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  1. I saw a link that was about an oil additive that prevents all wear of engine components. This oil additive lubricates the cylinder walls during cold startups. Never use synthetic oil again. This oil additive is amazing. It beats prolong and a multitude of other additives. I know a distributor that sells this product for $16.50 per bottle. sfrcorp.com/demonstration If you like what you see on this 11 minute demo, contact me @ gleason_d@sbcglobal.net titaniumspine
  2. First have your battery checked. Check voltage then the ampereage. Auto Zone, OReily's, or Napa can check this for you. If the battery checks out the starter soleniod my be bad. When you by a starter it comes with a new soleniod. Good Luck, Dan Gleason
  3. My engine has 110,000 miles and blew the head gasket. I'd like to remove the pistons to replace with standard rings and standard rod bearing. Can I do this while the engine block is still mounted?

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