windshield wipers
Re posting. Windshield wipers on my 72 240 work,but not much difference between the 2 speeds. Slow. Linkage has been cleened and lubed. The wiper motor came out of a fairly low mieage car. Do you think the problem is in the motor or in the colum switch? Thanks. Bill.
windshield wipers
Sorry for the confusion. The wipers move @ both speeds. Have cleaned and relubed.
windshield wipers
Hello everone. Haveing trouble with my wiper motor or wiper switch. Wipers don't run on high speed. Tried different motor with same results. Is it usually the swith or the motor? They seem to run at the same speed on both switch locations. Thanks. Bill.
hard starting 240
Seasons greetings to all. I have a 1972 240z. Upgrades include, all OME, Ztherapy carbs, distrbutor,fuel pump, fuel filter,gas tank hoses, plug wires, timing set,cap and rotor. When the car sits for more than 5 or 6 hours, I have to crank it over for quite a while before it starts. PS new spark plugs. Any ideas. Thanks in advance. Bill.
240z Electrical
I have tried everthing suggested, and still have the problem. Thanks for your responses. Bill.
What year Zcar do you own?
I have a 72
240z Electrical
I tried to change my first thread, but was unable to do so. Therefore a new thread. When my lights are on in my 72z, whether car is running or not, and I turn on the turn signals all my lights flicker with ever flash of the turn signals. I've replaced the voltage regulator,o/e, put an extra ground wire on the altenator and cleaned up other ground wires. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Bill.
Hi. I have a 72z automatic. When I turn on my turn signal, my headlights and interior lights flash with them. I have installed a new Nissan voltage regulator. Cleaned up the battery ground to the body. Put an extra ground wire from the Altenator to the body, and cleand up other ground wires. Any suggestions on what might fix the problem would be a great help. Thanks Bill.
power drain
I have a 72 240z. After the car sits overnight, the starter turns over slowly. The starter is new and so is the battery. When I charge up the battery overnight, the starter turns over quickly. I have heard these cars have some electrical issues. Any insight on what else could be draining my battery? Thanks.
bleeding a new master cylinder
Hi. I am installing a new brake master cylinder on my 72 240. Is there anyway to bleed it prior to installation so that I don't have to re bleed the entire system? Thanks. Bill.
rear hatch defrost.
I read in an article that Datsun-Nissan has a repair kit for broken defrost wires on the rear hatch. I can't seem to find it now. Is there a way to fix the defrost wires? Thanks. Bill.