Ok, just a quick analysis: Other than 26th-Z (who has 00026 and 00027), I tried to figure out who had the closest Z's AND how far apart they are geographically (for no other reason than it intrigued me). The closest in VIN #'s was Arne (HLS30-012746) and red-eye (HLS30-012762) - 16 cars apart. Geographically, they are about 1600 miles apart (Oregon to New Mexico). The next closest in VIN #'s was Zdreamer (HLS30-050713) and Fun in my Z (HLS30-050735), or 22 cars apart. Geographically, much closer at about 870 miles. Next was GlennH (HLS30-017925) and rxsleeper (HLS30-017954), or 29 cars apart. I couldn't find a location for rxsleeper, so no geographic analysis. The closest in VIN, but farthest apart geographically (at least from the first few I looked at) was deadflo (HLS30-020390) and 240ztt (HLS30-020425), or 35 cars apart. Geographically, they are 2700 miles apart (!) -- Washington to Maryland. I assumed that deadflo was in Washington State, not DC (which would of course negate my declaration), but I think that's quite interesting given the proximity of VINs to distance apart. Yes, I have too much time on my hands!