I remember a special day - my daughter was taking a karate belt test - we were all excited to go. I took my Z to pick something up from the store...it was a beautiful day...sun shining...birds...you get the picture.
There were even comments made about the car - I parked right in front of the store I was going into. "Nice car" and "You don't see those anymore", or "that's a classic". Yup, I was real proud of her, and even more proud that my daughter was going for a new belt! I couldn't wait!
As I came out of the store, I went to start up my Z. Cranked it once...cranked it twice. That's odd - it won't start. Hmmm, I am sure it's nothing - let me open the hood and look underneath. Nothing out of the ordinary, so let me try again. NOTHING.
So I call my wife. "Honey, I am stuck". You can imagine what I got as a response. Now I am in jeopardy of missing my kids test - what a bummer. Not to mention the embarrassment of being stuck in front of a store where the workers are asking me if everything is ok, blah blah.
Lucky for me, I have AAA...and although it took awhile for them to get there, I was able to get her home, get to the karate test (yep, she passed!), and diagnose the problem (fuel pump). I replaced it, and all was well with the world!
I love it when a plan comes together...