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Everything posted by Duffman

  1. Anyone have experience buying a new piece of glass from a glass company to replace? Am assuming very difficult to get someone to cut the unique shape, but it may be an option.
  2. Thanks, Kelly and Arne, will look into getting a more recent piece of glass and remove the defrost grid. Living in AZ. I plan on tinting anyway, so that is no problem. Stephen
  3. Hi, all, I have an early model Z with the clear glass in the rear hatch. Problem is a PO somehow put marks/gouges in the glass from a grinder or something and it needs to be replaced, or hidden. Phoenix, AZ, doesn't have any resources for old hatches to pillage and I have tried to get the gouges "buffed" out without success. I could put the louvres on to cover them up but not sure if that would make sense for an early Z. Any ideas/thoughts? Thanks!
  4. I have a laundry list of Z suppliers saved on my computer but wasn't aware of Z Specialties in Washington until mentioned on this thread. Just got off the phone with Oliver at Z Specialties, discussed many different needs for my interior, performance upgrades, etc. Very nice guy, probably spent 30 minutes going over stuff. Will definitely contact him in the future for parts and advice!
  5. I have #1399, no defroster (as reflected above), but I don't see any opening or plugged opening for defroster wires. Stephen
  6. Will, would appreciate a picture of the roller location, I seem to be having trouble finding the right spot! Thanks!!
  7. Can anyone show a picture of where the roller is positioned on the door? Thanks!!
  8. Can you believe that the ashtray on ebay went for over $266!!!:eek: Please, someone out there take a look at fabricating those hard to find ashtrays, there must be some money to be made! I know I would buy one!!!
  9. Anyone have an early ashtray lid or cover they would like to part with? My basic ashtray is fair but I am missing the lid (broke off) and replacing that would at least make it bearable. Thanks, Stephen
  10. Sorry, I mean earlier model Z that uses a similar ashtray! If someone is selling one, please let me know!
  11. Yes, Arne, this would be a high-demand repro piece! I am open to looking at other ashtrays that fit at this point. So, if anyone has a nice quality later-model Z ashtray they would like to sell, I would like to talk to you! Thanks!
  12. I keep my eye on Ebay, but they appear very infrequently!
  13. I know this is a tough item to find, but any ideas where I can get one? Mine is missing the lid and is cracked, which doesn't look good with my new console! Any thoughts? Thanks! Stephen
  14. Thanks, everyone, for your input. Makes my decision much easier!
  15. I am set to send my MO to Dave for his headlight harness and am interested in finding out what are the best options for headlight replacement. I notice that ebay is pushing the H4 headlight, through various manufacturers, and am wondering is one better than the other? Your thoughts?
  16. Thanks for the responses. Am reluctant to try to find a good used plastic tank, as they are somewhat impossible to find (unless someone has a good source!). Have read prior threads about bypassing the tank with a different configuration, has anyone done this and have any feedback? Thanks, again!
  17. My early model Z has a metal vapor tank replacement for the original plastic one (from PO). I am upgrading the interior and am finding the rear right plastic panel will not fit over the metal vapor tank because the tank sticks out too far. Are there smaller metal tanks? Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks.
  18. I was trying to think of anything I have done that would cause this problem. The only thing that comes to mind is this started happening around the time I put in a Honda fan to increase air flow. However, the fan is on a separate circuit/fuse, which doesn't blow. Could I have done something to cause a short when I installed the fan? I have checked and don't visibly see any bare wires or anything that could short.
  19. Thanks, Arne. By the way used your harness with my alternator, works great! Now if I can figure out my fuse problem, I will be set!
  20. I replaced my alternator with an upgraded, higher output model (60 amps), during the problem. But I am having the problem with the blown fuse after I did it, as well. The new alternator has the built in voltage regulator. Any other thoughts?
  21. Sorry, the marker lights don't go out, just the gauges ...
  22. I am having challenges with my 70 Z and blowiing out my fuse for my gauges and marker lights. I started having this problem a few weeks ago . When I change the fuse, start the car and let it idle, no problem. When I rev up the engine, the fuse usually blows and none of my gauges works (other than speedo, of course), and my marker lights are out. Not being much of an electical genius, any sure-fire steps I should take to find the problem? Thanks, Stephen
  23. Thanks, guys, will check things out and find the short.
  24. I did the fan upgrade on my Z yesterday, putting in the 82 Honda fan to add a liitle more air movement. Upon completion I tried it out, worked great and then went for a drive. Immediately noticed that my tach and all of my gauges except for the speedometer didn't work. I noticed a blown fuse, replaced it and started the car, blowing another fuse. Not sure what I did to create this little problem but don't beleive that it should have anything to do specifically with the fan, as the fuse blows whether the fan is on or not. Any ideas of what I should check? Thanks!!
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