Everything posted by Phacade
300zx Turbo engine in my ZED???
Well yes, you will need to rewire almost everything. The tranny you have must go and use a 300ZX tranny (although I have heard people have found ways to use existing transmissions). From what I have heard, there will be a slight performance increase but only slight. Obviously more if you go turbo. You also need to rework your exhaust. Is this going into a 240Z? You need to find where to mount all that extra wiring and the ECU. When done properly it does look very nice, but from what I have heard and talking to folks who ave done it; They say its actually easier to slap a V8 in your Z. Opinion granted since I have done neither and probably will not. I like the simplicity of my L6.
Transmision linkage ?
You might also consider using a shifter handle from a '78 280Z. It is bent more than yours is now and will better clear the tunnel without bumping anything. You can also use this shift handle with a 5-speed and still not worry about having to cut anywhere.
I was watching that old Dudley Moore movie 'Crazy People' the other day and it gave me a few slogan ideas: "The Z, if you don't drive one; you should be locked up in institution. Period." "The Z; it's a little too small to get [naughty] in but you get [naughty] the minute you get out." "The Z; because Caucasians are just too damn tall." I really should have gotten some sleep last night....
Bad alternator?
Its never a bad idea to go with a new battery and regulator when springing for a alternator. I would exchange them at the same time and then watch the needle close.
Clunk in diff, not mustache or u-joints
A good rule of thumb here is to relace the rear diff mount, the strap over the top, the bushings, the moustache bar bushings, u-joints. Usually this will fix it. Sometimes the gears inside have worn or settled in your diff, open the rear inspection plate an examine. Smell it. I know its weird but sometimes a fould odor can evident a problem.
Im Graduated!!!!!!!!
Congrats and drive carefully! A friend on mine totally smashed a '71 240z on his graduation. The lesson: Vodka and Z's do not mix.
Test Drove a Z today
If all else fails; have you considered armed robbery? The statute of limitations is only 7 years and you will have a very nice Z to show for it. Okay I am just kidding. I like the sad pupy dog idea. Another option would be to attempt to get a 'personal loan' from the bank, it saves on the insurance and is easy to pay off.
Transplant Advice
You mentioned transplanting parts but didn't say which parts. Most of your interior parts should go over fine, obviously the back seat will not. Motor and transmission will go over fine as long as you do them together, the flywheel on a 2+2 is a bit more heavy duty (although this is a common 'upgrade', I even have a 2+2 flywheel on my 208Z), the flywheel must have all the other clutch equipment, pressureplate, etc that went with the 2+2. Wheels, brakes, taillights all go over fine. The doors might not fit, I have heard conflicting information on this and quite frankly have not cared enough to test it out for myself. The coupe will drive a little, stress little, different than the 2+2 did, but you'll like it. If you can keep the shell of tyhe 2+2 for parts, I would recommend it.
v-10 Z
I have heard of a V10 in a Z before, such as a Dodge Viper engine, etc. My question is why would you want this? Sure it would be a great bragging point, no doubt. But I seriously doubt the performance would be any better (probably worse) than a properly setup V8 Z. A V10 is a heavy beast and it would seriously through off the balance in your car. I heard that serious frame modification is necessary. Then there is the fact the with the front end weighted down (and it will be), your rear will be light. Ever see a El Camino with a 454 in it try to launch? Unfortunatly I have. The rear tires will spin and spin until you let off the hammer or it finally grabs. Cornering will stink now too. You know that nice feeling your Z has going through a hard curve, where it lays down and corners like it is on rails? Forget it. It now corners like a '78 Ford LTD. (Yeah I had one of those too and it stunk). Before any project, don't look at what any other gearhead, ricer, dweebie, or otherwise has done to their car. Its your Z. Not mine, not anyone else's. Therefore you have to decide what -you- want to do with your car. Don't rush it, plan it out. Do a little research. You will be glad you did.
Typically the 15/30 is the property/medical payout on insurance. Of course NEVER assume that just because your insurace agent throws out numbers like this that this is the standard. Read your policy, ask the tough questions. Use scenarios. "If I hit someone, what will be covered?" "If someone hits me, what will be covered?" Keep in mind that even if they give you a quote, it may be well above the minimum state requirement. Oklahoma, for example, has a minimum requirement of 10/20 coverage but my agent gave me a 20/50 quote. I took it and even went for the optional comp/collision because I love my car. Some agents, not all, will even classify your car as a classic and give it a special rate, but I doubt they would if your 16. I have my other car, my house and a few other things all with my agent so she classified my car as a classic, with full coverage based on a stated appraised value, and I pay $6 bucks a month for it. If anything happens to it; I get $10K. But I am certain my rates go up then too. As far as insurance goes, ask the tough questions up front. My dad always said: "A uncomfortable understanding up front is better than a REALLY uncomfortable revelation later."
Old school ?!
WTF? That looks kinda strange. Again, I guess (???) it would work.
New Z
I usually refer to things such as this as the 'Jesus ____'. Let me explain. One of my first Z's was a '80 280ZX. Off the battery was th usual positive/negative wires. Coming out of the firewall was a small speaker wire connecting to the positive lead. I never identified it, but if unplugged; the car would not run. After sever hours with an electrician friend of mine, he sat up. Smiled, and proudly proclaimed it was a 'Jesus wire'. He explained it was a 'Jesus wire' because Jesus is the only one who knows why its there. His advice: if the car functions normally then leave it. So my advice: if the car functions normally, leave the box.
getting high off gas fumes!!!help me.
I was on HybridZ earlier and ran across this idea, thanks 240Turbo! </font> <hr size="1" style="color:#dedfdf" /> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> I pretty much solved it!<br /> <img src="http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~jthagard/3liter/pics/exhaust/exhaustside2.jpg" alt="" /> <br /> <img src="http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~jthagard/3liter/pics/exhaust/exhaustunderside1.jpg" alt="" /> <br /> <img src="http://www.eng.fsu.edu/~jthagard/3liter/pics/exhaust/exhaust.jpg" alt="" /> </font>
getting high off gas fumes!!!help me.
In addition to all this, I read an article on Zhome and on Zcar about extending the tailpipe out to the edge of the bumper, this is suppose to help keep it from coming back in.
I lost to a Honda CRX...or did I?
Last month I pulled up next to Honda CRX. This thing had a tailpipe bigger than a soccerball. It sounded terrible and had 17" wheels on it. He rolls down his window and asked if I'd like to pop my Datsun's cherry. Nope. He wasn't listening because he starts reving his 4-cyl for all its worth and floors it when the light turns green. He nails through the intersection before I make it off the line, and he won. Thats right he won. What did he win? Well considering 3 seconds later he broadsided a police car I would say he won a night in jail, and more fines than I care to imagine. Of course I really couldn't help myself, so as I cruised by I waved at him as he was most likely crying.
Looking at 280ZX (stop me before its too late)
Yipe! Yipe! Yipe! Thanks but it does seem a bit far to go for a rolling chassis. California is what, 1500 miles from Oklahoma?
If you own a Zcar, what's your sex?
Yes, I'm male but my wife has been known to stumble in here from time to time.
Looking at 280ZX (stop me before its too late)
So how bad is it?
Skinny vs. Fat....
Having talked to a number of quote 'experts' on this matter, I have come to believe that the middle of the road is the best place to be. Obviously if your tires are too narrow then you get no traction, if they are too wide you feel every bump in the road. If you have traction and traction and handling is what you are after then wider is better. However, for the most of us, a nice 205 width to maybe 225 is acceptable. If you don't mind the bumps, and you want more traction and your getting some, then bigger is better. EDIT: Maybe that last line didn't have the meaning I wanted it to have. I meant if your getting traction, then bigger is better; not if your getting some then bigger is....oh never mind.
trying to find some general info on the L6 engines for a swap
It would cost an ungodly amount of money to retofit your car. Z cars are a little bit easier to update to a newer engine but the other way around is probably something you need to reconsider.
How do you become a re-virgin?
That would seem to be an oxymoron. I imagine that it means, or at least is implyed, that they are simply rebuilt engines through and through and the term 'virgin' is a marketing ploy. In reality, there are probably less than 1000 'virgin' blocks in existance today (and I doubt you will ever see one).
Looking at 280ZX (stop me before its too late)
Now mind you that I am absolutly broke and could not afford a new Z if I wanted to. I was looking around, window shopping if you will, and ran upon a couple of VERY nice 280ZX cars. It certainly would be nice to have a playmate for my Z. I was thinking, fantasizing actually: Chevy 350 -w- T56 6-speed. Ram air. R230 rear end. [sigh] I know, I should be flirting with the idea. Probably shouldn't be listening to those guys at www.hybridz.org at all.
My wife says...
Yes, I do not have a shed. Or a barn. Or a garage. Heck, my wife even moved her desk into my office so even that is not mine anymore. I need a shed.
Look what I found yesterday...
Z freak: you will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
All hail 2MANYZ's on his 800th post!
Our fearless leader is at 666 posts, he IS the devil! Or maybe its just an amazing coincidence.