Yep, deedee it is stupid.....City ordinances....or as you say ordinences(sp?) and cops that are suck asses.....telling you to remove that suck arse project car long has that suck arse project car been sitting on your driveway? How many flat tires are on this suck arse project car? How many of your neighbors have had to drive by your house and see that suck arse project car? Neighbors that bought in a deed restricted neighborhood so they wouldn't have to see suck arse project cars on driveways. I have asked many questions.......just answer long has your 'project' car been on your driveway? 1 week and you are disrespecting and destroying your neighborhood.....who cares? your neighbors are just suck asses anyway....right Sorry babe, it ain't about's about keeping the suck asses out of the neighborhood.....if you want to live like a turd world country......move there.... glad you're not my neighbor Bobby D~