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  1. Thanks kids! Here's the symptoms: The car has been sitting in my garage half disassembled for more years than I'd like to admit. Now that I'm working on it again, it is nearly a bare chassis and I plan on replacing/rebuilding everything possible (within reason). Naturally the brakes will get an overhaul... possibly a conversion to 4 piston front. OK, so that's not really a symptom. Rebuilding the master cylinder and such while it's all apart and just thought I'd give it attention if people thought I should. Thanks for the input. L8-R 'Fink
  2. Rattfink posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    This is a duplicate post to one in "For Sale", but wanted to make sure it was noticed. Sorry to be a pest, but... I've got an L24 with a four speed transmission attached from a `72 sitting in the way. It is NOT the original motor from the car, but had been replaced by previous owner (if that matters to you). Therefore, mileage on the motor is low, but it has been sitting for awhile. If you want it, all I ask is that you come get it or make arrangements to have someone get it. It is in Hollister, CA. If you're wondering, that's Central Cal, about an hour south of San Jose. Contact me at: daddio@rattfink.com
  3. Rattfink posted a post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    I've got an L24 with a four speed transmission attached sitting in the way. It is NOT the original motor from the car, but had been replaced by previous owner (if that matters to you. Therefore, mileage on the motor is low), but it has been sitting for awhile. If you want it, all I ask is that you come get it or make arrangements to have someone get it. It is in Hollister, CA. If you're wondering, that's Central Cal, about an hour south of San Jose. Contact me at: daddio@rattfink.com
  4. Rattfink replied to Dan's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I've done carpet kits before in trucks, but not in the Z-car. Well, not YET anyway. Based on that info and having pulled the carpets out of our `72 a couple years back, I can offer the following opinion. It sucks. No really... it sucks. Our `72 is completely stripped right now and although it will mean I'm almost finished with the rebuild, I'm not looking forward to it. I could be wrong... I hope I'm wrong. Mostly I don't like the fact that carpet kits are usually CLOSE, but they just don't seem to fit right. Good fit may be a directly relation to how much the kit cost of course... dunno. Either way, wrinkles were a pain to get out, some areas were tight where other areas bunched. Yech. On the Z, you'll be pulling out both seats and the center console. If I recall, the center console (of the stock carpet anyway) joined both sides of the car into a single piece so you'll do the driver and passenger sides together. Console may be problematic if you've had drinks spilled in it before. Rusted bolts snap off... ask me how I know! Door sills are easy, but kinna bend easy. Be careful with them. Any other body pieces should be fine... I just don't quite remember. The existing carpet should pull up easily from the stock padding. At this point it is kind of like pulling a loose thread on a sweater. If you keep pulling, the whole thing will just keep coming. You may decide to replace some of that padding that may have worn through or looks (smells) bad. Then you may find a little bit of rust... or notice that the heater core hoses &/or fittings look nasty... or whatever. You may be setting yourself up here. Once you get the wrinkles, bunches and tight spots figured out, gluing & reassembly should be a cinch. As far as which kit to use, a wise man once said "Buy the best and cry once. Buy cheap and you're always crying."
  5. ... except perhaps this one. Completely pulling down the front end of an original `72. Replacing or rebuilding all brake and suspension components on all four corners. The stupid question is this: Is the vaccum err... vacume... vackumn... vacuum-servo rebuildable or should I replace it? Furthermore, does it most likely even need it? Any takers? thanks, 'Fink
  6. Rattfink replied to Mike's post in a topic in CLUB NEWS
    Well put! Ask any Harley-Davidson dealer... 2002 V-Rod: MSRP $16,900, actual selling price in California $20,000-$22,000 (& up). L8-R 'Fink
  7. Rattfink replied to Rattfink's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I hope I'm not the only one here that remembers "Death Race 2000"? A rare gem of cinema! Happy Trails, 'Fink
  8. Rattfink replied to Rattfink's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Unless, of course, the badge were made so large that it made the car overheat when atached to the grill. HA. 'Fink
  9. Rattfink replied to Rattfink's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Errrr... I think the proverbial can-o-worms has been opened. Unfortunately once the can is open, it is nearly impossible to recan them. Now for my $.02 I'm new 'round these parts and don't know the situation of the admin for this site. It is certainly good enough for it to be marketed into making some coins... if that is the goal. However, if it is more a matter of someone's passion for Z's and a few minutes of their spare time (HA, few... just kidding) then perhaps things are getting out of hand and off topic. In a nutshell: 1. I'd probably buy apparel if it were available. 2. I will donate as possible (when I can pry the checkbook from the wife's grasp). 3. If I bought a Tee or Hat, I would probably not donate too. Just funny that way I guess. 4. I think donations should be rewarded with a hearty "Thanks" and nothing more. I know that Mike intended the "supporting member" tag to be just that, but I'm afraid it could be a slight to some folks. 5. I think anyone with three digit numbers following their "posts" field should be labeled "All Seeing Master of Time, Space and Dimension" of similar lofty title. Maybe I'm getting a tad carried away here. 6. Everybody's situation is different and my opinions don't necessarily reflect that of anyone but me. Did I really have to mention that? Just tryin' to help. 'Fink
  10. Rattfink replied to Rattfink's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "Support the Sport" link... donations! Yes, do it. I'll help (and I won't even hold you to the fancy stars!). Happy Trails, 'Fink
  11. Rattfink replied to Rattfink's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    First off, I must say that Mike is strangely absent from this discussion... hmmm... modesty? Anyway, try this on for size... Banner Ads and such don't work. Period. A remarkable "Click Through" would be 2-3% of the people that view it. Most ads average around 1%. Not a very exciting return on an investment. Instead, if MSA (or similar entity) were to have a "Sponsored Forum" on the 240Z site it would get constant attention. We all know that sales posts to forums on the internet is a no-no. In this case it would be THEIR forum to answer questions and hawk product. The reader knows going in that it is a paid forum and can measure replies with that in mind. But it would give great access to "the pro's". They would staff it as they see fit and would be obliged to offer as much help as possible within reason. It would create a running archive of the questions that they frequently answer anyway, thus saving them manpower in the long run. Folks like us could hit 'em up for advise and purchase product from them if they offer a fit. Naturally this gives them plenty of opportunity to plug what they stock and explain why it is a better option than Brand X. I can't help but think it would breed much good will in the Z community as well. A great tool for them, some greenbacks for our buddy Mike, and excellent access to a proactive vendor of Z parts. Sounds like a win-win-win situation to me. But then again, I'm a marketing guy and you can't believe anything I say. Whatcha think? "Ask the Pro's Forum" sponsored by whoever. Mike wanna pitch it to MSA? Or maybe they'll read it on their own and jump? Just my $.02 'Fink
  12. Rattfink posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    At the risk of sounding like I'm kissin' arse... I would like to know what we can do to support the efforts of the hard working folk that manage this site. It's a ton of work and is very well handled. I'm not a rich guy or anything, but I would certainly be agreeable to helping out somehow. Purely for selfish reasons if nothing else (I want to be sure this resource is still available as I work my way through my project 240). No, I don't think it should be a pay site. Yes, I have bought the CD Microfiche. Yes, I think MSA and others should sponsor. Errr... Gotta go, the wife's callin'. Ta ta kids, 'Fink
  13. Rattfink replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I posted a similar question in the "interior, etc..." forum. Daniel responded with an interesting idea of building something that goes above and behind your head where the dome light is. Check it out if you wish. L8-r 'Fink
  14. Rattfink replied to twigz's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Thanks for beating me to that one! Armor All is pure evil and will eat your rubber, vinyl, plastic and leather (if you have any) in no time. Anything with a parafin base should be ok to use (I assume Clear guard falls into this category), just don't use the junk with a petroleum (oil) base. Like putting paint thinner on your paint job. 'gads. L8-r 'Fink
  15. Rattfink replied to Rattfink's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Kool, thanks! I've got the dash sitting on my workbench now. Mmmm... now that I think about it, just about ALL of the interior is out of the car (along with the fenders, doors, etc...) Thanks again for the heads-up. Happy Trails, 'Fink

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