Everything posted by xxjoeyxxeb
Skipping when getting into gear and driving
Hey guys, the car was sitting for about 2 months, then I started it and it skipped when I revved it in neutral, wanted to die once I touched the accel pedal. Then I fixed a leak in the antibackfire valve and it revs better. Went to drive it around the block about 5 mph and every time I put it in gear and tried to go it would skip and putter and want to die, but it would get into gear and go, but kinda puttery. Plugs, distributor, rotor, wires all look good. Gas is 2 months old, sprayed the carbs with cleaner. Will try to switch out the fuel filter soon, and oil too. But does anyone think if I take the car out and step on it a bit, it might clean something out?? I know a while ago people would do a quick run to blow everthing out before a drag race... March of 1974 260z.... flat top carbs with large orange air cleaner (air filters OK)
Take tires off rims
Take tires off rims
I thought there would be some bead complication... oh well, gotta take out of the spring break funds.
Take tires off rims
I was wondering if theres a way to take the tires off my rims myself. I have the slotted mags, and am going to clean them up and get my tires. But I don't have much extra money to spend to pay someone to take the tires off... unless I have to. If anyone knows any ways please let me know, thanks.
Need to wash for wax?
, alrighty then I will.
Need to wash for wax?
Hey guys, I have compounded and polished the car today... wondering if I need to wait til tomorrow to wash and wax, or if I should be able to just wax right away.... its not show quality paint (still 32 yr old original paint)
Found Some Rust
Ya, the rest of the car is pretty nice. Now I'm going to be looking for rust a lot more.:devious:
Found Some Rust
Thanks everyone. I will have it taken care of ASAP, but it might not be that soon. Fund went down after suspension, tools, and brakes...
- Pass door sill rust
Found Some Rust
Hey guys, Was cleaning the car today and took off the door sills and the passenger side found this.... Holes weren't there until I touched the spots with a screwdriver. Checked the floors and they are still good. This isn't a spot that needs to be replaced is it? What are some fixes i can do? I have never had to deal with rust before. Thanks guys, I'll be searching the forums in the time being as well.
- DSCF1852
Ebay rotors
I'm hoping they wouldn't be warped, i'm looking at these companies on ebay that pretty much only sell rotors.
Ebay rotors
Hey everyone, I am buying parts for the 300zx and toyota caliper upgrade. I've been searching for rotors slotted or cross drilled, and I've been looking at ebay. My question is does anyone know about any of the stores and the quality of the rotors usually found there. Theres a bunch of companies selling them called trinet, steel run rotors, irotors, r1concepts. Any info would be great. Thanks
Engine Running Rough
Hey guys, Thanks for all the help! This is my first post on this site after searching a lot and you all actually had very good information. The car is an early 260z, flat top carbs. I fixed the anti backfire valve hose, because it had a hole in it, and it runs a little better. Soon as I get time I'm going to check out the spark plugs, fuel filter, and stuff that you all mentioned. It's not too big of a deal, I am going to be putting a V8 in it, but not for about a year, so I would like to be able to drive this around once in a while, you know? I don't want to drop too much into this engine. But I will post some pics! Thanks again guys!
Engine Running Rough
Hey guys, Well, I've had the car for almost 3 months now and have had it on jacks doing the suspension. Been trying to get it started the past week or two, but its running rough... as soon as I touch the accelerator, with the choke off, it skips badly. And when I take the choke off (after its been warmed up) the oil pressure starts to go down. Any ideas? I've checked all the hoses, no air leaks. Going to change the oil, filter, fuel filter, and any other stuff people might add. Also, I have never heard what the engine should sound like normally, but mine sound like theres a ting or tick along the head, sounds normal for a Nissan cuz I've had them before and they all ticked louder than most cars, just wondering if thats the normal sound. Thanks in advance, Joe