Everything posted by Phacade
Z items 4 sale
No, I am restoring my '73 240Z as well. Most of my avail parts are from a '81 280ZX. I do have a complete engine and tranny from the '73, minus carbs. ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Is the linkage pole (for lack of a better term) next to the firewall that holds the gismo that turns the rest of the linkage rods shorter on a '73 than the '70-'72 models? Or has some idiot simply hacksawed mine? Difficult to tell. I am trying to hook up the original linkage and having alot of diffculty. Any linkage photos out there? Please? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Pressing brake pedal increases RPM
I would check the vacume line that runs from just below the master cylinder on the master vac. It runs (or at least should) to your balance tube on your intake manifold. Mine was pretty worn and needed replaced. Have you done any mods? Not all the balance tubes have the same diameter for this vacume tube. Check it. Fluid you say? Possible you have a bad master cylinder or master vac but I doubt it. There is the possibility that brake fluid is leaking and geting hear the carbs, which I'm told WILL increase RPM. It is, after all, a combustible substance. ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Z items 4 sale
Okay, we have alot of 280ZX stuff; AFM, fuel injectionmanifold, the entire 280ZX minus engine, tranny, rear end. Great interior. L24 from a '73 240Z. E88 head and P30 block. Misc pieces parts. Intake manifold from a '71 240Z Lemme now what you want and email me back. ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Fuel pump help needed!!
I know I posted this in the Carb section already but help is needed. I am putting my L28 from a '81 into my '73 240Z. It uses the P79 head and will be using the early round top SU carbs. I need to go with an electric pump. I need to know: Which pump; Brand, psi, gallons per hour. And do I simply regulate the line under the hood well before the carbs, or do I double regulate right before before the carbs at the "T", thereby leaving the system unhindered and avoiding possible vapor-lock? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Su carb specs (help!)
Since my last post, I deciced to go with early SU carbs in my ongoing restoration of my '73 240Z. Yep, we got the '81 280ZX L28 going in next week. Since I'm using a P79 head, I must go with an electric fuel pump. I need to know: Which pump to get; Brand, psi, and gallons per hour. And do I simply regulate the line, or do I double regulate right before each carb (leaving the system un-hindered thus avoiding possible vapor lock)? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Steering wheel replacement
How involved is it to change my steering wheel in my '73 240Z? I have a really sweet original wood steering wheel installed now. Yes I know, why woud I want to? Page 28 in the new Motorsport catalog should answer this question. I really want that Autocross D-shaped wheel. I'm such a sucker for gimmicks. Anycase, is it a tough job? What tools are required? Any suggestions? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
For sale (and cheap!!)
Actually....no. I don't. I had, past tense, had a very nice 1981 280ZX that I kinda...well...munched. It sat for almost a year with great intentions of being fixed. Then I bought a 1973 240Z, but the mouse was tired in the 240Z engine. I played with it for awhile but never really figured out what was wrong with it. By this time I was going online and getting ideas of putting my '81 engine in my '73. Well it's almost done. I have very, very few parts for the '73. But lots for the '81. The complete driveline from the '81 will be used, and the complete driveline from the '73 will not. There you have it. ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
For sale (and cheap!!)
One slightly used fuel injection intake manifold. Came of a '81 280ZX. Great shape. Slightly used L24. Came out of a '73 240Z Note: no intake on her. Cames with a four speed transmission in great shape. 1981 280ZX. No engine. No drivetrain. Body in OK shape. Interior great shape. Many good parts. Custom dash liner for 1979-1981 280ZX. Black. Carpet style. Has three complete circles for guages, not the partial cover style. Fits sooo nice. Pity I cant use it in my 240Z. Cost me over $200 to have made. Misc parts from either the '81 or the '73. Make me an offer!!! ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
'81 5-spped into a '73 240Z
Any straight advice on this? Will it clear the tunnel? Would I be best advised to go look for a 77-78 5-speed? Should I use the 240Z driveline or not? It will be bolted up to the '81 R200 rear end. Sorry Mike, I realize I just crossed over into two topics. Whoopsie... ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Fuel system (the whole enchilata)
Not so much a question as an observation from other members I was wanting. I have a 1973 240Z. We are putting an '81 L28 into her, running dual Weber DGV carbs. Now from talking with a multitude of people on the internet I have come to understand the the '73 originally had two, count them, two fuel pumps; a muchanical and a manual. This was due to the flat-top Hitachi carbs that were prone to vapor lock. My new engine uses the P79 head, therefore it does not have the eccentric for the manual fuel pump on either the head housing or the cam itself. I have therefore decised that since the '73 has a backup electric fuel pump back by the tank to use it's wiring and mount a nice aftermarket pump there. My choice was a Carter. It has 6.5psi and puts out a mild 72 gallons per hour. This will (hopefully) keep the bowels from drying up in my carbs. But now I have to fix the psi problem I created. So I got a dial-type fuel pressure regualtor and a Moroso fuel pressure guage to mount in front of the carbs to set the psi and monitor it. I have been told with my Webers I needs around 4 - 4.5 psi. Is this correct? Do any of you see any problems with this or have any suggestions? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
4 bbl conversion
Okay I know I've posted this twice already but I really need help here. I am wanting to install a 4 bbl carb on my L28 powered '73 240Z. Which carb should I use? What about the linkage? The intake manifold? Any speacial instructions or modifications needed? Please help me!! ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
4 bbl conversion
I'd like to install a 4 barrell carb system into my L28 powered '73 240Z. What's involved? Which carb do you recommend? What about the linkage? The intake manifold? Any speacial modifications or instructions? Please help me!! ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Silly question really, but what is all the hype about a Borg-Warner? Is it an auto or Stick? Just curious. ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
4 barrel carb adapter, with carb.
What is the CFM on the Holly? Does it come with its own manifold or does it bolt to a existing manifold? Any pictures? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
For Sale 2 '72 240 + many parts
Do you have any '72 Su (PLEASE not '73 or '74) carbs for sale? Intake manifold from a '72? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
SU carbs cheap
How much would you like for the SU's? I am in Tulsa OK and my poor Z needs them. ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
1971 240Z for sale
So where is this car and how can I see it? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Wanted: Scarab Z fenders -w- vents
I would very much like some original Scarab Z fenders with the vents on the sides. I can't really remember if they had two or three vents but I like them. Needs to bolt onto my '73 240z ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Empie 8 spoke wheels for sale
By any chance do you have a jpeg of these wheels? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
Triple Weber set-up For Sale
Could you email me a jpeg of those Webers? ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu
L28, -w- carbs and so on (help!)
I, has my friends say, have the Z bug. I've had eight. Unfortunatly I know less about them than I'd like. My latest is a 1973 240z. It was purchased and then drove over 100 miles home. It ran little after that. After messing with it over and over again the decision was made to put a new engine in it. I have a wrecked 1981 280ZX in my driveway. So I pulled the L28, with P79 heads on it and cleaned off all the fuel injection crap. My plan is to rebuild it with the carbs on my 240z. Now the gentleman I bought the 240z from put double Webers on it. As these carbs seem to be in good working order I am going to reuse them. In addition I want to replace the 240z 4-speed with the 280ZX 5-speed, replace the 240z R180 rear end with the 280ZX R200 rear end, steal the rear ZX disc brakes. Here is my question. Have you any opinion to what I am doing? Any tips? Suggestions? Help? Am I missing anything? Is this going to work. Most of my planning thus far has been from notes and vague references on the interent, so I really hope this goes well and does not cost a fortune. Please help me. ------------------ "Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass his defences; hit him where he does not expect you" -Lao Tzu