Everything posted by 62vette
Rear bumper side pieces
The side pieces of the early style bumpes are longer than the indentations at the rear panel of my late 260Z. The holes for the mounting points do not line up with the bolts. As I have no intention (yet) to do any bodywork I need to be creative on the possibilities. I found several pictures on the Internet displaying the rear bumper of the Datsun 510. These bumpers also have seperate sidepieces. These sidepieces are shorter than the 240Z bumper sidepieces, and the mounting bolts are also more to the rear. Is there a possibility these 510 sidepieces would fit to a 240Z centerpiece? :classic:
Daves Possible Parking light FIX
As I missed the chance to get one of Dave's headlight relay system I am looking for other resources before I will try to construct one myself from the instructions sheet. Now I hear people say that the VB relay system is a bad system, what are the flaws in VB's system?
Online parts shop
When surfing for parts, I came across this webshop: http://www.autopartsworld.com Any experiences with this parts shop and their services? Thanks
Online parts shop
There is a town here in the Netherlands called America, and I know there is a town called Holland in the US. But the Netherlands(also known as Holland) I live in is the country in Europe.
Online parts shop
I am looking for a webshop with a good reputation and fair prices where I can buy NGK, K&N, Pertronix and Distributor parts for my late 260Z. Thanks
Running lights
On my late '74 the running-/turnsignal lights are combo bulbs with two filaments. One (dim)for the running lights and one(brighter) for the turnsignal function. On my car there are three wires from the harnass to the turnsignal units to service the two filaments in the combo bulbs. So when operating the runninglights, one filament gets constant power. The turnsignal filament only gets power from the flasher unit when you operate the turnsignals.
Spark plug wires
Thanks for all the advice. I think I will go for the stock NGK plugs, the NE61 wire set, a new distributercap and rotor. And on top get me a pertronix ignitor set to replace the points and throw in a flame-thrower coil.
Spark plug wires
As I am not really up to date with the (maintenance)history of my late 260Z I want to replace the basics of my ignition system. I will replace the points, distributor cap and the rotor with stock replacement parts from MSA. For the spark plug and wires I want to go with some "performance" parts and I could need some advice on the way to go. Spark plugs: Accel U-Groove or Nology Silverstone Wires: Taylor Hi-pro 8mm or Magnecor Electrosports 8mm Or if there is any experience with other brands out there, I appreciate any info. Thanks
Red Line synthetic oil..anyone used it
What kind of viscosity would do the best job in a standard L26, 10W30 or 10W40?
Installing Short shifter
The Short shift kit sold by MSA is the best way to go, or is it the only kit on the market?
Installing Short shifter
It has the original 4-speed gearbox. Is it easier to slip the rubber cover over the base from beneath when the car is on jack stands?
Installing Short shifter
Is it possible to install a short shifter kit, like MSA's, with the gearbox in place. Can you do it with the console removed?
Fiberglass bumpers
Thanks Ken, tried that one as well. Came across this thread: http://www.zcar.com/forums/read.php?f=1&i=629325&t=619865#reply_629325 Is this the article you mentioned in your post?
Fiberglass bumpers
Looking at the pictures on your site I notice that the indentations on the rear sides of the car stretch more to the wheel arch than the indentations on my car. The rubber side pieces on my car are shorter than the metal side pieces of the earlier bumpers. Is this going to cause me problems when fitting earlier bumpers?
Fiberglass bumpers
They are located on the inside of the shocks at the point where they go through the bodywork. For orientation you should rotate the image to the left. It is a picture of the shock/tow mount on the right side of the car (standing behind it).
Fiberglass bumpers
I found that my car has two towing-hooks attached to the rear body. Is this a good mounting point for early Z or fiberglass bumpers?
Fiberglass bumpers
And no bumper guards. Maybe a black mesh-grille in the valance will make it look good.
Taillight poll
I made the asumption that this poll was ment for custom made lenses.
240Z wiring diagram you can read
My local library doesn't have the manual for US models. Can some help me obtaining a (copy) 74.5 260Z wiring diagram? My Haynes manual is missing a page... Thanks
Taillight poll
I would like two clear turn signal lenses that go in the grille of my 74.5 260Z.
Add your interest for clear lenses!
Here in the Netherlands we have this "funny" legislation. Parking lights or driving lights whatever they are called, need to be with clear lenses or integrated in the headlights. I have a 74.5 260Z with these combination parking/turn signal light having amber lenses. So to get the car a proper registration, I need clear lenses for these lights, or convert the system to be integrated in the headlights.
Fiberglass bumpers
I think when you don't use the bumper guards, just the plain bumper the turn signals can be left in place. The smaller bumper wil fit underneath the turn signals. Also it wil give a cleaner look without the guards.
Fiberglass bumpers
So european or 240Z bracktes will not work as a bolt on mounting.
Fiberglass bumpers
It is a US car. It was originaly deliverd in Spokane, WA. I imported it to the Netherlands a few weeks ago. So am I facing extra bodywork, or just work on the bumpers and brackets for mounting?
Fiberglass bumpers
And what about the 240Z metal bumpers with the 240Z brackets, will that work? My car has indentations behind the safety bumpers.