ok, new problem for you all to fix.
well, i checked the rear u joints, and there isn't anything similar to the front propeller shaft u-joint, the rear ones are all tight. but it feels like theres a prob in the differential, its got a looseness, a clunk, like i had gotten from the u-joint, but its inside the differential. is this normal, what can i do?
ok, new problem for you all to fix.
well things went great (mostly) got the new joints, took out the old ones, put in the new ones, and viola, it no longer does what i was talking about, so i'm mighty happy, although it still doesn't run along as smoothly as any other car i've had:( is this just the way a Z goes? with new struts, new tires, and now the prob with the u-joint fixed, i had imagined a much smoother ride. thank you all very much for your help.
ok, new problem for you all to fix.
gentlemen, it looks like we may have a winner. after reading your posts, i started reading in my haynes book, and lo and behold, under propeller shaft-universal joints, it says, "wear is characterized by a 'clonk', metallic squeaking and grating/shrieking sounds." which, if you all remember any of my old posts, my car has plenty. so i crawled under the car, gripped the propeller shaft before and after the foreward u-joint and gave it a twist, it has a whole lot of play, the rear one has none. i have very little money to buy a new propeller shaft assembly. so now my question is: does anyone have a picture WITH labels of the whole u-joint? cuz the book just starts spewing out things like race, spider, journals. and i have no idea what they're talking about. thanks!
ok, new problem for you all to fix.
so i've been having a shaking in the rear, felt like my tires needed to be balanced, so i checked them out, and each tire is missing quite a bit of rubber, making them out of round, so i decided to get new tires. took away some of the shaking, but the majority is still there, i was wondering what i should do to fix this. it shakes just slightly when i coast at high speeds, but shakes pretty bad when i put on more gas. so i guess its not tires, its not struts cuz i just changed the cartridges, what is it now? i'm all open. thanks.
Not-so-funny funny noises.
okay, so i raised it up, put it in first, and let the wheels roll. the noise is not coming from any wheels/brakes, it seems to be coming from the middle of the car, its a rubbing noise, so i thought there could just be something hanging down onto the drive shaft, but i can't feel anything, heres how the noise progresses: i get a few sharp pings, then the grinding/rubbing noise happens, goes away when i press the clutch. it doesn't sound like the transmission is disintegrating(maybe just wishful thinking), although it looks like there has been a lot of fluid leaking out of this cable hooking into the transmission, i guess its the spedometer? what next, guys?
Not-so-funny funny noises.
its been raining pretty hard ever since i posted, so i haven't had much opportunity, although i know its not the brakes, i'll go through the suggestions during the weekend and check back with the results. thanks.
Not-so-funny funny noises.
i know that you're all going to tell me to take it to a shop because its tough to diagnose a funny noise without hearing it, but i really have no money to get it checked out. this happens sometimes when i'm driving, usually only when accelerating: i get a noise like something is rubbing very fast on an irregular surface, or maybe like a metal plate is shaking loose. it seems to be coming from the front right side of the engine. i jacked it up and checked things out, but nothing is loose. it is rythmic, and gets louder/faster when i put on more gas, when i let go of the gas, it goes away. like i said, i have very little money, but plenty of free time, please gimme something to look into! thanks.
72' 240 -Ticking in Tranny
Maybe my probelm is related: i have had a clicking or tapping sound going on for awhile, i checked the exhaust gasket, and the muffler nuts, but everything was ok, so i started looking for other things to fix, then, a few days ago whilst driving around, my engine began losing power at around 2,500 RPM, while the RPM's go higher. it feels like someone steps on the clutch at 2500. i haven't driven it since, and haven't had time to check things out yet, but i'd really like to see if our problems are related, and if they can be fixed easily and cheaply.
If you own a Zcar, what's your sex?
male. the majority of the z's i've see driving around have been driven by women, tho'. there was the green 260 up in tahoe, the tan 240 on the freeway, the blue 280 on the other freeway, the purple (yech) one getting the ticket, yep, all women.
top speed of a 72' 240z
roger that, manual says 120, top. some folks in my Kiwanis club told me stories about going 150-ish, stock, but i'm sure we all agree thats BS:)
I'm RICH! Well, my mixture is anyway...
um, from the last time i adjusted my carbs, i seem to remember that turning them COUNTERclockwise (when looking down on the carbs) leans the mixture. of course, i had very little sleep last night, so....
water temp gauge
whoops, i thought i had posted this already. i have a 1973 240Z. everything besides the tranny is original, as far as i know.
what is the world coming to?
btw, while we're talking about the igniton, what is the difference between a #6 and a #7? i went to the store to pick up another ignition switch, they had two different ones listed for the 240Z, i got the #7, which matched mine but the number 6 wasn't in stock so i couldn't take a look, whats diff. about the #6?
water temp gauge
yeah, my oil pressure gauge is working fine now guys, thanks. hmmm, so then its most likely my temp sending unit itself thats acting up? its almost brand new (its different from the original, but the paper it came with said it had just been redesigned but would work perfectly), is there a way i can test it? anybody have any ideas what that other dangling wire might be to? btw, the outside of the temp sending unit is grounded, so i don't think it is a problem with a good ground. thanks!
what is the world coming to?
someone tried to steal my Z out of my driveway the other night. thats right, peeling paint, dented fender, scratched windshield and all. lucky for me i had taken out the battery, taken out all the spark plugs, and had the coil sitting on my dining room table:) nonetheless, the guy thought jamming a screwdriver into my ignition would work, really tore up my ignition (and arm rest for some reason). he left my cd player for some reason, strange. makes me sad to know that we've got car thiefs (even idiot ones) up in my mountains.
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