (n47) to this package? thanks for the suggestions!!!
maxima N47
i have the option of acomplete maxima n47 head for just 35dlls, 3:9 from a ZX and a 4:11 fromk a 200sxt for 50 and 70 dlls... which combo is the best for a street daily driven car and ocasional honda eater???? i do a search and i don"t want to change a thing in the head...like the valves or stock cam... which would be the effect in the performance of the car like; launch, power gain, top speed, rpm in the gears, gas consumption and running temperature?????
tach swap
I forgot to mention that is a distributor from a 1981 280zx (e1280 Ignition Module)
tach swap
ok thanks, i made the same cuestion in zcar.com, and somebody give me the answer, this is a 260ztach in a 240z dash, so the green is for current, black is ground and the red is for the negative post in the coil (whit a 2200 ohms resistor). i check tomorrow in the morning... i read your public profile, que tipo de traducciones haces? im from Mexico
tach swap
i do a quick search, and no answer... i put a 260z tach in my 74 240z, the problem is that in the rear of the new tach are 3 wires(red, black and green) and i dont know where to connect them, and near the coil are just 2 wires (yellow and green) both are disconnected. thanks for you commentaries.
ignition module poblems!!!!!
yes... i read in diferent web pages that this is the best setup for my car
ignition module poblems!!!!!
that is right, it is a 74 240z whit a 1981 280zx distributor(the module is in the dist body)....it is normal that the two wires on the coil have current( positive and negative post)???
ignition module poblems!!!!!
this Monday at night my car did not start, the starter is running but no current in the sparkplugs;, i check the current in the coil and in the ignition module, both have current in the 2 wires when the key is open, the problem is that there is no spark in the cover of the distributor. I bought a new coil yesterday but it did not start; I am almost convinced that it is the ignition module, this morning I bought one in a local autoparts store; tonight I will prove after work.. somebody has some commentary on the matter.
Hello From Sonora Mex.
hi armando, i am from Mexicali BC, an i have a 74 240z, if you need information of the engine i can help you...i am not an expert but...