Hi, I have fried out some wiring on my 70 240Z when my line from my starter solenoid became unattached from my alternator while I was driving my car. I burned up 6 wires in the engine bay, that I could see, and now when I turn my engine off, the car tries to start or run on as if it is still getting constant power through the ignition. The emergency brake light is on in my gauge, as if ignition is still on, when the key is turned off. I have replaced the burned wires in engine bay, had my alternator tested, replaced my ignition switch, replaced my starter relay, and I still have "run on" with the key turned off. I am looking at everything I can to find the fault. One area I was not sure about was the alternator diode plug, which I use for my internally regulated 60 amp alternator. If I fried it and it is unable to work correctly, would that cause my symptoms? I am not sure exactly how it works, so I may be grasping at straws, but thought it was worth asking to check it off the list. Any other areas I should check, please let me know.
Thanks, Duffman