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Everything posted by BadDog

  1. Could you give me those part #'s? My original air cleaner is so crapped up, I can only keep the car "original" by getting another stock air cleaner, which can wait... I'll go aftermarket if it'll help for the time being
  2. they're already broken, and I got "yelled" at here for putting sheet metal screws through the console (it's not in too great shape anyway). I think I'll patch it up with JB Weld though if I get a chance. I've gotta do my shift boot at the same time, and possible radio or new stereo...
  3. zztom: yeah, it's really loose feeling, ever since I got the car about 1-1/2 months ago. I plan to do the bushings this weekend or before, I'll try to follow up here regarding how it turned out. BTW, I live in Oswego and work in Syracuse. We should meet up sometime and check out each other's rides I've been meaning to get in touch with a local Z club, I think there's one in the Rochester area...
  4. Wow Keith, thanks for all the info... it's such a nice here in NY state I actually drove the car into work this morning for the first time (35 miles or so). She took about 5 miles or so to warm up, even though it was about 70 F. Not seeing your post first, I found screws to go in those 4 holes, and of course, it didn't make a lick of difference . I'll make sure that those two nipples towards the front are sealed tight... I think the hole on the balance tube is just a mounting point, but I'll look at it again more closely. Maybe I'll also get some clamps to make sure there's no possibility of a leak on the distrib vacuum advance... If the PCV valve is on the valve cover end of the crancase breather hose, then I don't think I have one
  5. The "metal" pipe on the left is actually a clear plastic tube that has yellowed ... it leads to the air cleaner also. And when my timing was *way* off, and the car dieseled when shut off, I found that gas shoots straight out the top of the fuel bowl, 5 feet into the air and all over your car At least I took those hoses off with the air cleaner assembly, and gas didn't shoot out the hose onto my exhaust manifold :eek: Other evidence of poor tune can be seen in the lower left side of the picture, on the inside fender opposite the mouth of the carb: burn marks!
  6. Yep, and so is whatever vacuum hose operates that little door at the bottom of the air cleaner...
  7. Thanks Visionary!
  8. If you find somthing, let me know if you're going to sell your 240 seats (black?)... my seats aren't in bad condition, but I think they're from a 280Z (no vent thingies in lumbar area)
  9. I think I'll try something temporary first, like duct tape to see if it'll help the cold performance problem, then JB Weld them (I really gotta get some of that stuff) or find the pipe fitting that went in the holes, then block them off. Thanks!
  10. I actually have just the holes there now... here's a pic (from my "choke issues" post, but with new circles drawn ). And oops, the distributor advance isn't hooked up there, it's on the carb... I'm guessing the "leaks" would contribute to rough running when the engine is cold, as the air is coming in behind the throttle plate... I *think* I might have some pipes that go in those holes, I just received a box containing the original carbs, smog crap, A/C & heater parts (what a mess). And do you like the holes cut in my air cleaner? I guess that's a "kludge" to get around the vacuum-operated door for the "heat riser"(?) at the bottom of the air cleaner... as Homer Simpson would say "those are *speed holes*" BTW, disregard the routing of my choke cables... that has been corrected
  11. Thanks, 2ManyZs. Yes, I replaced the inner boots etc. already when I did my choke cables (the bushings were on back order from MSA at that point). I figured it was relatively simple, I just didn't want to go in and try without a clue as to what I was doing
  12. I got the little pieces from MSA... now would anybody care to tell me how to replace the old ones? (on a '73)
  13. I have '72 carbs on my '73, and I assume i have a '73 intake manifold (smug stuff is long gone)... there are a few (3? 2 behind each carb?) vacuum attachment points that aren't plugged on my manifold, with 1 being used by my distrib's vacuum advance. Am I right in assuming these should be plugged? And if so, what should I use? Any other ones that I should check for? My engine runs great once warmed up now that it's tuned up a little, but still runs like crap when cold...
  14. BadDog replied to mrf240Z's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    I didn't see this car in person, but I'll vouch for it to the extent that I was *very* close to buying it, but then found my silver '73 in TN for just a few hundred $$ more. (I really wanted Silver, folks. I was going to leave this 260 black until I had the $$$ to repaint it in its original color. I thought I was saving money on a paint job...). I e-mailed back and forth with Mike for a while. He seems like a real nice guy and was very honest and straight-forward about every little detail. Like I said, if I hadn't found my silver '73 (which needed a little more work than I had hoped - it was supposed to be "rust-free" and with good paint (needs a strip & repaint), mostly original (I think it has 280 seats)) I probably would've just bought it sight-unseen, had it checked out by a garage down there, and shipped up here to NY
  15. BadDog replied to chocobosteve's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Cool, I just wanted to make sure I don't a special tool or anything Thanks!
  16. BadDog replied to chocobosteve's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It was usually blue at higher RPM's with flashes of yellow... I'm going to play with the steeing wheel tomorrow probably... any idea how to remove/replace it? Min'es off by about 20 degrees ... Yeah, I probably should've checked other cylinders than #1, seeing as there are 2 carbs
  17. BadDog replied to chocobosteve's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well I had trouble getting my colortune not to show Rich at idle without also having lean pop... I think my needles may need to be adjusted.. Problem is I couldn't get them to budge . NO biggie, if I'm running a little rich for a while, so be it. I only get to drive the once or twice a week anyway, plus I have to sort out a few other issues (like getting the steering wheel centered )
  18. BadDog replied to Dale B.'s post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Any of these radios still available? I have the original for my '73, but no knobs. Face plate has been cut up to fit in a "K-Mart Special" I'm not sure if the original radio *works*, so if anybody's got everything in 1 piece I'll gladly but their's
  19. BadDog replied to chocobosteve's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I can sympathize with you... I've got a '73 that I just got a few weeks ago, and was dieseling and backfiring a lot. I have '72 carbs, though... Anyway, I've never tuned an engine before, but I watched about an hour of the Z Therapy video, and with a Unisyn and a screw driver, I got my carbs adjusted pretty well. I also decided to check my timing, as it was still backfiring after balancing the carbs. Turns out that my distributor wasn't tightened down enough, and my timing was set to just *after* Top Dead Center (Agh!!!) With the timing the way it was, and 1 carb not flowing any air at idle (!!) I'm suprised she even ran. She runs pretty well, but I still think she's running a little lean, because I didn't adjust the carbs much past the "lean backfire" phase, she doesn't seem to pull that hard past about 4500 RPM, and I couldn't see my ColorTune in the sunlight outside (I don't have a garage yet). Heck, I even cleaned out the domes and pistons a little (I was trying to check/adjust the needles per the Z Therapy video, but they wouldn't budge ) I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to tackle checking my valves and adjusting them, but they seem to make a lot of noise. Other than that, she runs pretty well. In fact, my on-choke idle is up about 1,000 RPM to about 2,500 (yikes!) but I think I can fix that this weekend but bending or straightening the lever... Anyway, I guess my whole point is that $100 of equipment and video instruction goes a long way with a 240... and you can feel like you've accomplished something, too!
  20. BadDog replied to BadDog's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Last night I routed the choke cables through the correct hole in the firewall, and got the grommet in place. I may not have the cable routed correctly inside the car, from the center console ... anyway, now that the cable sheaths don't really move, and they're coming from the right direction, the handle pretty much stays back when you pull it back. I started her cold last night and dropped her off at a shop about 10 mins away (to get steering rack bushings put in to pass NYS inspection), and had no problem driving her. Even my choke light works correctly now
  21. BadDog replied to BadDog's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Wow, EScanlon, thanks! Don't worry, I don't *expect* immediate replies to posts I'm just happy that you took the time to give that much great information! I'm sure it'll be of great help Thanks again!
  22. BadDog replied to BadDog's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Those rubber boots seem pretty pliable, but they very well *could* be acting as a "return spring", hence my problem of the choke handle not staying in place... judging from your reaction, they're not "original" ? Are there supposed to be any springs attached to the choke mechanism? I think I just have to stop torturing myself and wait until my factory service manuals, etc. arrive from TN and my Z Therapy videos show up
  23. BadDog replied to BadDog's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    ...and YFI just to show that you can't go by a brochure: the pic of the engine bay in the '73 brochure is the same pic as Mike posted (I think for '72?)
  24. BadDog replied to BadDog's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    #4: "Mystery" vacuum tube circled on left, another candidate circled on right, but used
  25. BadDog replied to BadDog's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    #3: from passenger side (you can see the "boots")

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