Exhaust strap
My friendly local Nissan dealer helped me out and got me a strap and welded a hanger for me.
Road going!!!!
Like driving on clouds :classic:
Road going!!!!
My Z got it's road going title today!! :laugh: Thank you guys and girls for all the advice and the answers to my (silly) questions. I like to think that you all contributed in getting another Z on the road again!! Especially you Mat, I couldn't have done it without you.
Exhaust strap
O, I forgot to mention the US$ 30 they want for shipping it to the Netherlands. That is just a bit too much.
Exhaust strap
Hi. Anyone out there who can help me find an exhaust strap for a late '74 260Z? Partnumber is 20636-N4600. Used one is OK if it is in good shape. I know Courtesy parts has them, but $14.77 for a small piece of rubber..... Thanks.
One person brake bleeding
Thanks for all the info. Got myself the MityVac and reading through the responses also got me a set speedbleeders!!
One person brake bleeding
So this would be one to "buy it now" :laugh:
One person brake bleeding
Did a search on the forum for one person brake bleeding tools, could not locate what I needed. So here is a question :nervous: Found the following item on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MiTyVac-SilverLine-Brake-Bleeder-Vacuum-Pump-Kit_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43995QQihZ002QQitemZ120128351350QQrdZ1 Would this be a good purchase for one person brake bleeding purposes? Thanks
Handbrake cable
On the tag at the door pillar is says 10/74.
Handbrake cable
Thanks again for all the work you put in Arne, I really appreciate it. One question though, I have a late '74(delivery date dec. 1974 :classic: ). Shouldn't I be looking for part 36543-N4502 listed for 260Z's from 09/74 to 07/76? At least that is what I found on the parts CD.
Handbrake cable
Already did: "Emergency Brake Cable - 1970 to 1973 240Z - No Longer Available" But thanks for the tip.
Handbrake cable
The rubber boots at the ends of my handbrake cable are all dried out and have tears in them. Now I need to replace the cable with a new one, or a used one that is in a good state. BlackDragon auto has a cable for 70-73 240Z cars, I don't think this wil fit my late 74 260Z? MSA has availability problems with the 74.5-76 brakecable. Any other resource to get a replacement cable? Thanks
Tach resistor
Thanks again, I will get under the dash tomorrow and will find it!
Tach resistor
It is in the blue wire from the coil to the tach.
Tach resistor
Thanks, I will have a look.