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Everything posted by Zedman

  1. NightowlZ, I was just going to the end of the thread to post the same thing. I am mostly partial to the look of a stock Z, but that is a nice body kit-a litlle more subtle than some of the others I've seen, and I like that the rear wheel wells haven't needed to be flared out. Very nice job, Dreco! And I like the same-colour bumpers, too. -Mikey
  2. That's a wild-looking Z, and if you like that look, it might be worth it. For me, though, I'd rather find an excellent stocker. -Mikey
  3. OK, NOW I'm insulted! ! Actually, 69 Camaros are second or third on my list of fave cars next to 240Z's, depending on what kind of mood I'm in on any given day (Shelby Cobras are my other one), so that's kinda funny...there's no comparison in real life or in the way I would draw them. I'm sorta getting the feeling you won't be a customer when I get this thing off the ground, Tomohawk, but I'm enjoying your contributions to this thread anyway! -Mikey
  4. I'm lovin' the way this thread is turning out, even though it's not exactly what I had in mind. Here's some stuff about it: 1) There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Classic Z Club shirt. In fact, I have got to get off my duff and order one soon. My whole idea as I mentioned in the other thread was to try to get some savings going so I can get me another 240Z, and since the Classic Z Club shirt is such a good rendering with a real photo of a Z I figured I would have to go in another direction if I was going to try to introduce another Z shirt to the market, so I went for the caricature version, which is what I like to do best anyway. I know there are also other caricature versions available, but at least in this style there is room for artistic difference, where in photos, the only differences are mainly the angle of the shot and the colour and trim of the cars. 2) As for the 'frenZee' thing, it was just a play on words that I was trying out, because I like car shirts with that kind of thing on them. In any case, it would look just as good with 240Z in the background and I am going to sketch up one like that to see for myself. I'm not sure how real I can make the logo look without having to worry about what Mr. Datsun () has to say about it. I am new to this stuff and not really sure about copyright laws. Maybe in a club this size there would be someone who could offer me some thoughts on that matter. 3) There won't be another car in the picture. To me, a Z is the thing and yep, you could show it racing some other car, but that's not really where I want it to go. These are my favourite cars and this idea is just to put my version of my favourite car out there. Besides, if I had to show it racing some other car, I would want to make the other car so far behind that the design would have to wrap around to the back side of the shirt ( again!). 4) As for the "SAMPLE" shadow letters, I just wanted to make the design a little more difficult to copy for anyone who had the devious inclination to do so. Up here in Canada, we have a thing called a 'Poor Man's Copyright', which is to mail a copy of your work to yourself in a registered letter, which you never unseal once you have received it and signed for it. That way, if you did have to prove in a court of law that it was your design, any other person trying to use it would have to prove that they had created it before the date on your registered letter. It's a crude and cheap system that also works for recordings of original musical compositions and stuff, and I don't think you guys have that down in the USA, so I just thought I'd go for the shadow letters. Sorry if it made the design harder to decifer. I am just paranoid a bit, because I sold 5 or 6 of my original prints to a guy at a HotWheels convention who mentioned after having bought the pictures that he had a t-shirt shop up in Alaska, and I have always wondered if my pictures had made it onto some shirts up north without my knowing about it. Anyway, enough wordy meandering. I just had a little too much time to sit at the keyboard this morning, and I hope my wanderings don't lessen any interest that any of you would have in the shirt once it's done. -Mikey
  5. Hmmm...lotsa looks, but not much feedback-is that a good or bad thing? Like I said, I would appreciate opinions, and yes, the frenzee thing can be dropped or changed. I am just in the planning stages here, and even would like to get a concensus on shirt colours-I tend to favour black or white, but imagine it would probably work better on white. -Mikey
  6. You mean the grey scrawl across the picture? Yeah, it says SAMPLE, but that's not part of the design. -Mikey
  7. Thanx SavannaZ-you got it right-does it confuse anybody else? To me it all made so much sense. Hmmm...it 's a thumbnail, so if you click on it you get the big version, which might (or might not) make it more apparent. I need more opinions, so let 'em rip! I also wonder if a black or white T would be the colour of choice. -Mikey
  8. Check out "Anybody up for a new Z shirt? PART TWO" -Mikey
  9. Ok, here's a quick scan (I hope) of my design. Should have done it sooner, but was being protective of my artwork. I am not so good at this computer stuff, so if this didn't work, have a laugh and bear with me. Life is a work in progress... -Mikey
  10. Zedman replied to KenshinX's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Congrats! Hope I'll be joining the ranks of Z owners again someday. The first speeding ticket I ever got was in my Z cruising down the highway listening to Deep Purple's 'Highway Star'. Cheezie or what? ! Anyways, I love Zep too and am excited for your purchase-way to go! -Mikey
  11. I've corresponded with Mike about an idea I have for selling a Z shirt, and he said it would be okay if I posted on here about it, so I just thought I'd post a thread asking if anybody was interested. For copyright reasons, I'm not ready to post a picture of the design just yet, but I CAN post a link that shows some of my other artwork. Go to: http://www.joesdiecastshack.com/artgallery.htm and check out just the artwork by Zeddmann (that's me) for an idea of the kind of work I do. All those pics are in B&W, but the shirt design, of course, would be in full colour depicting a 240Z in the same style, and I am thinking of printing on black T's. I will say I showed a rough sketch of my idea to some guys from the Vancouver Island Datsun Enthusiasts'c Club, and they loved it! I imagine the price would work out to around $20 plus shipping-I'll know better once I decide on how many I print to start. I'll be honest about this-my whole plan is to try to get some scratch going to get myself another Z. It's been about 23 years since I sold mine, and I CAN'T STAND IT ANY MORE-need another one! The kids are growing up, and have left me with some room in my life for a 2-seater and little spare cash, so I thought what better way to work towards my goal than by immortalizing the car I love the most. Any comments would be most sincerely appreciated. -Mikey
  12. Jeez, some guys just have a great eye for detail, don't they? How many of us wouldn't have noticed the flips? ! -Mikey
  13. Zedman replied to Zedman's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yeah, that's what I thought-is there a proper way that they be repaired back to original strength, or are they never quite the same? -Mikey
  14. Zedman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I mentioned in another post that I used to have a 72 240Z many years ago, but I got rid of it when I needed a bigger car for my family. When I sold it, it had rust in the common places under the doors and I am just curious about this. I am not a mechanic, but now that I am thinking about eventually getting another one at some point, are those rust areas matters of structural integrity in Z's, or are they more cosmetic in nature? I guess I am just asking because I hope to find one with no rust, but in case I come across any that have this type of rust, is it easily repairable or more of an issue than that? Thanx, -Mikey
  15. I just got back into Z's as well and I'm not complaining about the prices-I just hope they stay accessible until I have the scratch to get a good one! ! The way it looks to me, 240Z enthusiasts seem to be more likely into getting a decent driver to keep rather than being speculative buyers and sellers as is the case with other makes of cars. Of course with the Barrett-Jackson craze in full bloom, that could change at any time, so let's just keep the good value of Z's quiet for now, OK? -Mikey
  16. ...why do people do weird things to Z's? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z-fairlady-z-look_W0QQitemZ230012537809QQihZ013QQcategoryZ6187QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I guess to each his own... -Mikey
  17. I can't believe I haven't been on the site for nearly 2 years, but this good weather we're having has got me thinking about looking for a 240Z again. I had a '72 for my very first car back in the late 70's and rue the day I ever got rid of it, and I check out eBay once in a while, but am scared to take a chance on buying anything site unseen. All the good ones are apparently from down south and I live up here in Canada and haven't quite got the logistics of buying a car that way figured out, especially since I am no mechanic and wouldn't want to get in over my head with the wrong purchase. Any suggestions from any of you about how to find a Z in reasonable shape would be appreciated. I bet there are even other Canadian members on here who would have some words of wisdom... -Mikey
  18. It's not as expensive, but here's something just as wacky!: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3665036068&category=13604this -Mikey
  19. Zedman replied to Caen Fred's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    And his old stunt double was one of my classmates in Nanaimo, B.C. back in '75-made for great conversation at Grad reunions! -Mikey
  20. I'm new to this, but I'm curious if you experienced guys would think this is a good place to start for someone looking to do a resto; http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2433770790&category=6187 Thanx, -Mikey
  21. Ummm...Chris, I'm having a little trouble following you-who are you ranting at here? -Mikey
  22. I'm not a young person, and I'm not a Marxist either. I believe that Doctors and other professionals should be getting what they get for the most part, but it's the big business guys that kill me. I think yes, that people who head corpoations, being the ones in charge, are worth more, no doubt, but HOW MUCH MONEY DOES ONE NEED? Hell, if they want to have extra to lord it over us, fine, but like you said, Craig, there has to be some sort of an upper limit-how much is too much? Let's say for the sake of argument that an average worker in a corporation is earning say, $40,000 a year, and the CEO of the same corporation is earning $4,000,000 a year (which I'm sure is FAR LESS than most of them earn with all the other perks these days). That means that the CEO would be earning 100 times as much as his average employee. Is this is justified? Especially when the men at the top these days tend to be bean counters that know very little about what kind of manpower, ideas and programs are required to run the businesses at the ground level. Too many corporate decisions are made to impress only the shareholders without listening to the 'frontline' employees who see how the decisions affect business operations in the real world. For instance, when I phone my bank for assistance with a problem, I get someone on the line that lives about 5 or 600 miles away from me, even when I dial the local number! Do I want to talk to this person? NO, I want to talk to someone in my own branch in my own town, but this is a system set up by the big guys to cut costs, and it in fact makes customers less satisfied with the service they are getting. I am rambling now, I have to rest my brain, but I hope somehow in all of this I have made my point. Bye for now... -Mikey
  23. Steve, I'm sorry, but I kind of disagree with you on some points. While I admit it is great to see someone adequately compensated for their hard work, in corporate America today, the ones that are working the hardest are the little guys, and they (we) are the ones that are starving and/or worried about losing their jobs. The big guys are ruthless and for the most part have earned (?) their ridiculous sums of money by stepping on the little guys, abusing them, and then throwing them away when it looks more profitable to cut some more off the bottom. I know about this, because where I work we are in the middle of negotiations, and while the company is more than profitable, the CEO, who has accumulated about $167,000,000 in stock options during his time with the company, is trying his hardest to make us take as many concessions as he can shove down our collective throats, and he has only earned his 'wages' by chopping the guts out of the company, to the point that if we don't get rid of him soon, there will be no company left to revive. Sorry about the rant, since I'm new to the board and all, but due to the present state of my job, I felt compelled to vent. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for capitalism, I just get sick and tired of seeing CEO's who don't need the money amassing huge fortunes just to keep score in the big game, when there are other people out there who are barely scraping by. Sorry for the long read. -Mikey P.S. Mike, one sad thing about entrepreneurs is that a lot of new businesses get started by people that think as soon as they open their doors for business they can buy a new car, etc., without waiting to let the business get established. I'm sorry about this, I hope I'm not making any enemies by speaking my mind.
  24. Zedman replied to malder's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    If you were using oil from a fast food joint, would you have to add some Tums or Rolaids to it? Just Kidding! -Mikey
  25. Zedman replied to Zedman's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Michael, you are DA MAN! Thanx a million guys for your help! -MikeyROFL

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