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Everything posted by Phacade

  1. Phacade replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes, but while I am speeding down my runway, the garage door needs to stay shut until I am about 2 feet away then open at the last second leaving about 3 inches clearance on either side. I need to do this while wearing my mask and having that Batman grimace like 'oh my God I'm constipated!'. But I really don't want to wear my underwear outside my pants.
  2. I asked a similiar question earlier but now am thinking that a 240Z dash might become available or a 280Z dash. My 280Z dash is evidently not there. I looked under my dash cap to see how bad it was and was shicked to find there WAS NO DASH! It looks like someone has sawed out the top of the dash and then covered with a cap. At least I have easy access to my dash lights now. I want to keep my options open. Will a 240Z dash fit on a '75 280Z? Complications?
  3. Phacade replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I always fantanized about, and now that I am married, even more so; about putting a secret room on the house somewhere only I know where it is. Think aobut it, the wife can't move anything in my little 'batcave', I can leave stuff organized exactly how it makes the most sense.
  4. Phacade replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well consider yourselves blessed. All I have are two worthless cats and a hamster. My wife wanted them so we have them; Frito, Oreo and the hamster Popcorn.
  5. Phacade replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes, I think you did. But I really don't mind my wife cluttering up. Its just a few hundred pair of panties and the occasional pair of nylons, right? Just so long as she does not give me too hard a time when she stubs her toe on an intake manifold in the guest bedroom.
  6. Just thought I'd give a general 'atta-boy' to 2MANYZ's on his 800th post. Respectable to be certain since he only joined this group in December of 2001. How did he get that many post anyway? Everyone give him a pay on the back. Thanks man!
  7. Phacade replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    My wife just throws all her underthings right on the floor. From there in the wash to the dryer. Taken out to wear and back on the floor. I had a friend over to help put the new bed together and he made an interesting comment about the abundance of panties, etc on the floor. Guess I stopped noticing. Irony is that when I leave Z parts around the house, she notices and I get it. Women.
  8. Phacade replied to Jaykuo's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I had no idea Scott sold Z therapy. Bummer. When I ordered my SU's from him I was to send in my old Webbers as the core but forgot. I guess that would explain why he never asked for them. Just as well because I sold them on www.zcar.com a few months back.
  9. Phacade replied to Jaykuo's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The best carbs you can get for your buck IMHO is Z therapy SU carbs. Scott Bruining (I might have mispelled his name) got my order out fast and the carbs were great! He uses gross jets in them and they came with a polished manifold. He included the linkage and even the early 240Z balance tube. Be prepared to spend $700+ but they are worth it.
  10. I posted this here and a few other places and that was the general thought. Sunday I switched out both the booster and the master cylinder (just to be safe). Works great, I can stop; and thats a good thing.
  11. Phacade posted a post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Not for me, I can't afford it (but I wish I could). I saw a '72 240Z today with a Dodge Viper engine stuffed in it. :eek: I would really like to know what he spent doing this.
  12. Really it boils down to how much work do you want to put in it? I rebuilt my 240Z complete with L28 and my R180 worked fine. Clunked a bit but was fine.
  13. Phacade replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Yeah I ordered some Z mirrors from MSA and I didn't like them either. A few months later I saw a post on ebay for '73 240Z mirrors'. I bought them for $10 and when I got them I found out they were the exact same friggin mirrors!!:mad:
  14. Ugh! Ugh! [mental picture of child with hands up toward top of refrigerator to cookie jar]. Timberwolf want.
  15. #6

    Phacade replied to mrf240Z's post in a topic in Introductions
    Nice ride. How does the mill look under the hood?
  16. Phacade replied to aussie240's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Is that your car? It looks sweet! As far as max tire size, ask five people and you'll get 10 answers. I have run as large as P245 wide (P245/50/15). I have seen as large as P295 on a Z that was tubbed out. I heard a rumour that a guy in the Dallas Z club was running P325 on his Z (he had gotten a 'turtle' conversion that is popular among those with no style of thier own, you know; the one where the tires stick out about a foot outside the fenders). The height of the tire depends on the rim size you are running. I run a standard 14" rim, therefore I run a 60 rated tire. Total size for me is P215/60/14. Now if I went to a 15" rim, I would run a 50 rated tire to compensate; ie P215/50/15. Those guys running 17 or 18" rims have to go with a 20 or 30 rated tire. The larger the rim, the lower the tire height has to be to compensate.
  17. I have one of these at the house and have often heard them referred to as 'Libra' wheels.
  18. Phacade replied to aussie240's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    They appear to be Panasports wheels, probably 15" or 16" but no more. I like the European taillights.
  19. Mucho thanks will check this this evening.
  20. I popped the hood and could not really tell much, although I can hear it best inside the car, mostly while it is running.
  21. Yeah a few guys on www.zcar.com told me the same thing. I'll check that. Is it difficult to change out?
  22. Just looking for a little help here with my '75 280Z. I was coming home yesterday and on the last turn before my house, I pressed the brake. My petal starts going down slowly but down further than it has before and makes an audible hiss when pressed. I checked the fluid and both fluid conisters on the master cylinder were half full. I topped off and (I know silly but had no choice) drove to work this morning. It stops. Kinda. But takes me 4 times the distance to stop and makes a hiss whenever pressed. Master cylinder? Master Vac? Line? Help.
  23. Just looking for a little help here with my '75 280Z. I was coming home yesterday and on the last turn before my house, I pressed the brake. My petal starts going down slowly but down further than it has before and makes an audible hiss when pressed. I checked the fluid and both fluid conisters on the master cylinder were half full. I topped off and (I know silly but had no choice) drove to work this morning. It stops. Kinda. But takes me 4 times the distance to stop and makes a hiss whenever pressed. Master cylinder? Master Vac? Line? Help.
  24. Phacade replied to WishN4DaZ's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    You do not have to touch the wiring. Leave it. You could swap the block out and then slap your head back on it and then put all the injection and wiring back where you found it. Will work fine. I swapped a F54 block with a P79 head into my '73 240Z and had absolutly no problems. Changed very little of the wiring. Of course I went to electronic ignition so you will not have to do that. Basically all you have to worry about is the mechanics of this. Believe it or not, its basically a big jigsaw puzzle. I recomend a few good books like the 'how to rebuild your OHC datsun engine. I can't remember the author's name. Remember: new seals, rings, pumps, and pre-lube is a must!
  25. Phacade replied to WishN4DaZ's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Here is the problem. Well not actually a problem just a pain. To change your pistons you of course need to rmove the head which means you need to remove the front end of the engine (ie water pump, dist, etc). Now you need to remove the oil pan from under the still mounted block. Possible I am told while still bolted but I have not tried it. Assuming you are able to remove the pan then you need to remove the rods from the crankshaft (because you are not going to be able to remove the pistons from the top). Once the rods are unbolted you can remove them from the top. Installation is reverse. The pain is that it will take you twice as long while still in the car. If you are going this far IMHO I would go ahead and jerk the block and either have the block work done to it or at this point drop a F54 block in. They are the same size deminsionally and no wiring modification is necessary.

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