seems like a few of us are having similar problem - it's a matter of eliminating what it's not. In my case, I knew I was getting spark, I have a fully charged battery and gas in the tank. Car started just a month ago, so nothing radical has occurred. As Steve says, check to make sure you're getting spark (take the plugs out of the head, leave the wire connected and ground it by touching the exposed area of the plug to something like the rocker cover - then crank the engine and you should see spark), eliminate the obvious.
I actually sprayed starter fluid into the carbs and the car fired, but once the ether burned off, it died. Clearly, I'm not getting fuel, which is either fuel pump or carbs. I know the fuel pump had some gas in it, implying it's getting it from the tank, but per Steve's recommendation, I will put the line going to the carbs into a bucket to see if it's sending (I am certain that's the problem).
If I discover that the fuel pump IS working, then it must be carb related. These cars are pretty simple to work on, just eliminate the obvious and go from there. GOOD LUCK!
The real question is when did the full moon come out to cause all these non-starters? I was trying to sell mine, now this will push that back a bit as well....