Engine hook broke off what now?
Threehz, Sorry for you misfortune. I am getting ready to pull my engine and I am wondering if I can use the bracket that holds the AC unit on near the front of the engine as a point to connect the engine hoist. I also assume the bracket near the rear of the engine is also a good point. Tx, Bill
Found on Craigslist in Colorado
Wow, that looks like a nice car. Is it worth the money? Bill
73 240 won't run
Foolthrottle, I sent you a PM. Bill
Very Nice 240Z on Craig's List By Original Owner
I thought I had just seen that one for 8k, not 9k. Didn't someone on this forum take a look? I thought they had bought it, but I guess not? I might have to drive up and take a look.
Anybody going to Pikes Peak this weekend?
Nope, been up and the best time is camping the night before. When does the Z show up? Bill
Need help with fuel issues...
I haven't read the entire thread, but did you try a coffee can w/ gas in it and feed the tube coming off the fuel filter into it and see if you are getting any suction as all? I had an issue w/ mine and it didn't work correctly until the fuel filter actually filled up w/ gas. It was like the suction was getting bled off or something. Bill
turn signal dont work
I haven't looked into it very hard and it seems obvious that the turn indicator is the issue. The right turn signal works fine, but the left turn signal is intemittent. I am assuming it is some sort of contact issue. Is a replacement required of simply a cleaning? Tx, Bill
Need help with my 73 carbs . . Orange,CA
Who rebuilt them? Maybe they did something wrong and it is an easy fix? Have you looked at them yet w/ the car off to see if things move easily like they should? Sound like something might be binding in the linkage, not a carb problem. Bill
Canon EOS 20D vs, 30D
I haven't checked the websites yet, but what are some other differences between the 20/30D or even the 5D and the 400D? I have been considering the 400D from a price perspective and number of pixels. What other than fps should be considered here? I plan to use a zoom lense for pics of the kids while they play soccer, bball, etc. Tx, Bill
Acceleration studdering
The fact that the rear carb sticks at all is not good. It should fall smoothly and end in a "clunk" sound and not stick at all. It is sticks the needle is no doubt hitting the nozzle. This could be due to the fact that the carb dome is slightly off center. This can be fiddled w/ by unscrewing and then screwing down the dome in a different order and torque. Play w/ it a bit to see if you can get it to stop sticking. Are your carbs sync'd? Did you check your spark plugs, timing, valves, etc? Bill
Deciding on a color...
Mine is white and I will most likely repaint it white w/ a stripe of different color rear end. Bill
Deciding on a color...
Hey Mike, Don't want to make it tougher, but what about this one from a another thread. See the thread for details.... Bill Car pic: http://classiczcars.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=15965&d=1168818294 Thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24557&highlight=350z
Finally got the Konig's, but have a question...
Nice choice in rims Zak! I would love to have a set for my Z, but need to get it painted before I start spending money on wheels! Bill
Starting the Car ( Su Carbs)
Kenny, I would love to talk to you some time. I need an overall tuneup as I bought the car about a year ago and swapped carbs, but haven't done much else. Need to check valves, points, plugs, etc. I am hoping that all helps a bit, but am looking forward to summer. It also needs a paint job, but don't want to break the bank. Would also like to look into the urethane bushing replacement as well, as I think it has all the orginal bushing on it still. Bill
Starting the Car ( Su Carbs)
I am in Colorado, have a 73 w/ 72 SU's and have the same issue. Full choke and crank it. Then is seems to take forever to get it to warm up, but when it does, look out. After it is work, it starts right away. Bill
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