Per Jim's instructions, I took the alternator off and cleaned all contact points (wire brushed, etc) and put it back on. I found the main ground in front of the battery Jim mentioned (hidden by wire bundle and black paint!), cleaned the contact points up, put a new bolt and washer on and secured it. I double checked the positive and negative connections on the starter and wire brushed again. I started the car and let it warm up, no bouncing ammeter!!! Took it for a drive and it started to bounce around a little (+10 to -10). When I would come to a stop, the ammeter would read straight up, or slightly to the +. Once I take off, it starts moving around again, though not anywhere near as bad as before. It seems to bounce to a constant "beat"; -10 to +10 to -10 to +35, and repeat. When I turn both the lights and fan on the ammeter reads straight up, just fine.
I feel I am getting close but still something is still causing a problem ...